[CmdletBinding()] param ( $libraries = @(), $version = "1.80.0", $portsDir = $null ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $scriptsDir = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition if ($null -eq $portsDir) { $portsDir = "$scriptsDir/../../ports" } if ($IsWindows) { $vcpkg = "$scriptsDir/../../vcpkg.exe" $curl = "curl.exe" } else { $vcpkg = "$scriptsDir/../../vcpkg" $curl = "curl" } # Clear this array when moving to a new boost version $portVersions = @{ #e.g. "boost-asio" = 1; "boost" = 2; "boost-accumulators" = 1; "boost-algorithm" = 1; "boost-align" = 1; "boost-any" = 1; "boost-array" = 1; "boost-asio" = 2; "boost-assert" = 1; "boost-assign" = 1; "boost-atomic" = 1; "boost-beast" = 1; "boost-bimap" = 1; "boost-bind" = 1; "boost-build" = 2; "boost-callable-traits" = 1; "boost-chrono" = 1; "boost-circular-buffer" = 1; "boost-compatibility" = 1; "boost-compute" = 1; "boost-concept-check" = 1; "boost-config" = 1; "boost-container" = 1; "boost-container-hash" = 1; "boost-context" = 1; "boost-contract" = 1; "boost-conversion" = 1; "boost-convert" = 1; "boost-core" = 1; "boost-coroutine" = 2; "boost-coroutine2" = 1; "boost-crc" = 1; "boost-date-time" = 1; "boost-describe" = 1; "boost-detail" = 1; "boost-dll" = 1; "boost-dynamic-bitset" = 1; "boost-endian" = 1; "boost-exception" = 1; "boost-fiber" = 2; "boost-filesystem" = 1; "boost-flyweight" = 1; "boost-foreach" = 1; "boost-format" = 1; "boost-function" = 1; "boost-functional" = 1; "boost-function-types" = 1; "boost-fusion" = 1; "boost-geometry" = 1; "boost-gil" = 1; "boost-graph" = 1; "boost-graph-parallel" = 1; "boost-hana" = 1; "boost-heap" = 1; "boost-histogram" = 1; "boost-hof" = 1; "boost-icl" = 1; "boost-integer" = 1; "boost-interprocess" = 1; "boost-interval" = 1; "boost-intrusive" = 1; "boost-io" = 1; "boost-iostreams" = 1; "boost-iterator" = 1; "boost-json" = 1; "boost-lambda" = 1; "boost-lambda2" = 1; "boost-leaf" = 1; "boost-lexical-cast" = 1; "boost-locale" = 1; "boost-local-function" = 1; "boost-lockfree" = 1; "boost-log" = 1; "boost-logic" = 1; "boost-math" = 1; "boost-metaparse" = 1; "boost-modular-build-helper" = 3; "boost-move" = 1; "boost-mp11" = 1; "boost-mpi" = 1; "boost-mpl" = 1; "boost-msm" = 1; "boost-multi-array" = 1; "boost-multi-index" = 1; "boost-multiprecision" = 1; "boost-nowide" = 1; "boost-numeric-conversion" = 1; "boost-odeint" = 1; "boost-optional" = 1; "boost-outcome" = 1; "boost-parameter" = 1; "boost-parameter-python" = 1; "boost-pfr" = 1; "boost-phoenix" = 1; "boost-poly-collection" = 1; "boost-polygon" = 1; "boost-pool" = 1; "boost-predef" = 1; "boost-preprocessor" = 1; "boost-process" = 1; "boost-program-options" = 1; "boost-property-map" = 1; "boost-property-map-parallel" = 1; "boost-property-tree" = 1; "boost-proto" = 1; "boost-ptr-container" = 1; "boost-python" = 1; "boost-qvm" = 1; "boost-random" = 1; "boost-range" = 1; "boost-ratio" = 1; "boost-rational" = 1; "boost-regex" = 1; "boost-safe-numerics" = 1; "boost-scope-exit" = 1; "boost-serialization" = 1; "boost-signals2" = 1; "boost-smart-ptr" = 1; "boost-sort" = 1; "boost-spirit" = 1; "boost-stacktrace" = 1; "boost-statechart" = 1; "boost-static-assert" = 1; "boost-static-string" = 1; "boost-stl-interfaces" = 1; "boost-system" = 1; "boost-test" = 1; "boost-thread" = 1; "boost-throw-exception" = 1; "boost-timer" = 1; "boost-tokenizer" = 