cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.9) # Create the soil2 project project("soil2" LANGUAGES C) find_package(OpenGL) # Do we want to install the headers? option(INSTALL_HEADERS "Install header files" ON) # Set the install dir set(INSTALL_CMAKE_DIR share/soil2) # Set the source files to compile set(SOIL2_SRC src/SOIL2/etc1_utils.c src/SOIL2/image_DXT.c src/SOIL2/image_helper.c src/SOIL2/SOIL2.c ) # Set the soil2 headers set(SOIL2_HEADERS src/SOIL2/SOIL2.h src/SOIL2/etc1_utils.h src/SOIL2/image_DXT.h src/SOIL2/image_helper.h src/SOIL2/jo_jpeg.h src/SOIL2/pkm_helper.h src/SOIL2/pvr_helper.h src/SOIL2/stb_image.h src/SOIL2/stb_image_write.h src/SOIL2/stbi_DDS.h src/SOIL2/stbi_ext.h src/SOIL2/stbi_pkm.h src/SOIL2/stbi_pvr.h ) # Add the library as a static linkage add_library(soil2 STATIC ${SOIL2_SRC}) # The include dir target_include_directories(soil2 INTERFACE $) # link opengl32 target_link_libraries(soil2 PRIVATE ${OPENGL_gl_LIBRARY}) # If its msvc mute the secure warnings if(MSVC) target_compile_definitions(soil2 PRIVATE _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS) endif(MSVC) if(INSTALL_HEADERS) # Install the library object install(TARGETS soil2 EXPORT soil2Targets ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib LIBRARY DESTINATION lib ) # Install the headers install(FILES ${SOIL2_HEADERS} DESTINATION include/SOIL2/) # Prepare for install package files set(SOIL2_VERSION "release-1.11") # Export the stuff export(TARGETS soil2 FILE "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/soil2Targets.cmake") export(PACKAGE soil2) # Create the soil2Config.cmake and soil2ConfigVersion.cmake configure_file( "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/soil2Config.cmake" @ONLY) configure_file( "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/soil2ConfigVersion.cmake" @ONLY) # Install the soil2Config.cmake and soil2ConfigVersion.cmake install(FILES "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/soil2Config.cmake" "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/soil2ConfigVersion.cmake" DESTINATION "${INSTALL_CMAKE_DIR}" ) # Install the export set for use with the install-tree install(EXPORT soil2Targets DESTINATION "${INSTALL_CMAKE_DIR}") else(INSTALL_HEADERS) # Install the library object install(TARGETS soil2 EXPORT soil2 ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib LIBRARY DESTINATION lib ) endif(INSTALL_HEADERS)