{ "name": "cmake-user", "version-date": "2022-11-12", "description": "Test port to verify the vcpkg toolchain in cmake user projects", "license": "MIT", "default-features": [ "ci" ], "features": { "ci": { "description": "The CI set of features to test", "dependencies": [ { "name": "cmake-user", "default-features": false, "features": [ "cmake-current", "find-package", "pkg-check-modules" ] }, { "name": "cmake-user", "default-features": false, "features": [ "cmake-3-7" ], "platform": "x64 & (windows | linux | osx) & !uwp" } ] }, "cmake-3-7": { "description": "Run the tests with CMake 3.7" }, "cmake-current": { "description": "Run the tests with vcpkg's current version of CMake" }, "find-package": { "description": "Ports to be tested via find_package($package)", "dependencies": [ { "$package": "Boost", "name": "boost", "platform": "!uwp" }, { "$package": "BZip2", "name": "bzip2" }, { "$package": "CURL", "name": "curl", "default-features": false }, { "$package": "EXPAT", "name": "expat" }, { "$package": "Fontconfig", "$since": "3.14", "name": "fontconfig", "platform": "!mingw & !uwp" }, { "$comment": "CMake 3.13 for debug postfix support", "$package": "GLUT", "$since": "3.13", "name": "freeglut", "platform": "!uwp & !osx" }, { "$package": "Freetype", "name": "freetype", "default-features": false }, { "$comment": "CMake 3.9 for find_dependency forwarding extra arguments", "$package": "GDAL", "$since": "3.9", "name": "gdal", "default-features": false, "platform": "!uwp" }, { "$package": "Intl", "name": "gettext-libintl" }, { "$package": "GIF", "name": "giflib" }, { "$package": "ICU", "name": "icu", "platform": "!uwp" }, { "$package": "LAPACK", "name": "lapack", "platform": "!(uwp & arm)" }, { "$package": "GnuTLS", "name": "libgnutls", "platform": "!android & (!windows | mingw)" }, { "$package": "Iconv", "$since": "3.11", "name": "libiconv" }, { "$package": "JPEG", "name": "libjpeg-turbo" }, { "$package": "LibLZMA", "name": "liblzma" }, { "$package": "PNG", "name": "libpng" }, { "$package": "PostgreSQL", "name": "libpq", "default-features": false, "platform": "!uwp & !mingw" }, { "$comment": "CMake 3.11 because it needs Iconv", "$package": "LibXml2", "$since": "3.11", "name": "libxml2", "default-features": false }, { "$comment": "CMake 3.11 because it needs Iconv", "$package": "LibXslt", "$since": "3.11", "name": "libxslt", "default-features": false, "platform": "!uwp & !mingw" }, { "$package": "Curses", "name": "ncurses", "platform": "!windows | mingw" }, { "$package": "PhysFS", "name": "physfs" }, { "$package": "GnuTLS", "name": "shiftmedia-libgnutls", "platform": "windows & !arm & !mingw & !xbox" }, { "$package": "SQLite3", "$since": "3.14", "name": "sqlite3", "default-features": false }, { "$package": "TIFF", "name": "tiff", "default-features": false, "features": [ "lerc", "libdeflate", "zstd" ] }, { "$package": "wxWidgets", "name": "wxwidgets", "default-features": false, "platform": "!uwp" }, { "$package": "ZLIB", "name": "zlib" } ] }, "pkg-check-modules": { "description": "Test `find_package(PkgConfig)` and pkg_check_modules(...)", "dependencies": [ { "name": "pkgconf", "host": true }, "zlib" ] } } }