1; "boost-tti" = 1; "boost-tuple" = 1; "boost-type-erasure" = 1; "boost-type-index" = 1; "boost-typeof" = 1; "boost-type-traits" = 1; "boost-ublas" = 1; "boost-uninstall" = 1; "boost-units" = 1; "boost-unordered" = 1; "boost-utility" = 1; "boost-uuid" = 1; "boost-variant" = 1; "boost-variant2" = 1; "boost-vcpkg-helpers" = 1; "boost-vmd" = 1; "boost-wave" = 1; "boost-winapi" = 1; "boost-xpressive" = 1; "boost-yap" = 1; } $portData = @{ "boost" = @{ "features" = @{ "mpi" = @{ "description" = "Build with MPI support"; "dependencies" = @("boost-mpi", "boost-graph-parallel", "boost-property-map-parallel"); } } }; "boost-asio" = @{ "features" = @{ "ssl" = @{ "description" = "Build with SSL support"; "dependencies" = @(@{ "name" = "openssl"; "platform" = "!emscripten" }); } } }; "boost-beast" = @{ "supports" = "!emscripten" }; "boost-fiber" = @{ "supports" = "!uwp & !arm & !emscripten"; "features" = @{ "numa" = @{ "description" = "Enable NUMA support"; } } }; "boost-filesystem" = @{ "supports" = "!uwp" }; "boost-iostreams" = @{ "default-features" = @("bzip2", "lzma", "zlib", "zstd"); "supports" = "!uwp"; "features" = @{ "bzip2" = @{ "description" = "Support bzip2 filters"; "dependencies" = @("bzip2"); }; "lzma" = @{ "description" = "Support LZMA/xz filters"; "dependencies" = @("liblzma"); }; "zlib" = @{ "description" = "Support zlib filters"; "dependencies" = @("zlib"); }; "zstd" = @{ "description" = "Support zstd filters"; "dependencies" = @("zstd"); }; }; }; "boost-context" = @{ "supports" = "!uwp & !emscripten" }; "boost-stacktrace" = @{ "supports" = "!uwp" }; "boost-coroutine" = @{ "supports" = "!(arm & windows) & !uwp & !emscripten" }; "boost-coroutine2" = @{ "supports" = "!emscripten" }; "boost-test" = @{ "supports" = "!uwp" }; "boost-wave" = @{ "supports" = "!uwp" }; "boost-log" = @{ "supports" = "!uwp & !emscripten" }; "boost-locale" = @{ "dependencies" = @(@{ "name" = "libiconv"; "platform" = "!uwp & !windows & !mingw" }); "supports" = "!uwp"; "features" = @{ "icu" = @{ "description" = "ICU backend for Boost.Locale"; "dependencies" = @("icu"); } } }; "boost-mpi" = @{ "dependencies" = @("mpi"); "supports" = "!uwp"; "features" = @{ "python3" = @{ "description" = "Build Python3 bindings"; "supports" = "!static"; "dependencies" = @(@{ "name" = "boost-python"; "features" = @( "python3" ); "platform" = "!uwp & !emscripten & !ios & !android" }, "python3"); } } }; "boost-graph-parallel" = @{ "dependencies" = @("mpi"); "supports" = "!uwp"; }; "boost-odeint" = @{ "features" = @{ "mpi" = @{ "description" = "Support parallelization with MPI"; "dependencies" = @("boost-mpi"); } } }; "boost-parameter-python" = @{ "supports" = "!emscripten" }; "boost-process" = @{ "supports" = "!emscripten" }; "boost-python" = @{ "default-features" = @("python3"); "supports" = "!uwp & !emscripten & !ios & !android"; "features" = @{ "python2" = @{ "description" = "Build with Python2 support"; "supports" = "!