#! /usr/bin/env pwsh [CmdletBinding()] Param( [String]$VcpkgRoot = '' ) if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($VcpkgRoot)) { $VcpkgRoot = "${PSScriptRoot}/.." } $VcpkgRoot = Resolve-Path $VcpkgRoot if (-not (Test-Path "$VcpkgRoot/.vcpkg-root")) { throw "Invalid vcpkg instance, did you forget -VcpkgRoot?" } class CMakeDocumentation { [String]$Filename [String[]]$ActualDocumentation [Bool]$IsDeprecated [String]$DeprecationMessage [String]$DeprecatedByName [String]$DeprecatedByPath [Bool]$HasError } [String[]]$cmakeScriptsPorts = @( 'vcpkg-cmake' 'vcpkg-gn' 'vcpkg-cmake-config' 'vcpkg-cmake-get-vars' 'vcpkg-pkgconfig-get-modules' ) [CMakeDocumentation[]]$tableOfContents = @() [CMakeDocumentation[]]$internalTableOfContents = @() $portTableOfContents = [ordered]@{} function RelativeUnixPathTo { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String]$Path, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String]$Base ) $Path = Resolve-Path -LiteralPath $Path $Base = Resolve-Path -LiteralPath $Base if ($IsWindows) { if ((Split-Path -Qualifier $Path) -ne (Split-Path -Qualifier $Base)) { throw "It is not possible to get the relative unix path from $Base to $Path" } } $Path = $Path -replace '\\','/' $Base = $Base -replace '\\','/' [String[]]$PathArray = $Path -split '/' [String[]]$BaseArray = $Base -split '/' [String[]]$Result = @() $Idx = 0 while ($Idx -lt $PathArray.Length -and $Idx -lt $BaseArray.Length) { if ($PathArray[$Idx] -ne $BaseArray[$Idx]) { break } ++$Idx } for ($BaseIdx = $Idx; $BaseIdx -lt $BaseArray.Length; ++$BaseIdx) { $Result += '..' } for ($PathIdx = $Idx; $PathIdx -lt $PathArray.Length; ++$PathIdx) { $Result += $PathArray[$PathIdx] } $Result -join '/' } function WriteFile { Param( [String[]]$Value, [String]$Path ) # note that we use this method of getting the utf-8 bytes in order to: # - have no final `r`n, which happens when Set-Content does the thing automatically on Windows # - have no BOM, which happens when one uses [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8 [byte[]]$ValueAsBytes = (New-Object -TypeName 'System.Text.UTF8Encoding').GetBytes($Value -join "`n") Set-Content -Path $Path -Value $ValueAsBytes -AsByteStream } function FinalDocFile { Param( [CMakeDocumentation]$Docs, [String]$PathToFile # something like docs/maintainers/blah.md ) [String[]]$documentation = @() if ($Docs.ActualDocumentation.Length -eq 0) { throw "Invalid documentation: empty docs" } $documentation += $Docs.ActualDocumentation[0] # name line if ($Docs.IsDeprecated) { if ($null -eq $Docs.DeprecationMessage -or $Docs.DeprecationMessage -match '^ *$') { if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Docs.DeprecatedByName)) { $message = " in favor of [``$($Docs.DeprecatedByName)``]($($Docs.DeprecatedByPath)$($Docs.DeprecatedByName).md)" $Docs.DeprecatedByPath -match '^ports/([a-z\-]+)/$' | Out-Null $port = $matches[1] if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($port)) { $message += " from the $port port." } } $documentation += @("", "**This function has been deprecated$message**") } else { $documentation += @("", "**This function has been deprecated $($Docs.DeprecationMessage)**") } } $documentation += @("", "The latest version of this document lives in the [vcpkg repo](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/docs/$PathToFile).") $documentation += $Docs.ActualDocumentation[1..$Docs.ActualDocumentation.Length] $relativePath = RelativeUnixPathTo $Docs.Filename $VcpkgRoot $documentation += @( "", "## Source", "[$($relativePath -replace '_','\_')](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/$relativePath)", "" ) $documentation } function ParseCmakeDocComment { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.IO.FileSystemInfo]$Filename ) $Docs = New-Object 'CMakeDocumentation' $Docs.HasError = $False $Docs.IsDeprecated = $False $Docs.Filename = $Filename.FullName [String[]]$contents = Get-Content $Filename if ($contents[0] -eq '# DEPRECATED') { $Docs.IsDeprecated = $True } elseif($contents[0] -match '^# DEPRECATED( BY (([^/]+/)+)(.+))?((: *)(.*))?$') { $Docs.IsDeprecated = $True $Docs.DeprecatedByPath = $matches[2] $Docs.DeprecatedByName = $matches[4] $Docs.DeprecationMessage = $matches[7] } [String]$startCommentRegex = '#\[(=*)\[' [String]$endCommentRegex = '' [Bool]$inComment = $False $contents = $contents | ForEach-Object { if (-not $inComment) { if ($_ -match "^\s*${startCommentRegex}(\.[a-z]*)?:?