name: Check For Common Mistakes on: pull_request: jobs: Check: runs-on: ubuntu-22.04 steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: # fetch-depth 50 tries to ensure we capture the whole history of the branch fetch-depth: 50 - name: Bootstrap run: ./ - name: Formatting run: | git config github-actions git config git --version unset VCPKG_ROOT git diff --name-status --merge-base HEAD^ HEAD --diff-filter=MAR -- '*portfile.cmake' | sed 's/[MAR]\t*//' > .github-pr.changed-portfiles if [ -s .github-pr.changed-portfiles ]; then (grep -n -H -E '(vcpkg_apply_patches|vcpkg_build_msbuild|vcpkg_extract_source_archive_ex)' $(cat .github-pr.changed-portfiles) || true) > .github-pr.deprecated-function; else touch .github-pr.deprecated-function; fi if [ -s .github-pr.changed-portfiles ]; then (grep -n -H -E '(vcpkg_install_cmake|vcpkg_build_cmake|vcpkg_configure_cmake|vcpkg_fixup_cmake_targets)' $(cat .github-pr.changed-portfiles) || true) > .github-pr.deprecated-cmake; else touch .github-pr.deprecated-cmake; fi git diff --name-status --merge-base HEAD^ HEAD --diff-filter=MAR -- '*vcpkg.json' | sed 's/[MAR]\t*//' > .github-pr.changed-manifest-files cat .github-pr.changed-manifest-files | while read filename; do grep -q -E '"license": ' "$filename" || echo "$filename" || true; done > .github-pr.missing-license cat .github-pr.changed-manifest-files | while read filename; do grep -n -H '"license": "' "$filename" || true; done > .github-pr.all-licenses cat .github-pr.all-licenses | while read license; do \ location=$(echo $license | grep -oP '^.*?:[0-9]+:'); \ echo $license | \ grep -oiP '(AGPL-1\.0|AGPL-3\.0|BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD|BSD-2-Clause-NetBSD|bzip2-1\.0\.5|eCos-2\.0|GFDL-1\.1|GFDL-1\.2|GFDL-1\.3|GPL-1\.0|GPL-1\.0\+|GPL-2\.0|GPL-2\.0\+|GPL-2\.0-with-autoconf-exception|GPL-2\.0-with-bison-exception|GPL-2\.0-with-classpath-exception|GPL-2\.0-with-font-exception|GPL-2\.0-with-GCC-exception|GPL-3\.0|GPL-3\.0\+|GPL-3\.0-with-autoconf-exception|GPL-3\.0-with-GCC-exception|LGPL-2\.0|LGPL-2\.0\+|LGPL-2\.1|LGPL-2\.1\+|LGPL-3\.0|LGPL-3\.0\+|Nunit|StandardML-NJ|wxWindows)(?=[ ")&|,])' | \ while read id; do \ echo "$location$id"; \ done || true; \ done > .github-pr.deprecated-license ./vcpkg format-manifest --all --convert-control git diff > .github-pr.format-manifest git add -u git commit -m "tmp" --allow-empty # HEAD^^ refers to the "main" commit that was merged into git checkout HEAD^^ -- versions git restore --staged versions ./vcpkg x-add-version --all --skip-formatting-check | grep 'instead of "version-string"' | tee .github-pr.version-string.out || true git checkout -- versions ./vcpkg x-add-version --all --skip-formatting-check --skip-version-format-check | tee .github-pr.x-add-version.out || true git diff > .github-pr.x-add-version.diff git reset HEAD~ --mixed - name: Generate Reply uses: actions/github-script@v7 with: script: | const { promises: fs } = require('fs') const add_version = (await fs.readFile('.github-pr.x-add-version.diff', 'utf8')).trim() const add_version_out = (await fs.readFile('.github-pr.x-add-version.out', 'utf8')).trim() const version_string_out = (await fs.readFile('.github-pr.version-string.out', 'utf8')).trim() const format = (await fs.readFile('.github-pr.format-manifest', 'utf8')).trim() const deprecated_function = (await fs.readFile('.github-pr.deprecated-function', 'utf8')).split('\n').filter(s => s.length > 0) const deprecated_cmake = (await fs.readFile('.github-pr.deprecated-cmake', 'utf8')).split('\n').filter(s => s.length > 0) const missing_license = (await fs.readFile('.github-pr.missing-license', 'utf8')).trim() const deprecated_license = (await fs.readFile('.github-pr.deprecated-license', 'utf8')).split('\n').filter(s => s.length > 0) let approve = true; if (format !== "") { var format_output = ''; format_output += "All vcpkg.json files must be formatted. To fix this problem, run:\n"; format_output += "./vcpkg format-manifest ports/*/vcpkg.json\n"; format_output += "\n"; format_output += "It should make the following changes:"; format_output += "```diff\n" + format + "\n```"; core.error(format_output); approve = false; } if (add_version_out !