(arm & windows)"; "dependencies" = @("python2"); }; "python3" = @{ "description" = "Build with Python3 support"; "dependencies" = @("python3"); } } }; "boost-regex" = @{ "features" = @{ "icu" = @{ "description" = "ICU backend for Boost.Regex"; "dependencies" = @("icu"); } } } } function GeneratePortName() { param ( [string]$Library ) "boost-" + ($Library -replace "_", "-") } function GeneratePortDependency() { param ( [string]$Library ) $portName = GeneratePortName $Library if ($portData.Contains($portName) -and $portData[$portName].Contains('supports')) { @{name = $portName; platform = $portData[$portName]['supports'] } } else { $portName } } function MakePortVersionString() { param ( [string]$PortName ) if ($portVersions.Contains($PortName)) { return $version + '#' + $portVersions[$PortName] } return $version } function AddBoostVersionConstraints() { param ( $Dependencies = @() ) $updated_dependencies = @() foreach ($dependency in $Dependencies) { if ($dependency.Contains("name")) { if ($dependency.name.StartsWith("boost")) { $dependency["version>="] = MakePortVersionString $dependency.name } } else { if ($dependency.StartsWith("boost")) { $dependency = @{ "name" = $dependency "version>=" = MakePortVersionString $dependency } } } $updated_dependencies += $dependency } $updated_dependencies } function GeneratePortManifest() { param ( [string]$PortName, [string]$Homepage, [string]$Description, [string]$License, $Dependencies = @() ) $manifest = @{ "`$comment" = "When changing this file also update and run scripts/boost/generate-ports.ps1" "name" = $PortName "version" = $version "homepage" = $Homepage "description" = $Description } if ($License) { $manifest["license"] += $License } if ($portData.Contains($PortName)) { $manifest += $portData[$PortName] } if ($portVersions.Contains($PortName)) { $manifest["port-version"] = $portVersions[$PortName] } if ($Dependencies.Count -gt 0) { $manifest["dependencies"] += $Dependencies } # Remove from the dependencies the ports that are included in the feature dependencies if ($manifest.Contains('features') -and $manifest.Contains('dependencies')) { foreach ($feature in $manifest.features.Keys) { $feature_dependencies = $manifest.features.$feature["dependencies"] foreach ($dependency in $feature_dependencies) { if ($dependency.Contains("name")) { $dep_name = $dependency.name } else { $dep_name = $dependency } $manifest["dependencies"] = $manifest["dependencies"] ` | Where-Object { if ($_.Contains("name")) { $_.name -notmatch "$dep_name" } else { $_ -notmatch "$dep_name" } } } } } # Add version constraints to boost dependencies $manifest["dependencies"] = @(AddBoostVersionConstraints $manifest["dependencies"]) foreach ($feature in $manifest.features.Keys) { $manifest.features.$feature["dependencies"] = @(AddBoostVersionConstraints $manifest.features.$feature["dependencies"]) } $manifest | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 -Compress ` | Out-File -Encoding UTF8 "$portsDir/$PortName/vcpkg.json" & $vcpkg format-manifest "$portsDir/$PortName/vcpkg.json" } function GeneratePort() { param ( [string]$Library, [string]$Hash, [bool]$NeedsBuild, $Dependencies = @() ) $portName = GeneratePortName $Library New-Item -ItemType "Directory" "$portsDir/$portName" -erroraction SilentlyContinue | out-null # Generate vcpkg.json GeneratePortManifest ` -PortName $portName ` -Homepage "https://github.com/boostorg/$Library" ` -Description "Boost $Library module" ` -License "BSL-1.0" ` -Dependencies $Dependencies $portfileLines = @( "# Automatically generated by scripts/boost/generate-ports.ps1" "" ) if ($Library -eq "system") { $portfileLines += @( "vcpkg_buildpath_length_warning(37)" "" ) } $portfileLines += @( "vcpkg_from_github(" " OUT_SOURCE_PATH SOURCE_PATH" " REPO