# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # parameters: - name: vcpkgToolSha displayName: 'Custom SHA of vcpkg-tool to use rather than bootstrap' type: string default: 'use default' - name: jobName type: string default: 'x86_windows' - name: tripletPattern displayName: 'Enable the triplets which contain this substring' type: string default: '' jobs: - job: ${{ parameters.jobName }} condition: and(succeeded(), contains('^${{ replace(parameters.jobName, '_', '-') }}$', '${{ parameters.tripletPattern }}')) pool: name: PrWin-1ES demands: ImageVersionOverride -equals 2024.05.20 workspace: clean: resources timeoutInMinutes: 2880 # 2 days dependsOn: mintsas variables: - name: WORKING_ROOT value: D:\ - name: VCPKG_DOWNLOADS value: D:\downloads - name: DiffFile value: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\format.diff - name: ExtraChecksTriplet value: x86-windows - name: X_VCPKG_ASSET_SOURCES value: $[ dependencies.mintsas.outputs['mintsasstep.X_VCPKG_ASSET_SOURCES'] ] - name: X_VCPKG_BINARY_SOURCE_STUB value: $[ dependencies.mintsas.outputs['mintsasstep.X_VCPKG_BINARY_SOURCE_STUB'] ] steps: - script: .\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat displayName: 'Bootstrap vcpkg' condition: eq('use default', '${{ parameters.vcpkgToolSha }}') - script: .\scripts\azure-pipelines\windows\bootstrap-from-source.cmd ${{ parameters.vcpkgToolSha }} displayName: "Build vcpkg with CMake" condition: ne('use default', '${{ parameters.vcpkgToolSha }}') - script: '.\vcpkg.exe format-manifest --all' displayName: 'Format Manifests' condition: eq('${{ replace(parameters.jobName, '_', '-') }}', '${{ variables.ExtraChecksTriplet }}') - task: PowerShell@2 displayName: 'Create Diff' condition: eq('${{ replace(parameters.jobName, '_', '-') }}', '${{ variables.ExtraChecksTriplet }}') inputs: filePath: scripts/azure-pipelines/Create-PRDiff.ps1 arguments: "-DiffFile '$(DiffFile)'" pwsh: true - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1 displayName: 'Publish Format and Documentation Diff' condition: and(eq('${{ replace(parameters.jobName, '_', '-') }}', '${{ variables.ExtraChecksTriplet }}'), failed()) inputs: PathtoPublish: '$(DiffFile)' ArtifactName: 'format.diff' - task: PowerShell@2 displayName: '*** Test Modified Ports' env: X_VCPKG_ASSET_SOURCES: $(X_VCPKG_ASSET_SOURCES) inputs: failOnStderr: true filePath: 'scripts/azure-pipelines/test-modified-ports.ps1' arguments: "-Triplet ${{ replace(parameters.jobName, '_', '-') }} -BuildReason $(Build.Reason) -BinarySourceStub \"$(X_VCPKG_BINARY_SOURCE_STUB)\" -WorkingRoot ${{ variables.WORKING_ROOT }} -ArtifactStagingDirectory $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)" pwsh: true - task: PowerShell@2 displayName: 'Validate version files' condition: eq('${{ replace(parameters.jobName, '_', '-') }}', '${{ variables.ExtraChecksTriplet }}') inputs: filePath: 'scripts/azure-pipelines/windows/validate-version-files.ps1' pwsh: true - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1 displayName: "Publish Artifact: failure logs for ${{ replace(parameters.jobName, '_', '-') }}" inputs: PathtoPublish: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\failure-logs' ArtifactName: "failure logs for ${{ replace(parameters.jobName, '_', '-') }}" condition: ne(variables['FAILURE_LOGS_EMPTY'], 'True') - task: PowerShell@2 displayName: 'Build a file list for all packages' condition: always() inputs: targetType: inline script: | ./vcpkg.exe fetch python3 & $(.\vcpkg fetch python3) .\scripts\file_script.py D:\installed\vcpkg\info\ pwsh: true - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1 displayName: "Publish Artifact: file lists for ${{ replace(parameters.jobName, '_', '-') }}" condition: always() inputs: PathtoPublish: scripts/list_files ArtifactName: "file lists for ${{ replace(parameters.jobName, '_', '-') }}" - task: PublishTestResults@2 displayName: 'Publish Test Results' condition: ne(variables['XML_RESULTS_FILE'], '') inputs: testRunTitle: ${{ replace(parameters.jobName, '_', '-') }} testResultsFormat: xUnit testResultsFiles: $(XML_RESULTS_FILE) platform: ${{ replace(parameters.jobName, '_', '-') }}