{ "name": "open62541", "version": "1.3.12", "description": "open62541 is an open source C (C99) implementation of OPC UA licensed under the Mozilla Public License v2.0.", "homepage": "https://open62541.org", "license": "MPL-2.0", "supports": "!xbox", "dependencies": [ { "name": "vcpkg-cmake", "host": true }, { "name": "vcpkg-cmake-config", "host": true } ], "default-features": [ "methodcalls", "subscriptions", "subscriptions-events" ], "features": { "amalgamation": { "description": "Concatenate the library to a single file open62541.h/.c" }, "diagnostics": { "description": "Enable diagnostics information exposed by the server" }, "discovery": { "description": "Enable Discovery Service (LDS)" }, "historizing": { "description": "Enable basic support for historical access (client and server)" }, "mbedtls": { "description": "Enable encryption support (uses MbedTLS)", "dependencies": [ "mbedtls" ] }, "methodcalls": { "description": "Enable the Method service set" }, "openssl": { "description": "Enable encryption support (uses OpenSSL)", "dependencies": [ "openssl" ] }, "subscriptions": { "description": "Enable subscriptions support" }, "subscriptions-events": { "description": "Enable event monitoring" } } }