boostorg/$Library" " REF boost-$version" " SHA512 $Hash" " HEAD_REF master" ) [Array]$patches = Get-Item -Path "$portsDir/$portName/*.patch" if ($null -eq $patches -or $patches.Count -eq 0) { } elseif ($patches.Count -eq 1) { $portfileLines += @(" PATCHES $($patches.name)") } else { $portfileLines += @(" PATCHES") foreach ($patch in $patches) { $portfileLines += @(" $($patch.name)") } } $portfileLines += @( ")" "" ) if (Test-Path "$scriptsDir/post-source-stubs/$Library.cmake") { $portfileLines += @(Get-Content "$scriptsDir/post-source-stubs/$Library.cmake") } if ($NeedsBuild) { $portfileLines += @( "include(`${CURRENT_HOST_INSTALLED_DIR}/share/boost-build/boost-modular-build.cmake)" ) # b2-options.cmake contains port-specific build options if (Test-Path "$portsDir/$portName/b2-options.cmake") { $portfileLines += @( "boost_modular_build(" " SOURCE_PATH `${SOURCE_PATH}" " BOOST_CMAKE_FRAGMENT `"`${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/b2-options.cmake`"" ")" ) } elseif (Test-Path "$portsDir/$portName/b2-options.cmake.in") { $portfileLines += @( 'configure_file(' ' "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/b2-options.cmake.in"' ' "${CURRENT_BUILDTREES_DIR}/vcpkg-b2-options.cmake"' ' @ONLY' ')' 'boost_modular_build(' ' SOURCE_PATH ${SOURCE_PATH}' ' BOOST_CMAKE_FRAGMENT "${CURRENT_BUILDTREES_DIR}/vcpkg-b2-options.cmake"' ')' ) } else { $portfileLines += @( "boost_modular_build(SOURCE_PATH `${SOURCE_PATH})" ) } } $portfileLines += @( "include(`${CURRENT_INSTALLED_DIR}/share/boost-vcpkg-helpers/boost-modular-headers.cmake)" "boost_modular_headers(SOURCE_PATH `${SOURCE_PATH})" ) if (Test-Path "$scriptsDir/post-build-stubs/$Library.cmake") { $portfileLines += @(Get-Content "$scriptsDir/post-build-stubs/$Library.cmake") } $portfileLines += @("") Set-Content -LiteralPath "$portsDir/$portName/portfile.cmake" ` -Value "$($portfileLines -join "`r`n")" ` -Encoding UTF8 ` -NoNewline } if (!(Test-Path "$scriptsDir/boost")) { "Cloning boost..." Push-Location $scriptsDir try { git clone https://github.com/boostorg/boost --branch boost-$version } finally { Pop-Location } } else { Push-Location $scriptsDir/boost try { git fetch git checkout -f boost-$version } finally { Pop-Location } } $foundLibraries = Get-ChildItem $scriptsDir/boost/libs -directory | ForEach-Object name | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -eq "numeric") { "numeric_conversion" "interval" "odeint" "ublas" } elseif ($_ -eq "headers") { } else { $_ } } New-Item -ItemType "Directory" $scriptsDir/downloads -erroraction SilentlyContinue | out-null $updateServicePorts = $false if ($libraries.Length -eq 0) { $libraries = $foundLibraries $updateServicePorts = $true } $boostPortDependencies = @() foreach ($library in $libraries) { "Handling boost/$library..." $archive = "$scriptsDir/downloads/$library-boost-$version.tar.gz" if (!(Test-Path $archive)) { "Downloading boost/$library..." & $curl -L "https://github.com/boostorg/$library/archive/boost-$version.tar.gz" --output "$scriptsDir/downloads/$library-boost-$version.tar.gz" } $hash = & $vcpkg --x-wait-for-lock hash $archive # remove prefix "Waiting to take filesystem lock on /.vcpkg-root... " if ($hash -is [Object[]]) { $hash = $hash[1] } $unpacked = "$scriptsDir/libs/$library-boost-$version" if (!