[CmdletBinding()] param ( $libraries = @(), $version = "1.73.0", $portsDir = $null ) $scriptsDir = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition if ($null -eq $portsDir) { $portsDir = "$scriptsDir/../../ports" } # Optionally clear this array when moving to a new boost version $port_versions = @{ "asio" = 1; "context" = 1; "coroutine" = 1; "fiber" = 1; "filesystem" = 1; "graph-parallel" = 1; "iostreams" = 1; "locale" = 1; "log" = 1; "mpi" = 1; "parameter-python" = 1; "poly-collection" = 1; "python" = 1; "safe-numerics" = 1; "stacktrace" = 1; "test" = 1; "wave" = 1; "boost" = 1 } $per_port_data = @{ "fiber" = @{ "supports" = "windows&!uwp&!arm" }; "filesystem" = @{ "supports" = "!uwp" }; "iostreams" = @{ "supports" = "!uwp" }; "context" = @{ "supports" = "!uwp" }; "stacktrace" = @{ "supports" = "!uwp" }; "coroutine" = @{ "supports" = "!arm&!uwp" }; "test" = @{ "supports" = "!uwp" }; "wave" = @{ "supports" = "!uwp" }; "log" = @{ "supports" = "!uwp" }; "locale" = @{ "supports" = "!uwp"; "features" = @( "Feature: icu" "Build-Depends: icu" "Description: ICU backend for Boost.Locale" )}; "python" = @{ "supports" = "!uwp&!(arm&windows)"; "features" = @( "Feature: python2" "Build-Depends: python2 (windows)" "Description: Build with Python2 support" )}; "regex" = @{ "features" = @( "Feature: icu" "Build-Depends: icu" "Description: ICU backend for Boost.Regex" )} } function TransformReference() { param ( [string]$library ) if ($per_port_data[$library].supports) { "$library ($($per_port_data[$library].supports))" } else { "$library" } } function Generate() { param ( [string]$Name, [string]$PortName, [string]$Hash, [bool]$NeedsBuild, $Depends = @() ) $controlDeps = ($Depends | sort) -join ", " mkdir "$portsDir/boost-$PortName" -erroraction SilentlyContinue | out-null $controlLines = @( "# Automatically generated by boost-vcpkg-helpers/generate-ports.ps1" "Source: boost-$PortName" "Version: $version" ) if ($port_versions[$PortName]) { $controlLines += @("Port-Version: $($port_versions[$PortName])") } $controlLines += @( "Build-Depends: $controlDeps" "Homepage: https://github.com/boostorg/$Name" "Description: Boost $Name module" ) if ($per_port_data[$PortName].supports) { $controlLines += @("Supports: $($per_port_data[$PortName].supports)") } if ($per_port_data[$PortName].features) { $controlLines += @("") + $per_port_data[$PortName].features } $controlLines | out-file -enc ascii "$portsDir/boost-$PortName/CONTROL" $portfileLines = @( "# Automatically generated by boost-vcpkg-helpers/generate-ports.ps1" "" ) if ($PortName -eq "system") { $portfileLines += @( "vcpkg_buildpath_length_warning(37)" "" ) } $portfileLines += @( "vcpkg_from_github(" " OUT_SOURCE_PATH SOURCE_PATH" " REPO boostorg/$Name" " REF boost-$version" " SHA512 $Hash" " HEAD_REF master" ) $patches = ls $portsDir/boost-$PortName/*.patch if ($patches.Count -eq 0) { } elseif ($patches.Count -eq 1) { $portfileLines += @(" PATCHES $($patches.name)") } else { $portfileLines += @(" PATCHES") foreach ($patch in $patches) { $portfileLines += @(" $($patches.name)") } } $portfileLines += @( ")" "" ) if (Test-Path "$scriptsDir/post-source-stubs/$PortName.cmake") { $portfileLines += @(get-content "$scriptsDir/post-source-stubs/$PortName.cmake") } if ($NeedsBuild) { $portfileLines += @( "include(`${CURRENT_INSTALLED_DIR}/share/boost-build/boost-modular-build.cmake)" ) # b2-options.cmake contains port-specific build options if (Test-Path "$portsDir/boost-$PortName/b2-options.cmake") { $portfileLines += @( "boost_modular_build(" " SOURCE_PATH `${SOURCE_PATH}" " BOOST_CMAKE_FRAGMENT `"`${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/b2-options.cmake`"" ")" ) } else { $portfileLines += @( "boost_modular_build(SOURCE_PATH `${SOURCE_PATH})" ) } } $portfileLines += @( "include(`${CURRENT_INSTALLED_DIR}/share/boost-vcpkg-helpers/boost-modular-headers.cmake)" "boost_modular_headers(SOURCE_PATH `${SOURCE_PATH})" ) if (Test-Path "$scriptsDir/post-build-stubs/$PortName.cmake") { $portfileLines += @(get-content "$scriptsDir/post-build-stubs/$PortName.cmake") } $portfileLines | out-file -enc ascii "$portsDir/boost-$PortName/portfile.cmake" } if (!(Test-Path "$scriptsDir/boost")) { "Cloning boost..." pushd $scriptsDir try { git clone https://github.com/boostorg/boost --branch boost-$version } finally { popd } } else { pushd $scriptsDir/boost try { git fetch git checkout -f boost-$version } finally { popd } } $libraries_found = ls $scriptsDir/boost/libs -directory | % name | % { if ($_ -match "numeric") { "numeric_conversion" "interval" "odeint" "ublas" "safe_numerics" } elseif ($_ -eq "headers") { } else { $_ } } mkdir $scriptsDir/downloads -erroraction SilentlyContinue | out-null if ($libraries.Length -eq 0) { $libraries = $libraries_found } $libraries_in_boost_port = @() foreach ($library in $libraries) { "Handling boost/$library..." $archive = "$scriptsDir/downloads/$library-boost-$version.tar.gz" if (!(Test-Path $archive)) { "Downloading boost/$library..." & @(vcpkg fetch aria2)[-1] "https://github.com/boostorg/$library/archive/boost-$version.tar.gz" -d "$scriptsDir/downloads" -o "$library-boost-$version.tar.gz" } $hash = vcpkg hash $archive $unpacked = "$scriptsDir/libs/$library-boost-$version" if (!(Test-Path $unpacked)) { "Unpacking boost/$library..." mkdir $scriptsDir/libs -erroraction SilentlyContinue | out-null pushd $scriptsDir/libs try { cmake -E tar xf $archive } finally { popd } } pushd $unpacked try { $groups = $( findstr /si /C:"include ).*", "`$1" ` -replace "/|\.hp?p?| ","" } | group | % name | % { # mappings Write-Verbose "${library}: $_" if ($_ -match "aligned_storage") { "type_traits" } elseif ($_ -match "noncopyable|ref|swap|get_pointer|checked_delete|visit_each") { "core" } elseif ($_ -eq "type") { "core" } elseif ($_ -eq "concept") { "concept_check" } elseif ($_ -match "unordered_") { "unordered" } elseif ($_ -match "cstdint|integer_fwd|integer_traits") { "integer" } elseif ($_ -match "call_traits|operators|current_function|cstdlib|next_prior|compressed_pair") { "utility" } elseif ($_ -match "^version|^workaround") { "config" } elseif ($_ -match "enable_shared_from_this|shared_ptr|make_shared|make_unique|intrusive_ptr|scoped_ptr|pointer_cast|pointer_to_other|weak_ptr|shared_array|scoped_array") { "smart_ptr" } elseif ($_ -match "iterator_adaptors|generator_iterator|pointee") { "iterator" } elseif ($_ -eq "regex_fwd") { "regex" } elseif ($_ -eq "make_default") { "convert" } elseif ($_ -eq "foreach_fwd") { "foreach" } elseif ($_ -eq "cerrno") { "system" } elseif ($_ -eq "circular_buffer_fwd") { "circular_buffer" } elseif ($_ -eq "archive") { "serialization" } elseif ($_ -match "none|none_t") { "optional" } elseif ($_ -eq "limits") { "compatibility" } elseif ($_ -match "cstdfloat|math_fwd") { "math" } elseif ($_ -eq "cast") { "conversion"; "numeric_conversion" } # DEPRECATED header file, includes and elseif ($_ -match "polymorphic_cast|implicit_cast") { "conversion" } elseif ($_ -eq "nondet_random") { "random" } elseif ($_ -eq "memory_order") { "atomic" } elseif ($_ -match "blank|blank_fwd|numeric_traits") { "detail" } elseif ($_ -match "is_placeholder|mem_fn") { "bind" } elseif ($_ -eq "exception_ptr") { "exception" } elseif ($_ -match "multi_index_container|multi_index_container_fwd") { "multi_index" } elseif ($_ -eq "lexical_cast") { "lexical_cast"; "math" } elseif ($_ -match "token_iterator|token_functions") { "tokenizer" } elseif ($_ -eq "numeric" -and $library -notmatch "numeric_conversion|interval|odeint|ublas") { "numeric_conversion"; "interval"; "odeint"; "ublas" } elseif ($_ -eq "io_fwd") { "io" } else { $_ } } | group | % name | ? { $_ -ne $library } #"`nFor ${library}:" " [known] " + $($groups | ? { $libraries_found -contains $_ }) " [unknown] " + $($groups | ? { $libraries_found -notcontains $_ }) $deps = @($groups | ? { $libraries_found -contains $_ }) $deps = @($deps | ? { # Boost contains cycles, so remove a few dependencies to break the loop. (($library -notmatch "core|assert|mpl|detail|throw_exception|type_traits|^exception") -or ($_ -notmatch "utility")) ` -and ` (($library -notmatch "assert") -or ($_ -notmatch "integer"))` -and ` (($library -notmatch "range") -or ($_ -notmatch "algorithm"))` -and ` (($library -ne "config") -or ($_ -notmatch "integer"))` -and ` (($library -notmatch "multiprecision") -or ($_ -notmatch "random|math"))` -and ` (($library -notmatch "lexical_cast") -or ($_ -notmatch "math"))` -and ` (($library -notmatch "functional") -or ($_ -notmatch "function"))` -and ` (($library -notmatch "detail") -or ($_ -notmatch "static_assert|integer|mpl|type_traits"))` -and ` ($_ -notmatch "mpi")` -and ` (($library -notmatch "spirit") -or ($_ -notmatch "serialization"))` -and ` (($library -notmatch "throw_exception") -or ($_ -notmatch "^exception"))` -and ` (($library -notmatch "iostreams") -or ($_ -notmatch "random"))` -and ` (($library -notmatch "utility|concept_check") -or ($_ -notmatch "iterator")) } | % { $_ -replace "_","-" } | % { "boost-" + (TransformReference $_) }) $deps += @("boost-vcpkg-helpers") $needsBuild = $false if ((Test-Path $unpacked/build/Jamfile.v2) -and $library -ne "metaparse" -and $library -ne "graph_parallel") { $deps += @("boost-build", "boost-modular-build-helper") $needsBuild = $true } if ($library -eq "python") { $deps += @("python3") $needsBuild = $true } elseif ($library -eq "iostreams") { $deps += @("zlib", "bzip2", "liblzma", "zstd") } elseif ($library -eq "locale") { $deps += @("libiconv (!uwp&!windows)", "boost-system") } elseif ($library -eq "asio") { $deps += @("openssl") } elseif ($library -eq "mpi") { $deps += @("mpi") } $portName = $library -replace "_","-" Generate ` -Name $library ` -PortName $portName ` -Hash $hash ` -Depends $deps ` -NeedsBuild $needsBuild $libraries_in_boost_port += @(TransformReference $portName) } finally { popd } } if ($libraries_in_boost_port.length -gt 1) { # Generate master boost control file which depends on each individual library # mpi is excluded due to it having a dependency on msmpi/openmpi $boostDependsList = @($libraries_in_boost_port | % { "boost-$_" } | ? { $_ -notmatch "boost-mpi" }) -join ", " @( "# Automatically generated by boost-vcpkg-helpers/generate-ports.ps1" "Source: boost" "Version: $version" "Port-Version: $($port_versions.boost)" "Homepage: https://boost.org" "Description: Peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries" "Build-Depends: $boostDependsList" "" "Feature: mpi" "Description: Build with MPI support" "Build-Depends: boost-mpi" ) | out-file -enc ascii $portsDir/boost/CONTROL "set(VCPKG_POLICY_EMPTY_PACKAGE enabled)`n" | out-file -enc ascii $portsDir/boost/portfile.cmake } return