Source: paraview Version: 5.8.0 Homepage: Description: VTK-based Data Analysis and Visualization Application Build-Depends: vtk[core,paraview], protobuf, cgns, boost-core, boost-format, boost-algorithm Feature: vtkm Description: enables vtkm for the build of paraview Build-Depends: vtk[core,vtkm] Feature: python Description: enables the build of python wrappers Build-Depends: vtk[core,python] Feature: cuda Description: enables cuda within paraview Build-Depends: cuda, vtk[core, cuda] Feature: mpi Description: enables cuda within paraview Build-Depends: hdf5[core,parallel], vtk[core, mpi] Feature: all_modules Description: enables the build of all paraview modules Build-Depends: gdal, pdal, ffmpeg, laszip