(Test-Path $unpacked)) { "Unpacking boost/$library..." New-Item -ItemType "Directory" $scriptsDir/libs -erroraction SilentlyContinue | out-null Push-Location $scriptsDir/libs try { cmake -E tar xf $archive } finally { Pop-Location } } Push-Location $unpacked try { $usedLibraries = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path include, src -File ` | Where-Object { $_ -is [System.IO.FileInfo] } ` | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose "${library}: processing file: $_" Get-Content -LiteralPath $_ } ` | Where-Object { $_ -match ' *# *include *[<"]boost\/' } ` | ForEach-Object { # extract path from the line Write-Verbose "${library}: processing line: $_" $_ -replace " *# *include *[<`"]boost\/([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_\/]*)[>`"].*", "`$1" }` | ForEach-Object { # map the path to the library name Write-Verbose "${library}: processing path: $_" if ($_ -match "^detail\/winapi\/") { "winapi" } elseif ($_ -eq "detail/algorithm.hpp") { "graph" } elseif ($_ -eq "detail/atomic_count.hpp") { "smart_ptr" } elseif ($_ -eq "detail/basic_pointerbuf.hpp") { "lexical_cast" } elseif ($_ -eq "detail/call_traits.hpp") { "utility" } elseif ($_ -eq "detail/compressed_pair.hpp") { "utility" } elseif ($_ -eq "detail/interlocked.hpp") { "winapi" } elseif ($_ -eq "detail/iterator.hpp") { "core" } elseif ($_ -eq "detail/lcast_precision.hpp") { "lexical_cast" } elseif ($_ -eq "detail/lightweight_mutex.hpp") { "smart_ptr" } elseif ($_ -eq "detail/lightweight_test.hpp") { "core" } elseif ($_ -eq "detail/lightweight_thread.hpp") { "smart_ptr" } elseif ($_ -eq "detail/no_exceptions_support.hpp") { "core" } elseif ($_ -eq "detail/scoped_enum_emulation.hpp") { "core" } elseif ($_ -eq "detail/sp_typeinfo.hpp") { "core" } elseif ($_ -eq "detail/ob_compressed_pair.hpp") { "utility" } elseif ($_ -eq "detail/quick_allocator.hpp") { "smart_ptr" } elseif ($_ -eq "detail/workaround.hpp") { "config" } elseif ($_ -match "^functional\/hash\/") { "container_hash" } elseif ($_ -eq "functional/hash.hpp") { "container_hash" } elseif ($_ -eq "functional/hash_fwd.hpp") { "container_hash" } elseif ($_ -match "^graph\/distributed\/") { "graph_parallel" } elseif ($_ -match "^graph\/parallel\/") { "graph_parallel" } elseif ($_ -eq "graph/accounting.hpp") { "graph_parallel" } elseif ($_ -eq "exception/exception.hpp") { "throw_exception" } elseif ($_ -match "^numeric\/conversion\/") { "numeric_conversion" } elseif ($_ -match "^numeric\/interval\/") { "interval" } elseif ($_ -match "^numeric\/odeint\/") { "odeint" } elseif ($_ -match "^numeric\/ublas\/") { "ublas" } elseif ($_ -eq "numeric/interval.hpp") { "interval" } elseif ($_ -eq "numeric/odeint.hpp") { "odeint" } elseif ($_ -match "^parameter\/aux_\/python\/") { "parameter_python" } elseif ($_ -eq "parameter/python.hpp") { "parameter_python" } elseif ($_ -eq "pending/detail/disjoint_sets.hpp") { "graph" } elseif ($_ -eq "pending/detail/int_iterator.hpp") { "iterator" } elseif ($_ -eq "pending/detail/property.hpp") { "graph" } elseif ($_ -eq "pending/bucket_sorter.hpp") { "graph" } elseif ($_ -eq "pending/container_traits.hpp") { "graph" } elseif ($_ -eq "pending/disjoint_sets.hpp") { "graph" } elseif ($_ -eq "pending/fenced_priority_queue.hpp") { "graph" } elseif ($_ -eq "pending/fibonacci_heap.hpp") { "graph" } elseif ($_ -eq "pending/indirect_cmp.hpp") { "graph" } elseif ($_ -eq "pending/integer_log2.hpp") { "integer" } elseif ($_ -eq "pending/is_heap.hpp") { "graph" } elseif ($_ -eq "pending/iterator_adaptors.hpp") { "iterator" } elseif ($_ -eq "pending/iterator_tests.hpp") { "iterator" } elseif ($_ -eq "pending/mutable_heap.hpp") { "graph" } elseif ($_ -eq "pending/mutable_queue.hpp") { "graph" } elseif ($_ -eq "pending/property.hpp") { "graph" } elseif ($_ -eq "pending/property_serialize.hpp") { "graph" } elseif ($_ -eq "pending/queue.hpp") { "graph" } elseif ($_ -eq "pending/relaxed_heap.hpp") { "graph" } elseif ($_ -eq "pending/stringtok.hpp") { "graph" } elseif ($_ -match "^property_map\/parallel\/") { "property_map_parallel" } elseif ($_ -eq "utility/addressof.hpp") { "core" } elseif ($_ -eq "utility/declval.hpp") { "type_traits" } elseif ($_ -eq "utility/enable_if.hpp") { "core" } elseif ($_ -eq "utility/explicit_operator_bool.hpp") { "core" } elseif ($_ -eq "utility/swap.hpp") { "core" } # extract first directory name or file name from the path else { $_ -replace "([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]*).*", "`$1" } } ` | ForEach-Object { # map directory/file name to the library name Write-Verbose "${library}: processing name: $_" if ($_ -eq "current_function.hpp") { "assert" } elseif ($_ -eq "memory_order.hpp") { "atomic" } elseif ($_ -match "is_placeholder.hpp|mem_fn.hpp") { "bind" } elseif ($_ -eq "circular_buffer_fwd.hpp") { "circular_buffer" } elseif ($_ -match "^concept$|concept_archetype.hpp") { "concept_check" } elseif ($_ -match "cstdint.hpp|cxx11_char_types.hpp|limits.hpp|version.hpp") { "config" } elseif ($_ -eq "contract_macro.hpp") { "contract" } elseif ($_ -match "implicit_cast.hpp|polymorphic_cast.hpp|polymorphic_pointer_cast.hpp") { "conversion" } elseif ($_ -eq "make_default.hpp") { "convert" } elseif ($_ -match "checked_delete.hpp|get_pointer.hpp|iterator.hpp|non_type.hpp|noncopyable.hpp|ref.hpp|swap.hpp|type.hpp|visit_each.hpp") { "core" } elseif ($_ -match "blank.hpp|blank_fwd.hpp|cstdlib.hpp") { "detail" } elseif ($_ -eq "dynamic_bitset_fwd.hpp") { "dynamic_bitset" } elseif ($_ -eq "exception_ptr.hpp") { "exception" } elseif ($_ -eq "foreach_fwd.hpp") { "foreach" } elseif ($_ -eq "function_equal.hpp") { "function" } elseif ($_ -match "integer_fwd.hpp|integer_traits.hpp") { "integer" } elseif ($_ -eq "io_fwd.hpp") { "io" } elseif ($_ -match "function_output_iterator.hpp|generator_iterator.hpp|indirect_reference.hpp|iterator_adaptors.hpp|next_prior.hpp|pointee.hpp|shared_container_iterator.hpp") { "iterator" } elseif ($_ -match "cstdfloat.hpp|math_fwd.hpp") { "math" } elseif ($_ -match "multi_index_container.hpp|multi_index_container_fwd.hpp") { "multi_index" } elseif ($_ -eq "cast.hpp") { "numeric_conversion" } elseif ($_ -match "none.hpp|none_t.hpp") { "optional" } elseif ($_ -eq "qvm_lite.hpp") { "qvm" } elseif ($_ -eq "nondet_random.hpp") { "random" } elseif ($_ -match "cregex.hpp|regex_fwd.hpp") { "regex" } elseif ($_ -eq "archive") { "serialization" } elseif ($_ -match "last_value.hpp|signal.hpp") { "signals" } elseif ($_ -match "enable_shared_from_this.hpp|intrusive_ptr.hpp|make_shared.hpp|make_unique.hpp|pointer_cast.hpp|pointer_to_other.hpp|scoped_array.hpp|scoped_ptr.hpp|shared_array.hpp|shared_ptr.hpp|weak_ptr.hpp") { "smart_ptr" } elseif ($_ -eq "cerrno.hpp") { "system" } elseif ($_ -eq "progress.hpp") { "timer" } elseif ($_ -match "token_functions.hpp|token_iterator.hpp") { "tokenizer" } elseif ($_ -match "aligned_storage.hpp") { "type_traits" } elseif ($_ -match "unordered_map.hpp|unordered_set.hpp") { "unordered" } elseif ($_ -match "call_traits.hpp|compressed_pair.hpp|operators.hpp|operators_v1.hpp") { "utility" } # by dafault use the name as is, just remove the file extension if available else { $_ -replace "\.hp?p?", "" } } ` | Where-Object { $_ -ne $library } ` | Group-Object -NoElement | ForEach-Object Name " [known] " + $($usedLibraries | Where-Object { $foundLibraries -contains $_ }) " [unknown] " + $($usedLibraries | Where-Object { $foundLibraries -notcontains $_ }) $deps = @($usedLibraries | Where-Object { $foundLibraries -contains $_ }) # break unnecessary dependencies $deps = @($deps | ? { -not ( ($library -eq 'gil' -and $_ -eq 'filesystem') # PR #20575 ) }) $deps = @($deps | ForEach-Object { GeneratePortDependency $_ }) $deps += @("boost-vcpkg-helpers") $needsBuild = $false if (((Test-Path $unpacked/build/Jamfile.v2) -or (Test-Path $unpacked/build/Jamfile)) -and $library -notmatch "function_types") { $deps += @( @{ name = "boost-build"; host = $True }, @{ name = "boost-modular-build-helper"; host = $True }, @{ name = "vcpkg-cmake"; host = $True } ) $needsBuild = $true } GeneratePort ` -Library $library ` -Hash $hash ` -Dependencies $deps ` -NeedsBuild $needsBuild $boostPortDependencies += @(GeneratePortDependency $library) } finally { Pop-Location } } if ($updateServicePorts) { # Generate manifest file for master boost port which depends on each individual library GeneratePortManifest ` -PortName "boost" ` -Homepage "https://boost.org" ` -Description "Peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries" ` -License "BSL-1.0" ` -Dependencies $boostPortDependencies Set-Content -LiteralPath "$portsDir/boost/portfile.cmake" ` -Value "set(VCPKG_POLICY_EMPTY_PACKAGE enabled)`n" ` -Encoding UTF8 ` -NoNewline # Generate manifest files for boost-uninstall GeneratePortManifest ` -PortName "boost-uninstall" ` -Description "Internal vcpkg port used to uninstall Boost" ` -License "MIT" # Generate manifest files for boost-vcpkg-helpers GeneratePortManifest ` -PortName "boost-vcpkg-helpers" ` -Description "Internal vcpkg port used to modularize Boost" ` -License "MIT" ` -Dependencies @("boost-uninstall") # Generate manifest files for boost-modular-build-helper GeneratePortManifest ` -PortName "boost-modular-build-helper" ` -Description "Internal vcpkg port used to build Boost libraries" ` -License "MIT" ` -Dependencies @("boost-uninstall", @{ name = "vcpkg-cmake"; host = $True }, @{ name = "vcpkg-cmake-get-vars"; host = $True }) # Generate manifest files for boost-build GeneratePortManifest ` -PortName "boost-build" ` -Homepage "https://github.com/boostorg/build" ` -Description "Boost.Build" ` -License "BSL-1.0" ` -Dependencies @("boost-uninstall") # Update Boost version in CMake files $files_with_boost_version = @( "$portsDir/boost-build/portfile.cmake", "$portsDir/boost-modular-build-helper/boost-modular-build.cmake", "$portsDir/boost-vcpkg-helpers/portfile.cmake" ) $files_with_boost_version | % { $content = Get-Content -LiteralPath $_ ` -Encoding UTF8 ` -Raw $content = $content -replace ` "set\(BOOST_VERSION [0-9\.a-zA-Z]+\)", ` "set(BOOST_VERSION $version)" Set-Content -LiteralPath $_ ` -Value $content ` -Encoding UTF8 ` -NoNewline } }