# vcpkg_configure_make Configure `configure` for Debug and Release builds of a project. ## Usage ```cmake vcpkg_configure_make( SOURCE_PATH <${SOURCE_PATH}> [AUTOCONFIG] [DISABLE_AUTO_HOST] [DISABLE_AUTO_DST] [GENERATOR] [NO_DEBUG] [SKIP_CONFIGURE] [PROJECT_SUBPATH <${PROJ_SUBPATH}>] [PRERUN_SHELL <${SHELL_PATH}>] [OPTIONS <-DUSE_THIS_IN_ALL_BUILDS=1>...] [OPTIONS_RELEASE <-DOPTIMIZE=1>...] [OPTIONS_DEBUG <-DDEBUGGABLE=1>...] ) ``` ## Parameters ### SOURCE_PATH Specifies the directory containing the `configure`/`configure.ac`. By convention, this is usually set in the portfile as the variable `SOURCE_PATH`. ### PROJECT_SUBPATH Specifies the directory containing the ``configure`/`configure.ac`. By convention, this is usually set in the portfile as the variable `SOURCE_PATH`. Should use `GENERATOR NMake` first. ### NO_DEBUG This port doesn't support debug mode. ### SKIP_CONFIGURE Skip configure process ### AUTOCONFIG Need to use autoconfig to generate configure file. ### DISABLE_AUTO_HOST Don't set host automatically, the default value is `i686`. If use this option, you will need to set host manually. ### DISABLE_AUTO_DST Don't set installation path automatically, the default value is `${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}` and `${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/debug` If use this option, you will need to set dst path manually. ### GENERATOR Specifies the precise generator to use. NMake: nmake(windows) make(unix) MAKE: make(windows) make(unix) ### PRERUN_SHELL Script that needs to be called before configuration ### OPTIONS Additional options passed to configure during the configuration. ### OPTIONS_RELEASE Additional options passed to configure during the Release configuration. These are in addition to `OPTIONS`. ### OPTIONS_DEBUG Additional options passed to configure during the Debug configuration. These are in addition to `OPTIONS`. ## Notes This command supplies many common arguments to configure. To see the full list, examine the source. ## Examples * [x264](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/ports/x264/portfile.cmake) * [tcl](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/ports/tcl/portfile.cmake) * [freexl](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/ports/freexl/portfile.cmake) * [libosip2](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/ports/libosip2/portfile.cmake) ## Source [scripts/cmake/vcpkg_configure_make.cmake](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/scripts/cmake/vcpkg_configure_make.cmake)