#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #include "Paragraphs.h" #include "metrics.h" #include "vcpkg_Chrono.h" #include "vcpkg_Commands.h" #include "vcpkg_Files.h" #include "vcpkg_Input.h" #include "vcpkg_Strings.h" #include "vcpkg_System.h" #include "vcpkglib.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace vcpkg; void invalid_command(const std::string& cmd) { System::println(System::Color::error, "invalid command: %s", cmd); Commands::Help::print_usage(); Checks::exit_fail(VCPKG_LINE_INFO); } static void inner(const VcpkgCmdArguments& args) { Metrics::track_property("command", args.command); if (args.command.empty()) { Commands::Help::print_usage(); Checks::exit_fail(VCPKG_LINE_INFO); } if (auto command_function = Commands::find(args.command, Commands::get_available_commands_type_c())) { return command_function(args); } fs::path vcpkg_root_dir; if (args.vcpkg_root_dir != nullptr) { vcpkg_root_dir = fs::stdfs::absolute(Strings::utf8_to_utf16(*args.vcpkg_root_dir)); } else { const Optional vcpkg_root_dir_env = System::get_environmental_variable(L"VCPKG_ROOT"); if (auto v = vcpkg_root_dir_env.get()) { vcpkg_root_dir = fs::stdfs::absolute(*v); } else { vcpkg_root_dir = Files::get_real_filesystem().find_file_recursively_up( fs::stdfs::absolute(System::get_exe_path_of_current_process()), ".vcpkg-root"); } } Checks::check_exit(VCPKG_LINE_INFO, !vcpkg_root_dir.empty(), "Error: Could not detect vcpkg-root."); const Expected expected_paths = VcpkgPaths::create(vcpkg_root_dir); Checks::check_exit(VCPKG_LINE_INFO, !expected_paths.error_code(), "Error: Invalid vcpkg root directory %s: %s", vcpkg_root_dir.string(), expected_paths.error_code().message()); const VcpkgPaths paths = expected_paths.value_or_exit(VCPKG_LINE_INFO); int exit_code = _wchdir(paths.root.c_str()); Checks::check_exit(VCPKG_LINE_INFO, exit_code == 0, "Changing the working dir failed"); if (auto command_function = Commands::find(args.command, Commands::get_available_commands_type_b())) { return command_function(args, paths); } Triplet default_triplet; if (args.triplet != nullptr) { default_triplet = Triplet::from_canonical_name(*args.triplet); } else { const Optional vcpkg_default_triplet_env = System::get_environmental_variable(L"VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET"); if (auto v = vcpkg_default_triplet_env.get()) { default_triplet = Triplet::from_canonical_name(Strings::utf16_to_utf8(*v)); } else { default_triplet = Triplet::X86_WINDOWS; } } Input::check_triplet(default_triplet, paths); if (auto command_function = Commands::find(args.command, Commands::get_available_commands_type_a())) { return command_function(args, paths, default_triplet); } return invalid_command(args.command); } static void loadConfig() { fs::path localappdata; { // Config path in AppDataLocal wchar_t* localappdatapath = nullptr; if (S_OK != SHGetKnownFolderPath(FOLDERID_LocalAppData, 0, nullptr, &localappdatapath)) __fastfail(1); localappdata = localappdatapath; CoTaskMemFree(localappdatapath); } try { auto maybe_pghs = Paragraphs::get_paragraphs(Files::get_real_filesystem(), localappdata / "vcpkg" / "config"); if (auto p_pghs = maybe_pghs.get()) { const auto& pghs = *p_pghs; std::unordered_map keys; if (pghs.size() > 0) keys = pghs[0]; for (size_t x = 1; x < pghs.size(); ++x) { for (auto&& p : pghs[x]) keys.insert(p); } auto user_id = keys["User-Id"]; auto user_time = keys["User-Since"]; if (!user_id.empty() && !user_time.empty()) { Metrics::set_user_information(user_id, user_time); return; } } } catch (...) { } // config file not found, could not be read, or invalid std::string user_id, user_time; Metrics::init_user_information(user_id, user_time); Metrics::set_user_information(user_id, user_time); try { std::error_code ec; auto& fs = Files::get_real_filesystem(); fs.create_directory(localappdata / "vcpkg", ec); fs.write_contents(localappdata / "vcpkg" / "config", Strings::format("User-Id: %s\n" "User-Since: %s\n", user_id, user_time)); } catch (...) { } } static std::string trim_path_from_command_line(const std::string& full_command_line) { Checks::check_exit( VCPKG_LINE_INFO, full_command_line.size() > 0, "Internal failure - cannot have empty command line"); if (full_command_line[0] == '"') { auto it = std::find(full_command_line.cbegin() + 1, full_command_line.cend(), '"'); if (it != full_command_line.cend()) // Skip over the quote ++it; while (it != full_command_line.cend() && *it == ' ') // Skip over a space ++it; return std::string(it, full_command_line.cend()); } auto it = std::find(full_command_line.cbegin(), full_command_line.cend(), ' '); while (it != full_command_line.cend() && *it == ' ') ++it; return std::string(it, full_command_line.cend()); } static ElapsedTime g_timer; int wmain(const int argc, const wchar_t* const* const argv) { if (argc == 0) std::abort(); g_timer = ElapsedTime::create_started(); atexit([]() { auto elapsed_us = g_timer.microseconds(); Metrics::track_metric("elapsed_us", elapsed_us); g_debugging = false; Metrics::flush(); }); Metrics::track_property("version", Commands::Version::version()); const std::string trimmed_command_line = trim_path_from_command_line(Strings::utf16_to_utf8(GetCommandLineW())); Metrics::track_property("cmdline", trimmed_command_line); loadConfig(); Metrics::track_property("sqmuser", Metrics::get_SQM_user()); const VcpkgCmdArguments args = VcpkgCmdArguments::create_from_command_line(argc, argv); if (auto p = args.printmetrics.get()) Metrics::set_print_metrics(*p); if (auto p = args.sendmetrics.get()) Metrics::set_send_metrics(*p); if (auto p = args.debug.get()) g_debugging = *p; if (g_debugging) { inner(args); Checks::exit_fail(VCPKG_LINE_INFO); } std::string exc_msg; try { inner(args); Checks::exit_fail(VCPKG_LINE_INFO); } catch (std::exception& e) { exc_msg = e.what(); } catch (...) { exc_msg = "unknown error(...)"; } Metrics::track_property("error", exc_msg); fflush(stdout); System::print("vcpkg.exe has crashed.\n" "Please send an email to:\n" " %s\n" "containing a brief summary of what you were trying to do and the following data blob:\n" "\n" "Version=%s\n" "EXCEPTION='%s'\n" "CMD=\n", Commands::Contact::email(), Commands::Version::version(), exc_msg); fflush(stdout); for (int x = 0; x < argc; ++x) System::println("%s|", Strings::utf16_to_utf8(argv[x])); fflush(stdout); }