vcpkg_check_features( OUT_FEATURE_OPTIONS FEATURE_OPTIONS FEATURES "icu" BOOST_LOCALE_ENABLE_ICU ) if(VCPKG_TARGET_IS_WINDOWS) set(BOOST_LOCALE_ENABLE_ICONV off) set(BOOST_LOCALE_ENABLE_POSIX off) else() set(BOOST_LOCALE_ENABLE_ICONV on) if(VCPKG_TARGET_IS_ANDROID) set(BOOST_LOCALE_ENABLE_POSIX off) else() set(BOOST_LOCALE_ENABLE_POSIX on) endif() endif() list(APPEND FEATURE_OPTIONS -DBOOST_LOCALE_ENABLE_ICONV=${BOOST_LOCALE_ENABLE_ICONV} -DBOOST_LOCALE_ENABLE_POSIX=${BOOST_LOCALE_ENABLE_POSIX} ) # BOOST_LOCALE_ENABLE_ICU # When ON, enables the ICU backend. Defaults to ON when ICU is found, OFF otherwise. # BOOST_LOCALE_ENABLE_ICONV # When ON, enables the Iconv backend. Defaults to ON when iconv is found, OFF otherwise. # BOOST_LOCALE_ENABLE_POSIX # When ON, enables the POSIX backend. Defaults to ON on POSIX systems, OFF otherwise. # BOOST_LOCALE_ENABLE_STD # When ON, enables the std::locale backend. Defaults to ON. # BOOST_LOCALE_ENABLE_WINAPI # When ON, enables the Windows API backend. Defaults to ON under Windows, OFF otherwise.