\s*$") { if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($matches[2]) -and $matches[2] -ne '.md') { Write-Warning "The documentation in $($Filename.FullName) doesn't seem to be markdown (extension: $($matches[2])). Only markdown is supported; please rewrite the documentation in markdown." } $inComment = $True $endCommentRegex = "\]$($matches[1])\]" } elseif ($_ -match $startCommentRegex) { $Docs.HasError = $True Write-Warning "Invalid start of comment -- the comment start must be at the beginning of the line. (on line: `"$_`")" } else { # do nothing -- we're outside a comment, so cmake code } } else { if ($_ -match "^\s*#?${endCommentRegex}\s*$") { $inComment = $False $endCommentRegex = '' } elseif ($_ -match $endCommentRegex) { $Docs.HasError = $True Write-Warning "Invalid end of comment -- the comment end must be on it's own on a line. (on line: `"$_`")" } else { # regular documentation line $_ } } } if ($inComment) { Write-Warning "File $($Filename.FullName) has an unclosed comment." $Docs.HasError = $True } if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($contents)) { $Docs.ActualDocumentation = $contents } $Docs } Get-ChildItem "$VcpkgRoot/scripts/cmake" -Filter '*.cmake' | ForEach-Object { $docs = ParseCmakeDocComment $_ [Bool]$isInternalFunction = $_.Name.StartsWith("z_vcpkg") if ($docs.IsDeprecated -and $null -eq $docs.ActualDocumentation) { return } if ($docs.HasError) { return } if ($null -ne $docs.ActualDocumentation) { if ($isInternalFunction) { $pathToFile = "maintainers/internal/$($_.BaseName).md" WriteFile ` -Path "$PSScriptRoot/$pathToFile" ` -Value (FinalDocFile $docs) $internalTableOfContents += $docs } else { $pathToFile = "maintainers/$($_.BaseName).md" WriteFile ` -Path "$PSScriptRoot/$pathToFile" ` -Value (FinalDocFile $docs $pathToFile) $tableOfContents += $docs } } elseif (-not $isInternalFunction) { # don't worry about undocumented internal functions Write-Warning "The cmake function in file $($_.FullName) doesn't seem to have any documentation. Make sure the documentation comments are correctly written." } } $cmakeScriptsPorts | ForEach-Object { $portName = $_ if (Test-Path "$VcpkgRoot/ports/$portName/README.md") { Copy-Item "$VcpkgRoot/ports/$portName/README.md" "$PSScriptRoot/maintainers/ports/$portName.md" } New-Item -Path "$PSScriptRoot/maintainers/ports/$portName" -Force -ItemType 'Directory' | Out-Null $portTableOfContents[$portName] = @() Get-ChildItem "$VcpkgRoot/ports/$portName" -Filter '*.cmake' | ForEach-Object { if ($_.Name -eq 'vcpkg-port-config.cmake' -or $_.Name -eq 'portfile.cmake') { return } $docs = ParseCmakeDocComment $_ if ($docs.IsDeprecated -and $null -eq $docs.ActualDocumentation) { return } if ($docs.HasError) { return } if ($null -ne $docs.ActualDocumentation) { $pathToFile = "maintainers/ports/$portName/$($_.BaseName).md" WriteFile ` -Path "$PSScriptRoot/$pathToFile" ` -Value (FinalDocFile $docs $pathToFile) $portTableOfContents[$portName] += $docs } else { Write-Warning "The cmake function in file $($_.FullName) doesn't seem to have any documentation. Make sure the documentation comments are correctly written." } } } $portfileFunctionsContent = @( '', '', '# Portfile helper functions') function GetDeprecationMessage { Param( [CMakeDocumentation]$Doc ) $message = '' if ($Doc.IsDeprecated) { $message = " (deprecated" if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Doc.DeprecatedByName)) { $message += ", use [$($($Doc.DeprecatedByName) -replace '_','\_')]($($Doc.DeprecatedByPath)$($Doc.DeprecatedByName).md)" } $message += ")" } $message } $DocsName = @{ expression = { Split-Path -LeafBase $_.Filename } } $tableOfContents | Sort-Object -Property $DocsName -Culture '' | ForEach-Object { $name = Split-Path -LeafBase $_.Filename $portfileFunctionsContent += "- [$($name -replace '_','\_')]($name.md)" + $(GetDeprecationMessage $_) } $portfileFunctionsContent += @("", "## Internal Functions", "") $internalTableOfContents | Sort-Object -Property $DocsName -Culture '' | ForEach-Object { $name = Split-Path -LeafBase $_.Filename $portfileFunctionsContent += "- [$($name -replace '_','\_')](internal/$name.md)" + $(GetDeprecationMessage $_) } $portfileFunctionsContent += @("", "## Scripts from Ports") $portTableOfContents.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { $portName = $_.Name $cmakeDocs = $_.Value $portfileFunctionsContent += @("", "### [$portName](ports/$portName.md)", "") $cmakeDocs | ForEach-Object { $name = Split-Path -LeafBase $_.Filename $portfileFunctionsContent += "- [$($name -replace '_','\_')](ports/$portName/$name.md)" + $(GetDeprecationMessage $_) } } $portfileFunctionsContent += "" # final newline WriteFile ` -Path "$PSScriptRoot/maintainers/portfile-functions.md" ` -Value $portfileFunctionsContent