{ "name": "libtcod", "version": "1.23.0", "maintainers": "Kyle Benesch <4b796c65+github@gmail.com>", "description": "Common algorithms and tools for roguelikes.", "homepage": "https://github.com/libtcod/libtcod", "documentation": "https://libtcod.readthedocs.io/en/latest/", "license": "BSD-3-Clause", "dependencies": [ "stb", { "name": "vcpkg-cmake", "host": true }, { "name": "vcpkg-cmake-config", "host": true } ], "default-features": [ "png", "sdl", "unicode", "zlib" ], "features": { "png": { "description": "Support for reading and writing PNG files. Required to save screenshots and to load tilesets from files.", "dependencies": [ "lodepng" ] }, "sdl": { "description": "Support for SDL2 windows and events including OpenGL support and the libtcod context.", "dependencies": [ "glad", "sdl2" ] }, "threads": { "description": "Support for deprecated threading functions. If in doubt then leave this disabled." }, "unicode": { "description": "Support for non-ASCII characters. Required for text printing functions", "dependencies": [ "utf8proc" ] }, "zlib": { "description": "Support for REXPaint files and TCODZip archives.", "dependencies": [ "zlib" ] } } }