# Common Ambient Variables: # CURRENT_BUILDTREES_DIR = ${VCPKG_ROOT_DIR}\buildtrees\${PORT} # CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR = ${VCPKG_ROOT_DIR}\packages\${PORT}_${TARGET_TRIPLET} # CURRENT_PORT_DIR = ${VCPKG_ROOT_DIR}\ports\${PORT} # PORT = current port name (zlib, etc) # TARGET_TRIPLET = current triplet (x86-windows, x64-windows-static, etc) # VCPKG_CRT_LINKAGE = C runtime linkage type (static, dynamic) # VCPKG_LIBRARY_LINKAGE = target library linkage type (static, dynamic) # VCPKG_ROOT_DIR = # VCPKG_TARGET_ARCHITECTURE = target architecture (x64, x86, arm) # include(vcpkg_common_functions) vcpkg_download_distfile(ARCHIVE URLS "@URL@" FILENAME "@FILENAME@" SHA512 @SHA512@ ) vcpkg_extract_source_archive_ex( OUT_SOURCE_PATH SOURCE_PATH ARCHIVE ${ARCHIVE} # (Optional) A friendly name to use instead of the filename of the archive (e.g.: a version number or tag). # REF 1.0.0 # (Optional) Read the docs for how to generate patches at: # https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/docs/examples/patching.md # PATCHES # 001_port_fixes.patch # 002_more_port_fixes.patch ) vcpkg_configure_cmake( SOURCE_PATH ${SOURCE_PATH} PREFER_NINJA # Disable this option if project cannot be built with Ninja # OPTIONS -DUSE_THIS_IN_ALL_BUILDS=1 -DUSE_THIS_TOO=2 # OPTIONS_RELEASE -DOPTIMIZE=1 # OPTIONS_DEBUG -DDEBUGGABLE=1 ) vcpkg_install_cmake() # Handle copyright # file(INSTALL ${SOURCE_PATH}/LICENSE DESTINATION ${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/share/@PORT@ RENAME copyright) # Post-build test for cmake libraries # vcpkg_test_cmake(PACKAGE_NAME @PORT@)