== "") { var add_version_output = ''; add_version_output += "PRs must add only one version, and must not modify any published versions.\n"; add_version_output += "When making any changes to a library, the version or port-version in vcpkg.json must be modified, and the version database updated.\n"; add_version_output += "Making the following changes will fix this problem:"; add_version_output += "```diff\n" + add_version_out + "\n```"; core.error(add_version_output); approve = false; } if (version_string_out !== "") { core.warning(version_string_out); } if (add_version !== "") { var update_version_db_output = ''; update_version_db_output += "After committing all other changes, the version database must be updated.\n"; update_version_db_output += "This can be done by running the following commands after committing your changes:\n" update_version_db_output += "\n" update_version_db_output += "git add -u && git commit\n" update_version_db_output += "git checkout ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.sha }} -- versions\n" update_version_db_output += "./vcpkg x-add-version --all" core.error(update_version_db_output); approve = false; } if (deprecated_function.length > 0) { var deprecated_output = ''; deprecated_output += "**You have modified or added at least one portfile where deprecated functions are used**\n" deprecated_output += "If you feel able to do so, please consider migrating them to the new functions.\n"; core.warning(deprecated_output); let deprecated_functions = { vcpkg_extract_source_archive_ex: 'vcpkg_extract_source_archive', vcpkg_build_msbuild: 'vcpkg_install_msbuild', vcpkg_apply_patches: 'the PATCHES arguments to the \"extract\" helpers (for example, vcpkg_from_github() (', }; for (let line of deprecated_function) { // line has the format: :: 0) { var deprecated_output = ''; deprecated_output += "You have modified or added at least one portfile where deprecated functions are used.\n" deprecated_output += "These functions have been forbidden in vcpkg, please migrating them to the new functions.\n"; deprecated_output += "In the ports that use the new function vcpkg_cmake_configure, vcpkg_cmake_install, vcpkg_cmake_build or vcpkg_cmake_config_fixup, you have to add the corresponding dependencies:\n"; deprecated_output += "```json\n"; deprecated_output += '{\n "name": "vcpkg-cmake",\n "host": true\n},\n' deprecated_output += '{\n "name": "vcpkg-cmake-config",\n "host": true\n}\n'; deprecated_output += "```\n"; core.error(deprecated_output); let deprecated_functions = { vcpkg_install_cmake: 'vcpkg_cmake_install (from port vcpkg-cmake)', vcpkg_install_cmake: 'vcpkg_cmake_install (from port vcpkg-cmake)', vcpkg_build_cmake: 'vcpkg_cmake_build (from port vcpkg-cmake)', vcpkg_configure_cmake: 'vcpkg_cmake_configure (Please remove the option PREFER_NINJA) (from port vcpkg-cmake)', vcpkg_fixup_cmake_targets: 'vcpkg_cmake_config_fixup (from port vcpkg-cmake-config)', }; for (let line of deprecated_cmake) { // line has the format: :: 0) { core.summary.addRaw('You have modified or added at least one vcpkg.json where you should check the \"license\" field.'); core.summary.addEOL(); } if (missing_license !== "") { license_output = 'If you feel able to do so, please consider adding a "license" field to the following files:\n' license_output += missing_license license_output += "\n\nValid values for the license field can be found at\n\n" core.warning(license_output); } for (let line of deprecated_license) { [file, line_number, match] = line.split(':'); var license_output = `SPDX deprecated license identifier ${match}.`; license_output += "\nIf you feel able to do so, please consider replacing it." license_output += "\nUpdated license identifiers can be found at" core.notice(license_output, {file, startLine: line_number}); } core.summary.write(); if (!approve) { process.exitCode = 1; }