require 'json' configuration = JSON.parse("#{__dir__}/vagrant-configuration.json")) server = { :machine_name => configuration['machine_name'], :box => configuration['box_name'], :box_version => configuration['box_version'], :ram => 12000, :cpu => 11 } azure_agent_url = '' devops_url = configuration['devops_url'] agent_pool = configuration['agent_pool'] pat = configuration['pat'] Vagrant.configure('2') do |config| = server[:box] config.vm.box_version = server[:box_version] config.vm.synced_folder '.', '/vagrant', disabled: true config.vm.provider 'parallels' do |prl| prl.memory = server[:ram] prl.cpus = server[:cpu] end config.vm.provision 'shell', run: 'once', name: 'Create the data directory', inline: "mkdir ~/Data", privileged: false config.vm.provision 'shell', run: 'once', name: 'Download azure agent', inline: "curl -s -o ~/Downloads/azure-agent.tar.gz #{azure_agent_url}", privileged: false config.vm.provision 'shell', run: 'once', name: 'Unpack azure agent', inline: 'mkdir myagent; cd myagent; tar xf ~/Downloads/azure-agent.tar.gz', privileged: false config.vm.provision 'shell', run: 'once', name: 'Add VM to azure agent pool', inline: "cd ~/myagent;\ ./ --unattended \ --url #{devops_url} \ --work ~/Data/work \ --auth pat --token #{pat} \ --pool #{agent_pool} \ --agent #{server[:machine_name]} \ --replace \ --acceptTeeEula", privileged: false # Start listening for jobs config.vm.provision 'shell', run: 'always', name: 'Start running azure pipelines', inline: 'cd /Users/vagrant/myagent;\ nohup ./', privileged: false end