mirror of
synced 2024-12-20 02:17:55 +08:00

* Update qt5-base to 5.12.1 * update qt5-declarative to 5.12.1 * update qt5-modularscripts for 5.12.1 * update qt5-3d to 5.12.1 * update qt5-activeqt to 5.12.1 * add qt5-connectivity * update qt5-charts to 5.12.1 * update qt5-datavis3d to 5.12.1 * update qt5-gamepad to 5.12.1 * update qt5-graphicaleffects to 5.12.1 * update qt5-imageformats to 5.12.1 * add qt5-location * update qt5-multimedia to 5.12.1 * update qt5-networkauth to 5.12.1 * add qt5-purchasing * update qt5-quickcontrols to 5.12.1 * update qt5-quickcontrols2 to 5.12.1 * add qt5-remoteobjects * update qt5-script to 5.12.1 * update qt5-scxml to 5.12.1 * add qt5-sensors * update qt5-serialport to 5.12.1 * update qt5-speech to 5.12.1 * update qt5-svg to 5.12.1 * update qt5-tools to 5.12.1 * update qt5-virtualkeyboard to 5.12.1 * add qt5-webchannel * update qt5-websockets to 5.12.1 * update qt5-winextras to 5.12.1 * update qt5-xmlpatterns to 5.12.1 * update framework port to 5.12.1 and include the new modules * fix building qt5-base on linux * [qt5] Remove non-alphanumerical ASCII chars from dependencies
100 lines
4.5 KiB
100 lines
4.5 KiB
# This script is based on the implementation of windeployqt for qt5.7.1
# Qt's plugin deployment strategy is that each main Qt Module has a hardcoded
# set of plugin subdirectories. Each of these subdirectories is deployed in
# full if that Module is referenced.
# This hardcoded list is found inside qttools\src\windeployqt\main.cpp. For
# updating, inspect the symbols qtModuleEntries and qtModuleForPlugin.
# Note: this function signature and behavior is depended upon by applocal.ps1
function deployPluginsIfQt([string]$targetBinaryDir, [string]$QtPluginsDir, [string]$targetBinaryName) {
$baseDir = Split-Path $QtPluginsDir -parent
$binDir = "$baseDir\bin"
function deployPlugins([string]$pluginSubdirName) {
if (Test-Path "$QtPluginsDir\$pluginSubdirName") {
Write-Verbose " Deploying plugins directory '$pluginSubdirName'"
New-Item "$targetBinaryDir\plugins\$pluginSubdirName" -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
Get-ChildItem "$QtPluginsDir\$pluginSubdirName\*.dll" | % {
deployBinary "$targetBinaryDir\plugins\$pluginSubdirName" "$QtPluginsDir\$pluginSubdirName" $_.Name
resolve "$targetBinaryDir\plugins\$pluginSubdirName\$($_.Name)"
} else {
Write-Verbose " Skipping plugins directory '$pluginSubdirName': doesn't exist"
# We detect Qt modules in use via the DLLs themselves. See qtModuleEntries in Qt to find the mapping.
if ($targetBinaryName -match "Qt5Cored?.dll") {
if (!(Test-Path "$targetBinaryDir\qt.conf")) {
"[Paths]" | Out-File -encoding ascii "$targetBinaryDir\qt.conf"
} elseif ($targetBinaryName -match "Qt5Guid?.dll") {
Write-Verbose " Deploying platforms"
New-Item "$targetBinaryDir\plugins\platforms" -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
Get-ChildItem "$QtPluginsDir\platforms\qwindows*.dll" | % {
deployBinary "$targetBinaryDir\plugins\platforms" "$QtPluginsDir\platforms" $_.Name
deployPlugins "accessible"
deployPlugins "imageformats"
deployPlugins "iconengines"
deployPlugins "platforminputcontexts"
deployPlugins "styles"
} elseif ($targetBinaryName -match "Qt5Networkd?.dll") {
deployPlugins "bearer"
if (Test-Path "$binDir\libeay32.dll")
deployBinary "$targetBinaryDir" "$binDir" "libeay32.dll"
deployBinary "$targetBinaryDir" "$binDir" "ssleay32.dll"
} elseif ($targetBinaryName -match "Qt5Sqld?.dll") {
deployPlugins "sqldrivers"
} elseif ($targetBinaryName -match "Qt5Multimediad?.dll") {
deployPlugins "audio"
deployPlugins "mediaservice"
deployPlugins "playlistformats"
} elseif ($targetBinaryName -match "Qt5PrintSupportd?.dll") {
deployPlugins "printsupport"
} elseif ($targetBinaryName -match "Qt5Qmld?.dll") {
if(!(Test-Path "$targetBinaryDir\qml"))
if (Test-Path "$binDir\..\qml") {
cp -r "$binDir\..\qml" $targetBinaryDir
} elseif (Test-Path "$binDir\..\..\qml") {
cp -r "$binDir\..\..\qml" $targetBinaryDir
} else {
throw "FAILED"
} elseif ($targetBinaryName -match "Qt5Quickd?.dll") {
foreach ($a in @("Qt5QuickControls2", "Qt5QuickControls2d", "Qt5QuickTemplates2", "Qt5QuickTemplates2d"))
if (Test-Path "$binDir\$a.dll")
deployBinary "$targetBinaryDir" "$binDir" "$a.dll"
deployPlugins "scenegraph"
deployPlugins "qmltooling"
} elseif ($targetBinaryName -like "Qt5Declarative*.dll") {
deployPlugins "qml1tooling"
} elseif ($targetBinaryName -like "Qt5Positioning*.dll") {
deployPlugins "position"
} elseif ($targetBinaryName -like "Qt5Location*.dll") {
deployPlugins "geoservices"
} elseif ($targetBinaryName -like "Qt5Sensors*.dll") {
deployPlugins "sensors"
deployPlugins "sensorgestures"
} elseif ($targetBinaryName -like "Qt5WebEngineCore*.dll") {
deployPlugins "qtwebengine"
} elseif ($targetBinaryName -like "Qt53DRenderer*.dll") {
deployPlugins "sceneparsers"
} elseif ($targetBinaryName -like "Qt5TextToSpeech*.dll") {
deployPlugins "texttospeech"
} elseif ($targetBinaryName -like "Qt5SerialBus*.dll") {
deployPlugins "canbus"