vcpkg_from_github( OUT_SOURCE_PATH SOURCE_PATH REPO breakfastquay/rubberband REF v2.0.2 SHA512 56e33f3a6f5755242e46f9cb224e372bea7a367756f08d3322c8951a40b3907f1a2957775de6f2584a093e6adf82ca91015119650d5a624afe39086a47843ddc HEAD_REF default ) vcpkg_configure_meson( SOURCE_PATH "${SOURCE_PATH}" OPTIONS -Dfft=fftw # 'auto', 'builtin', 'kissfft', 'fftw', 'vdsp', 'ipp' 'FFT library to use. The default (auto) will use vDSP if available, the builtin implementation otherwise.') -Dresampler=libsamplerate # 'auto', 'builtin', 'libsamplerate', 'speex', 'ipp' 'Resampler library to use. The default (auto) simply uses the builtin implementation.' -Dipp_path= # 'Path to Intel IPP libraries, if selected for any of the other options.' -Dextra_include_dirs= # 'Additional local header directories to search for dependencies.' -Dextra_lib_dirs= # 'Additional local library directories to search for dependencies.' ) vcpkg_install_meson() vcpkg_fixup_pkgconfig() vcpkg_copy_pdbs() if(EXISTS "${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/bin/rubberband-program${VCPKG_TARGET_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX}") # Rubberband uses a different executable name when compiled with msvc # Just looking for that file is faster than detecting msvc builds set(RUBBERBAND_PROGRAM_NAME rubberband-program) else() set(RUBBERBAND_PROGRAM_NAME rubberband) endif() # Features cli and lv2 are build whenever suficient dependencies are installed, # Remove them when not enabled. if("cli" IN_LIST FEATURES) vcpkg_copy_tools(TOOL_NAMES "${RUBBERBAND_PROGRAM_NAME}" AUTO_CLEAN) else() vcpkg_clean_executables_in_bin(FILE_NAMES "${RUBBERBAND_PROGRAM_NAME}") endif() # lv2 feature is not supported yet because vcpkg can't isntall to # %APPDATA%\LV2 or %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\LV2 but also complains about dlls in "${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/lib/lv2" file(REMOVE_RECURSE "${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/lib/lv2" "${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/debug/lib/lv2") file( INSTALL "${SOURCE_PATH}/COPYING" DESTINATION "${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/share/${PORT}" RENAME copyright )