function(z_vcpkg_fixup_pkgconfig_process_data arg_variable arg_config arg_prefix) # This normalizes all data to start and to end with a newline, and # to use LF instead of CRLF. This allows to use simpler regex matches. string(REPLACE "\r\n" "\n" contents "\n${${arg_variable}}\n") string(REPLACE "${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}" [[${prefix}]] contents "${contents}") string(REPLACE "${CURRENT_INSTALLED_DIR}" [[${prefix}]] contents "${contents}") if(VCPKG_HOST_IS_WINDOWS) string(REGEX REPLACE "^([a-zA-Z]):/" [[/\1/]] unix_packages_dir "${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}") string(REPLACE "${unix_packages_dir}" [[${prefix}]] contents "${contents}") string(REGEX REPLACE "^([a-zA-Z]):/" [[/\1/]] unix_installed_dir "${CURRENT_INSTALLED_DIR}") string(REPLACE "${unix_installed_dir}" [[${prefix}]] contents "${contents}") endif() string(REGEX REPLACE "\n[\t ]*prefix[\t ]*=[^\n]*" "" contents "prefix=${arg_prefix}${contents}") if("${arg_config}" STREQUAL "DEBUG") # prefix points at the debug subfolder string(REPLACE [[${prefix}/debug]] [[${prefix}]] contents "${contents}") string(REPLACE [[${prefix}/include]] [[${prefix}/../include]] contents "${contents}") string(REPLACE [[${prefix}/share]] [[${prefix}/../share]] contents "${contents}") endif() # Remove line continuations before transformations string(REGEX REPLACE "[ \t]*\\\\\n[ \t]*" " " contents "${contents}") # This section fuses XYZ.private and XYZ according to VCPKG_LIBRARY_LINKAGE # # Pkgconfig searches Requires.private transitively for Cflags in the dynamic case, # which prevents us from removing it. # # Once this transformation is complete, users of vcpkg should never need to pass # --static. if("${VCPKG_LIBRARY_LINKAGE}" STREQUAL "static") # how this works: # we want to transform: # Libs: $1 # Libs.private: $2 # into # Libs: $1 $2 # and the same thing for Requires and Requires.private foreach(item IN ITEMS "Libs" "Requires" "Cflags") set(line "") if("${contents}" MATCHES "\n${item}: *([^\n]*)") string(APPEND line " ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") endif() if("${contents}" MATCHES "\n${item}\\.private: *([^\n]*)") string(APPEND line " ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") endif() string(REGEX REPLACE "\n${item}(\\.private)?:[^\n]*" "" contents "${contents}") if(NOT "${line}" STREQUAL "") string(APPEND contents "${item}:${line}\n") endif() endforeach() endif() if(contents MATCHES "\nLibs: *([^\n]*)") set(libs "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") if(libs MATCHES [[;]]) # Assuming that ';' comes from CMake lists only. Candidate for parameter control. string(REPLACE ";" " " no_lists "${libs}") string(REPLACE "${libs}" "${no_lists}" contents "${contents}") set(libs "${no_lists}") endif() separate_arguments(libs_list UNIX_COMMAND "${libs}") set(skip_next 0) set(libs_filtered "") foreach(item IN LISTS libs_list) if(skip_next) set(skip_next 0) continue() elseif(item MATCHES "^(-l|-L)?optimized") string(COMPARE EQUAL "${arg_config}" "DEBUG" skip_next) continue() elseif(item MATCHES "^(-l|-L)?debug") string(COMPARE EQUAL "${arg_config}" "RELEASE" skip_next) continue() elseif(item MATCHES "^(-l|-L)?general") continue() endif() if(item MATCHES [[.[\$]| ]] AND NOT item MATCHES [["]]) set(item "\"${item}\"") else() set(quoted "\"${item}\"") string(FIND " ${libs} " " ${quoted} " index) if(NOT index STREQUAL "-1") set(item "${quoted}") endif() endif() list(APPEND libs_filtered "${item}") endforeach() list(JOIN libs_filtered " " libs_filtered) string(REPLACE "${libs}" "${libs_filtered}" contents "${contents}") set(libs "${libs_filtered}") if(libs MATCHES "[^ ]*-NOTFOUND") message(WARNING "Error in ${file}: 'Libs' refers to a missing lib:\n...${CMAKE_MATCH_0}") endif() if(libs MATCHES "[^\n]*::[^\n ]*") message(WARNING "Error in ${file}: 'Libs' refers to a CMake target:\n...