# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # variables: windows-pool: 'PrWin-2020-12-17' linux-pool: 'PrLin-2020-12-16' osx-pool: 'PrOsx-2020-09-28' stages: - stage: FormatChecks displayName: 'Formatting and Documentation Checks' pool: $(windows-pool) jobs: - job: workspace: clean: resources variables: - name: VCPKG_DOWNLOADS value: D:\downloads - name: DiffFile value: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\format.diff steps: - task: Powershell@2 displayName: 'Generate Documentation' inputs: filePath: 'docs/regenerate.ps1' arguments: '-VcpkgRoot . -WarningAction Stop' pwsh: true - script: .\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat displayName: 'Bootstrap vcpkg' - script: '.\vcpkg.exe format-manifest --all' displayName: 'Format Manifests' - task: Powershell@2 displayName: 'Create Diff' inputs: filePath: scripts/azure-pipelines/Create-PRDiff.ps1 arguments: '-DiffFile $(DiffFile)' pwsh: true - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1 condition: failed() displayName: 'Publish Format and Documentation Diff' inputs: PathtoPublish: '$(DiffFile)' ArtifactName: 'format.diff' - stage: RunPrTests displayName: 'Run PR Tests:' dependsOn: FormatChecks jobs: - template: windows/azure-pipelines.yml parameters: triplet: x86-windows jobName: x86_windows poolName: $(windows-pool) - template: windows/azure-pipelines.yml parameters: triplet: x64-windows jobName: x64_windows poolName: $(windows-pool) - template: windows/azure-pipelines.yml parameters: triplet: x64-windows-static jobName: x64_windows_static poolName: $(windows-pool) - template: windows/azure-pipelines.yml parameters: triplet: x64-windows-static-md jobName: x64_windows_static_md poolName: $(windows-pool) - template: windows/azure-pipelines.yml parameters: triplet: x64-uwp jobName: x64_uwp poolName: $(windows-pool) - template: windows/azure-pipelines.yml parameters: triplet: arm64-windows jobName: arm64_windows poolName: $(windows-pool) - template: windows/azure-pipelines.yml parameters: triplet: arm-uwp jobName: arm_uwp poolName: $(windows-pool) - template: osx/azure-pipelines.yml parameters: poolName: $(osx-pool) - template: linux/azure-pipelines.yml parameters: poolName: $(linux-pool)