# Common Ambient Variables: # CURRENT_BUILDTREES_DIR = ${VCPKG_ROOT_DIR}\buildtrees\${PORT} # CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR = ${VCPKG_ROOT_DIR}\packages\${PORT}_${TARGET_TRIPLET} # CURRENT_PORT_DIR = ${VCPKG_ROOT_DIR}\ports\${PORT} # PORT = current port name (zlib, etc) # TARGET_TRIPLET = current triplet (x86-windows, x64-windows-static, etc) # VCPKG_CRT_LINKAGE = C runtime linkage type (static, dynamic) # VCPKG_LIBRARY_LINKAGE = target library linkage type (static, dynamic) # VCPKG_ROOT_DIR = # VCPKG_TARGET_ARCHITECTURE = target architecture (x64, x86, arm) # include(vcpkg_common_functions) set(SOURCE_PATH ${CURRENT_BUILDTREES_DIR}/src/FMILibrary-2.0.3) vcpkg_download_distfile(ARCHIVE URLS "https://jmodelica.org/fmil/FMILibrary-2.0.3-src.zip" FILENAME "FMILibrary-2.0.3-src.zip" SHA512 86e4b5019d8f2a76b01141411845d977fb3949617604de0b34351f23647e3e8b378477de184e1c4f2f59297bc4c7de3155e0edba9099b8924594a36b37b04cc8 ) vcpkg_extract_source_archive(${ARCHIVE}) # Note that if you have configured and built both static and shared library on Windows # but want to link with the static library compile time define "FMILIB_BUILDING_LIBRARY" must be set. if (WIN32 AND VCPKG_LIBRARY_LINKAGE STREQUAL static) SET(FMILIB_BUILDING_LIBRARY ON) else() SET(FMILIB_BUILDING_LIBRARY OFF) endif() # Use static run-time libraries (/MT or /MTd code generation flags) # This is only used when generating Microsoft Visual Studio solutions. If the options is on then the library will # be built against static runtime, otherwise - dynamic runtime (/MD or /MDd). Make sure the client code is using # matching runtime if (WIN32 AND VCPKG_CRT_LINKAGE STREQUAL static) SET(FMILIB_BUILD_WITH_STATIC_RTLIB ON) else() SET(FMILIB_BUILD_WITH_STATIC_RTLIB OFF) endif() # On LINUX position independent code (-fPIC) must be used on all files to be linked into a shared library (.so file). # On other systems this is not needed (either is default or relocation is done). Set this option to OFF if you # are building an application on Linux and use static library only if (UNIX AND VCPKG_LIBRARY_LINKAGE STREQUAL static) SET(FMILIB_BUILD_FOR_SHARED_LIBS OFF) else() SET(FMILIB_BUILD_FOR_SHARED_LIBS ON) endif() # Only build the requested library if(VCPKG_LIBRARY_LINKAGE STREQUAL static) SET(FMILIB_BUILD_STATIC_LIB ON) SET(FMILIB_BUILD_SHARED_LIB OFF) else() SET(FMILIB_BUILD_STATIC_LIB OFF) SET(FMILIB_BUILD_SHARED_LIB ON) endif() SET(OPTIONS -DFMILIB_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DFMILIB_BUILD_STATIC_LIB=${FMILIB_BUILD_STATIC_LIB} -DFMILIB_BUILD_SHARED_LIB=${FMILIB_BUILD_SHARED_LIB} -DFMILIB_BUILDING_LIBRARY=${FMILIB_BUILDING_LIBRARY} -DFMILIB_BUILD_WITH_STATIC_RTLIB=${FMILIB_BUILD_WITH_STATIC_RTLIB} ) # Reset package dir file(REMOVE_RECURSE ${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}) foreach(BUILDTYPE "rel" "dbg") message("Building ${TARGET_TRIPLET}-${BUILDTYPE}...") string(COMPARE EQUAL ${BUILDTYPE} "rel" RELEASE_BUILD) SET(BUILD_DIR ${CURRENT_BUILDTREES_DIR}/${TARGET_TRIPLET}-${BUILDTYPE}) # Reset working dir file(REMOVE_RECURSE ${BUILD_DIR}) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${BUILD_DIR}) if(RELEASE_BUILD) SET(FMILIB_INSTALL_PREFIX ${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}) else() SET(FMILIB_INSTALL_PREFIX ${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/debug) endif() # Step 1: Configure vcpkg_execute_required_process(COMMAND cmake -DFMILIB_INSTALL_PREFIX=${FMILIB_INSTALL_PREFIX} -DFMILIB_DEFAULT_BUILD_TYPE_RELEASE=${RELEASE_BUILD} ${OPTIONS} ${SOURCE_PATH} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${BUILD_DIR} ) # Step 2: Build # Custom build - becouse vcpkg_configure_cmake() + vcpkg_install_cmake() fails on Linux for some unknown reason if (UNIX) find_program(MAKE make) if(NOT MAKE) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find make. Please install it through your package manager.") endif() vcpkg_execute_required_process(COMMAND make "install" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${BUILD_DIR}) else() if(RELEASE_BUILD) SET(CONFIG "MinSizeRel") else() SET(CONFIG "Debug") endif() vcpkg_execute_required_process(COMMAND cmake --build . --config ${CONFIG} --target "install" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${BUILD_DIR} ) endif() if (RELEASE_BUILD) # remove /doc folder file(REMOVE_RECURSE ${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/doc) # Move .dll files (if any) from /lib to /bin file(GLOB TMP ${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/lib/*.dll) if (TMP) file(COPY ${TMP} DESTINATION ${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/bin) file(REMOVE ${TMP}) # Add bin to path set(ENV{PATH} "${CURRENT_INSTALLED_DIR}/${VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET}/bin;$ENV{PATH}") endif() else() # remove duplicate folders in /debug file(REMOVE_RECURSE ${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/debug/include) file(REMOVE_RECURSE ${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/debug/doc) # Move .dll files (if any) from /lib to /bin file(GLOB TMP ${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/debug/lib/*.dll) if (TMP) file(COPY ${TMP} DESTINATION ${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/debug/bin) file(REMOVE ${TMP}) # Add bin to path set(ENV{PATH} "${CURRENT_INSTALLED_DIR}/${VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET}/debug/bin;$ENV{PATH}") endif() endif() message("Building ${TARGET_TRIPLET}-${BUILDTYPE}... Done") endforeach() vcpkg_copy_pdbs() # Handle copyright file(INSTALL ${SOURCE_PATH}/LICENSE.md DESTINATION ${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/share/fmilib RENAME copyright)