${CMAKE_MATCH_0}") endif() endif() # Quote -L, -I, and -l paths starting with `${blah}` # This was already handled for "Libs", but there might be additional occurrences in other lines. string(REGEX REPLACE "([ =])(-[LIl]\\\${[^}]*}[^ ;\n\t]*)" [[\1"\2"]] contents "${contents}") set("${arg_variable}" "${contents}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(z_vcpkg_fixup_pkgconfig_check_files arg_file arg_config) set(path_suffix_DEBUG /debug) set(path_suffix_RELEASE "") if(DEFINED ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH}) set(backup_env_pkg_config_path "$ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH}") else() unset(backup_env_pkg_config_path) endif() vcpkg_host_path_list(PREPEND ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH} "${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}${path_suffix_${arg_config}}/lib/pkgconfig" "${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/share/pkgconfig" "${CURRENT_INSTALLED_DIR}${path_suffix_${arg_config}}/lib/pkgconfig" "${CURRENT_INSTALLED_DIR}/share/pkgconfig" ) # First make sure everything is ok with the package and its deps cmake_path(GET arg_file STEM LAST_ONLY package_name) debug_message("Checking package (${arg_config}): ${package_name}") execute_process( COMMAND "${PKGCONFIG}" --print-errors --exists "${package_name}" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CURRENT_BUILDTREES_DIR}" RESULT_VARIABLE error_var OUTPUT_VARIABLE output ERROR_VARIABLE output OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ERROR_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) if(NOT "${error_var}" EQUAL "0") message(FATAL_ERROR "${PKGCONFIG} --exists ${package_name} failed with error code: ${error_var} ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH}: \"$ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH}\" output: ${output}" ) else() debug_message("pkg-config --exists ${package_name} output: ${output}") endif() if(DEFINED backup_env_pkg_config_path) set(ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH} "${backup_env_pkg_config_path}") else() unset(ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH}) endif() endfunction() function(vcpkg_fixup_pkgconfig) cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 0 arg "SKIP_CHECK" "" "RELEASE_FILES;DEBUG_FILES;SYSTEM_LIBRARIES;SYSTEM_PACKAGES;IGNORE_FLAGS" ) if(DEFINED arg_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS) message(FATAL_ERROR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION} was passed extra arguments: ${arg_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}") endif() if(DEFINED arg_RELEASE_FILES AND NOT DEFINED arg_DEBUG_FILES) message(FATAL_ERROR "DEBUG_FILES must be specified if RELEASE_FILES was specified.") endif() if(NOT DEFINED arg_RELEASE_FILES AND DEFINED arg_DEBUG_FILES) message(FATAL_ERROR "RELEASE_FILES must be specified if DEBUG_FILES was specified.") endif() if(NOT DEFINED arg_RELEASE_FILES) file(GLOB_RECURSE arg_RELEASE_FILES "${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/**/*.pc") file(GLOB_RECURSE arg_DEBUG_FILES "${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/debug/**/*.pc") foreach(debug_file IN LISTS arg_DEBUG_FILES) vcpkg_list(REMOVE_ITEM arg_RELEASE_FILES "${debug_file}") endforeach() endif() foreach(config IN ITEMS RELEASE DEBUG) debug_message("${config} Files: ${arg_${config}_FILES}") if("${VCPKG_BUILD_TYPE}" STREQUAL "release" AND "${config}" STREQUAL "DEBUG") continue() endif() foreach(file IN LISTS "arg_${config}_FILES") message(STATUS "Fixing pkgconfig file: ${file}") cmake_path(GET file PARENT_PATH pkg_lib_search_path) if("${config}" STREQUAL "DEBUG") set(relative_pc_path "${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/debug") cmake_path(RELATIVE_PATH relative_pc_path BASE_DIRECTORY "${pkg_lib_search_path}") else() set(relative_pc_path "${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}") cmake_path(RELATIVE_PATH relative_pc_path BASE_DIRECTORY "${pkg_lib_search_path}") endif() #Correct *.pc file file(READ "${file}" contents) z_vcpkg_fixup_pkgconfig_process_data(contents "${config}" "\${pcfiledir}/${relative_pc_path}") file(WRITE "${file}" "${contents}") endforeach() if(NOT arg_SKIP_CHECK) # The check can only run after all files have been corrected! vcpkg_find_acquire_program(PKGCONFIG) debug_message("Using pkg-config from: ${PKGCONFIG}") foreach(file IN LISTS "arg_${config}_FILES") z_vcpkg_fixup_pkgconfig_check_files("${file}" "${config}") endforeach() endif() endforeach() debug_message("Fixing pkgconfig --- finished") set(Z_VCPKG_FIXUP_PKGCONFIG_CALLED TRUE CACHE INTERNAL "See below" FORCE) # Variable to check if this function has been called! # Theoreotically vcpkg could look for *.pc files and automatically call this function # or check if this function has been called if *.pc files are detected. # The same is true for vcpkg_fixup_cmake_targets endfunction()