{ "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/vcpkg-tool/main/docs/vcpkg.schema.json", "name": "tinyorm", "version-semver": "0.38.1", "maintainers": "Silver Zachara ", "description": "Modern C++ ORM library for Qt framework", "homepage": "https://github.com/silverqx/TinyORM", "documentation": "https://www.tinyorm.org", "license": "MIT", "supports": "!(uwp | arm | android | emscripten | osx | ios | xbox | freebsd | openbsd | wasm32)", "dependencies": [ { "name": "qtbase", "default-features": false }, "range-v3", "tabulate", { "name": "vcpkg-cmake", "host": true }, { "name": "vcpkg-cmake-config", "host": true } ], "default-features": [ "orm", "sql-sqlite", "tom" ], "features": { "build-mysql-driver": { "description": "Build TinyDrivers MySQL database driver (provided by TinyDrivers)", "dependencies": [ "libmysql" ] }, "disable-thread-local": { "description": "Remove all thread_local storage duration specifiers (disables multi-threading support)" }, "inline-constants": { "description": "Use inline constants instead of extern constants in shared builds" }, "mysql-ping": { "description": "Install MySQL C client library (libmysql) to support the mysql_ping()", "dependencies": [ "libmysql" ] }, "orm": { "description": "Enable ORM-related source code (without it only the query builder is compiled)" }, "sql-mysql": { "description": "Build Qt SQL MySQL database driver (provided by QtSql)", "dependencies": [ { "name": "qtbase", "default-features": false, "features": [ "sql-mysql" ] } ] }, "sql-psql": { "description": "Build Qt SQL PostgreSQL database driver (provided by QtSql)", "dependencies": [ { "name": "qtbase", "default-features": false, "features": [ "sql-psql" ] } ] }, "sql-sqlite": { "description": "Build Qt SQL SQLite database driver (provided by QtSql)", "dependencies": [ { "name": "qtbase", "default-features": false, "features": [ "sql-sqlite" ] } ] }, "strict-mode": { "description": "Propagate strict compiler/linker options and Qt definitions" }, "tom": { "description": "Enable Tom-related source code (command-line interface)" }, "tom-example": { "description": "Build Tom command-line application example", "dependencies": [ { "name": "tinyorm", "default-features": false, "features": [ "tom" ] } ] } } }