# Outcome is composed of other third party libraries: # Outcome # <= status-code # <= quickcpplib # <= byte-lite # <= gsl-lite # <= Optional # # byte-lite and gsl-lite are in vcpkg, but may not be versions # known to be compatible with Outcome. It has occurred in the # past that newer versions were severely broken with Outcome. # # One can fetch an 'all sources' tarball from # https://github.com/ned14/outcome/releases which contains # the exact copy of those third party libraries known to # have passed Outcome's CI process. message(WARNING [=[ Outcome depends on QuickCppLib which uses the vcpkg versions of gsl-lite and byte-lite, rather than the versions tested by QuickCppLib's and Outcome's CI. It is not guaranteed to work with other versions, with failures experienced in the past up-to-and-including runtime crashes. See the warning message from QuickCppLib for how you can pin the versions of those dependencies in your manifest file to those with which QuickCppLib was tested. Do not report issues to upstream without first pinning the versions as QuickCppLib was tested against. ]=]) vcpkg_from_github( OUT_SOURCE_PATH SOURCE_PATH REPO ned14/outcome REF v2.2.0 SHA512 2391667304c0160b7c753df157c948fa7d7f362c9f7f238fc53b0dcbdabe23f6d481909bb8e267c749af8c5c1a1c5083e91c12365fe1beb9bc70e6287f526879 HEAD_REF develop PATCHES outcome-prune-sources.patch ) # Outcome needs a copy of QuickCppLib with which to bootstrap its cmake file(COPY "${CURRENT_INSTALLED_DIR}/include/quickcpplib" DESTINATION "${SOURCE_PATH}/quickcpplib/repo/include/" ) file(COPY "${CURRENT_INSTALLED_DIR}/share/ned14-internal-quickcpplib/" DESTINATION "${SOURCE_PATH}/quickcpplib/repo/" ) # Outcome expects status-code to live inside its include directory file(COPY "${CURRENT_INSTALLED_DIR}/include/status-code/" DESTINATION "${SOURCE_PATH}/include/outcome/experimental/status-code/include/" ) file(COPY "${CURRENT_INSTALLED_DIR}/include/status-code/detail/" DESTINATION "${SOURCE_PATH}/include/outcome/experimental/status-code/include/detail/" ) # Because outcome's deployed files are header-only, the debug build is not necessary set(VCPKG_BUILD_TYPE release) # Already installed dependencies don't appear on the include path, which Outcome assumes. string(APPEND VCPKG_CXX_FLAGS " \"-I${CURRENT_INSTALLED_DIR}/include\"") string(APPEND VCPKG_C_FLAGS " \"-I${CURRENT_INSTALLED_DIR}/include\"") # Use Outcome's own build process, skipping examples and tests. vcpkg_configure_cmake( SOURCE_PATH "${SOURCE_PATH}" PREFER_NINJA OPTIONS -DPROJECT_IS_DEPENDENCY=On -Dquickcpplib_FOUND=1 -DOUTCOME_ENABLE_DEPENDENCY_SMOKE_TEST=ON # Leave this always on to test everything compiles -DCMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_Git=ON ) if("run-tests" IN_LIST FEATURES) vcpkg_build_cmake(TARGET test) endif() vcpkg_install_cmake() vcpkg_fixup_cmake_targets(CONFIG_PATH lib/cmake/outcome) file(REMOVE_RECURSE "${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/lib") file(INSTALL "${CURRENT_PORT_DIR}/usage" DESTINATION "${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/share/${PORT}") file(INSTALL "${SOURCE_PATH}/Licence.txt" DESTINATION "${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/share/${PORT}" RENAME copyright)