{ "name": "openimageio", "version": "", "description": "A library for reading and writing images, and a bunch of related classes, utilities, and application.", "homepage": "https://github.com/OpenImageIO/oiio", "license": "BSD-3-Clause", "dependencies": [ "boost-algorithm", "boost-asio", "boost-config", "boost-filesystem", "boost-foreach", "boost-random", "boost-regex", "boost-smart-ptr", "boost-stacktrace", "boost-static-assert", "boost-system", "boost-thread", "boost-type-traits", "fmt", "libjpeg-turbo", "libpng", "openexr", "robin-map", { "name": "tiff", "default-features": false }, { "name": "vcpkg-cmake", "host": true }, { "name": "vcpkg-cmake-config", "host": true }, "zlib" ], "features": { "ffmpeg": { "description": "Enable ffmpeg support for openimageio", "dependencies": [ { "name": "ffmpeg", "default-features": false, "features": [ "avresample" ] } ] }, "freetype": { "description": "Enable freetype support for openimageio", "dependencies": [ "freetype" ] }, "gif": { "description": "Enable giflib support for openimageio", "dependencies": [ "giflib" ] }, "libheif": { "description": "Enable heif support for openimageio", "dependencies": [ "libheif" ] }, "libraw": { "description": "Enable RAW image files support", "dependencies": [ "libraw" ] }, "opencolorio": { "description": [ "Enable opencolorio support for openimageio.", "This feature can only be used when openexr and opencolorio use the same version of Imath." ], "dependencies": [ "opencolorio" ] }, "opencv": { "description": "Enable opencv support for openimageio", "dependencies": [ { "name": "opencv", "default-features": false } ] }, "openjpeg": { "description": "Enable openjpeg support for openimageio", "dependencies": [ "openjpeg" ] }, "pybind11": { "description": "Enable Python bindings support for openimageio", "dependencies": [ "pybind11", "python3" ] }, "tools": { "description": "Build openimageio tools" }, "viewer": { "description": "Build openimageio viewer", "dependencies": [ "opengl", { "name": "openimageio", "features": [ "tools" ] }, { "name": "qtbase", "default-features": false } ] }, "webp": { "description": "Enable libwebp support for openimageio", "dependencies": [ "libwebp" ] } } }