# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # parameters: - name: vcpkgToolSha displayName: 'Custom SHA of vcpkg-tool to use rather than bootstrap' type: string default: 'use default' - name: triplet type: string - name: jobName type: string - name: poolName type: string - name: dockerImage type: string - name: tripletPattern displayName: 'Enable the triplets which contain this substring' type: string default: '' jobs: - job: ${{ parameters.jobName }} condition: and(succeeded(), contains('^${{ parameters.triplet }}$', '${{ parameters.tripletPattern }}')) pool: name: ${{ parameters.poolName }} workspace: clean: resources timeoutInMinutes: 1440 # 1 day cancelTimeoutInMinutes: 1 variables: - name: WORKING_ROOT value: /mnt/vcpkg-ci - name: VCPKG_DOWNLOADS value: /mnt/vcpkg-ci/downloads - group: vcpkg-asset-caching-credentials - name: X_VCPKG_ASSET_SOURCES value: "x-azurl,$(root-url-ea),$(sas-ea),readwrite" - group: vcpkg-binary-caching-credentials - name: X_VCPKG_BINARY_SOURCE_STUB value: "x-azblob,$(root-bin-url-wus3),$(sas-bin-wus3)" steps: # Note: /mnt is the Azure machines' temporary disk. - bash: | curl -sL https://aka.ms/InstallAzureCLIDeb | sudo bash az login --identity az acr login --name AndContainerRegistry displayName: 'Set up managed identity' - bash: | sudo mkdir /home/agent -m=777 sudo chown `id -u` /home/agent sudo mkdir ${{ variables.WORKING_ROOT }} -m=777 sudo rm -rf ${{ variables.WORKING_ROOT }}/failure-logs sudo mkdir ${{ variables.WORKING_ROOT }}/failure-logs -m=777 sudo mkdir ${{ variables.VCPKG_DOWNLOADS }} -m=777 exit 0 displayName: 'Create working directories' - bash: | docker run --rm \ --mount type=bind,source=$(Build.Repository.LocalPath),target=/vcpkg \ ${{ parameters.dockerImage }} \ ./bootstrap-vcpkg.sh displayName: 'Bootstrap vcpkg' condition: eq('use default', '${{ parameters.vcpkgToolSha }}') - bash: | docker run --rm \ --mount type=bind,source=$(Build.Repository.LocalPath),target=/vcpkg \ ${{ parameters.dockerImage }} \ ./scripts/azure-pipelines/bootstrap-from-source.sh ${{ parameters.vcpkgToolSha }} displayName: "Build vcpkg with CMake" condition: ne('use default', '${{ parameters.vcpkgToolSha }}') - bash: | CONTAINERS=$(docker ps -a -q) if [ -n "$CONTAINERS" ]; then docker rm -f $CONTAINERS fi displayName: 'Stop and remove all docker containers' - bash: | docker pull ${{ parameters.dockerImage }} displayName: 'Pull Docker Container' - task: Bash@3 inputs: targetType: inline script: | USER=$(id --user) docker run --init -i \ -a stderr \ -a stdout \ --user $USER \ --mount type=bind,source=$(Build.Repository.LocalPath),target=/vcpkg \ --mount type=bind,source=$(WORKING_ROOT)/failure-logs,target=/vcpkg/failure-logs \ --mount type=bind,source=/mnt/vcpkg-ci,target=/mnt/vcpkg-ci \ --env X_VCPKG_ASSET_SOURCES="x-azurl,$(root-url-ea),$(sas-ea),readwrite" \ ${{ parameters.dockerImage }} \ pwsh \ -File /vcpkg/scripts/azure-pipelines/test-modified-ports.ps1 \ -Triplet ${{ parameters.triplet }} \ -BuildReason $(Build.Reason) \ -BinarySourceStub "$(X_VCPKG_BINARY_SOURCE_STUB)" \ -WorkingRoot ${{ variables.WORKING_ROOT }} \ -IsLinuxHost failOnStderr: true displayName: '*** Test Modified Ports' - bash: | CONTAINERS=$(docker ps -a -q) if [ -n "$CONTAINERS" ]; then docker rm -f $CONTAINERS fi displayName: 'Stop and remove all docker containers' condition: always() - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1 displayName: 'Publish Artifact: failure logs for ${{ parameters.triplet }}' inputs: PathtoPublish: '$(WORKING_ROOT)/failure-logs' ArtifactName: 'failure logs for ${{ parameters.triplet }}' condition: ne(variables['FAILURE_LOGS_EMPTY'], 'True') - bash: | python3 scripts/file_script.py /mnt/vcpkg-ci/installed/vcpkg/info/ displayName: 'Build a file list for all packages' condition: always() - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1 displayName: 'Publish Artifact: file lists for ${{ parameters.triplet }}' condition: always() inputs: PathtoPublish: scripts/list_files ArtifactName: 'file lists for ${{ parameters.triplet }}' - task: PublishTestResults@2 displayName: 'Publish Test Results' condition: ne(variables['XML_RESULTS_FILE'], '') inputs: testRunTitle: ${{ parameters.triplet }} testResultsFormat: xUnit testResultsFiles: $(XML_RESULTS_FILE) platform: ${{ parameters.triplet }}