vcpkg_from_github( OUT_SOURCE_PATH SOURCE_PATH REPO nuspell/nuspell REF v4.2.0 SHA512 ae9157e9753868c002ed69a765fb705d29d993f3940e11efbc2699778a8b1abee2eb7daa0ff51187b899d6935a215a24662e5b52ec1ef5c644e90a0245f7583d HEAD_REF master PATCHES cmake-disable-cli-and-docs.patch # This patch disables building the CLI tool and leaves only the library. # That is because Vcpkg complains when it finds .exe files in the folder # "bin". Instead it expects them under "tools", which is different # convention than on Unixes. This patch is quick fix, the CLI is not # that important. ) vcpkg_configure_cmake( SOURCE_PATH ${SOURCE_PATH} PREFER_NINJA OPTIONS -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF ) vcpkg_install_cmake() vcpkg_fixup_cmake_targets(CONFIG_PATH lib/cmake/nuspell) vcpkg_fixup_pkgconfig( # nuspell.pc depends on icu-uc.pc which has -lm specified as private # library. Ignore this -lm, otherwise this function shows error # because it can't find this. -lm is part of glibc on Linux. SYSTEM_LIBRARIES m ) file(REMOVE_RECURSE ${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/debug/include ${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/debug/share ) file( INSTALL ${SOURCE_PATH}/COPYING.LESSER DESTINATION ${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/share/${PORT} RENAME copyright)