node-api-headers provides CMake targets: find_package(unofficial-node-api-headers CONFIG REQUIRED) target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE unofficial::node-api-headers::node-api-headers) Add this to your CMakeLists.txt to build a Node.js addon: add_library(addon SHARED main.cpp ...) set_target_properties(addon PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME "my-addon" PREFIX "" SUFFIX ".node") find_package(unofficial-node-api-headers CONFIG REQUIRED) target_link_libraries(addon PRIVATE unofficial::node-api-headers::node-api-headers) You will be able to load your addon in JavaScript code: const addon = require("/path/to/addon/my-addon.node"); Make sure that your Node.js OS/architecture matches vcpkg triplet you use. Also, make sure to register a module in your C/C++ code like official example does: This port doesn't have specific functionality for publishing npm packages. See