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synced 2024-12-31 08:57:55 +08:00
155 lines
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155 lines
6.1 KiB
param([string]$targetBinary, [string]$installedDir, [string]$tlogFile, [string]$copiedFilesLog)
$g_searched = @{}
# Note: installedDir is actually the bin\ directory.
$g_install_root = Split-Path $installedDir -parent
$g_is_debug = $g_install_root -match '(.*\\)?debug(\\)?$'
# Ensure we create the copied files log, even if we don't end up copying any files
if ($copiedFilesLog)
Set-Content -Path $copiedFilesLog -Value "" -Encoding UTF8
function computeHash([System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm]$alg, [string]$str) {
$bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($str)
$hash = $alg.ComputeHash($bytes)
return [Convert]::ToBase64String($hash)
function getMutex([string]$targetDir) {
$sha512Hash = [System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512]::Create()
if ($sha512Hash) {
$hash = computeHash $sha512Hash $targetDir
$mtxName = "VcpkgAppLocalDeployBinary-" + $hash
return New-Object System.Threading.Mutex($false, $mtxName)
return New-Object System.Threading.Mutex($false, "VcpkgAppLocalDeployBinary")
# Note: this function signature is depended upon by the qtdeploy.ps1 script introduced in 5.7.1-7
function deployBinary([string]$targetBinaryDir, [string]$SourceDir, [string]$targetBinaryName) {
try {
$mtx = getMutex($targetBinaryDir)
if ($mtx) {
$mtx.WaitOne() | Out-Null
if (Test-Path "$targetBinaryDir\$targetBinaryName") {
$sourceModTime = (Get-Item $SourceDir\$targetBinaryName).LastWriteTime
$destModTime = (Get-Item $targetBinaryDir\$targetBinaryName).LastWriteTime
if ($destModTime -lt $sourceModTime) {
Write-Verbose " ${targetBinaryName}: Updating $SourceDir\$targetBinaryName"
Copy-Item "$SourceDir\$targetBinaryName" $targetBinaryDir
} else {
Write-Verbose " ${targetBinaryName}: already present"
else {
Write-Verbose " ${targetBinaryName}: Copying $SourceDir\$targetBinaryName"
Copy-Item "$SourceDir\$targetBinaryName" $targetBinaryDir
if ($copiedFilesLog) { Add-Content $copiedFilesLog "$targetBinaryDir\$targetBinaryName" -Encoding UTF8 }
if ($tlogFile) { Add-Content $tlogFile "$targetBinaryDir\$targetBinaryName" -Encoding Unicode }
} finally {
if ($mtx) {
$mtx.ReleaseMutex() | Out-Null
$mtx.Dispose() | Out-Null
Write-Verbose "Resolving base path $targetBinary..."
$baseBinaryPath = Resolve-Path $targetBinary -erroraction stop
$baseTargetBinaryDir = Split-Path $baseBinaryPath -parent
catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException]
# Note: this function signature is depended upon by the qtdeploy.ps1 script
function resolve([string]$targetBinary) {
Write-Verbose "Resolving $targetBinary..."
$targetBinaryPath = Resolve-Path $targetBinary -erroraction stop
catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException]
$targetBinaryDir = Split-Path $targetBinaryPath -parent
if (Get-Command "dumpbin" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
$a = $(dumpbin /DEPENDENTS $targetBinary | ? { $_ -match "^ [^ ].*\.dll" } | % { $_ -replace "^ ","" })
} elseif (Get-Command "llvm-objdump" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
$a = $(llvm-objdump -p $targetBinary| ? { $_ -match "^ {4}DLL Name: .*\.dll" } | % { $_ -replace "^ {4}DLL Name: ","" })
} elseif (Get-Command "objdump" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
$a = $(objdump -p $targetBinary| ? { $_ -match "^\tDLL Name: .*\.dll" } | % { $_ -replace "^\tDLL Name: ","" })
} else {
Write-Error "Neither dumpbin, llvm-objdump nor objdump could be found. Can not take care of dll dependencies."
$a | % {
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_)) {
if ($g_searched.ContainsKey($_)) {
Write-Verbose " ${_}: previously searched - Skip"
$g_searched.Set_Item($_, $true)
if (Test-Path "$installedDir\$_") {
deployBinary $baseTargetBinaryDir $installedDir "$_"
if (Test-Path function:\deployPluginsIfQt) { deployPluginsIfQt $baseTargetBinaryDir "$g_install_root\plugins" "$_" }
if (Test-Path function:\deployOpenNI2) { deployOpenNI2 $targetBinaryDir "$g_install_root" "$_" }
if (Test-Path function:\deployPluginsIfMagnum) {
if ($g_is_debug) {
deployPluginsIfMagnum $targetBinaryDir "$g_install_root\bin\magnum-d" "$_"
} else {
deployPluginsIfMagnum $targetBinaryDir "$g_install_root\bin\magnum" "$_"
if (Test-Path function:\deployAzureKinectSensorSDK) { deployAzureKinectSensorSDK $targetBinaryDir "$g_install_root" "$_" }
resolve "$baseTargetBinaryDir\$_"
} elseif (Test-Path "$targetBinaryDir\$_") {
Write-Verbose " ${_}: $_ not found in vcpkg; locally deployed"
resolve "$targetBinaryDir\$_"
} else {
Write-Verbose " ${_}: $installedDir\$_ not found"
Write-Verbose "Done Resolving $targetBinary."
# Note: This is a hack to make Qt5 work.
# Introduced with Qt package version 5.7.1-7
if (Test-Path "$g_install_root\plugins\qtdeploy.ps1") {
. "$g_install_root\plugins\qtdeploy.ps1"
# Note: This is a hack to make OpenNI2 work.
if (Test-Path "$g_install_root\bin\OpenNI2\openni2deploy.ps1") {
. "$g_install_root\bin\OpenNI2\openni2deploy.ps1"
# Note: This is a hack to make Magnum work.
if (Test-Path "$g_install_root\bin\magnum\magnumdeploy.ps1") {
. "$g_install_root\bin\magnum\magnumdeploy.ps1"
} elseif (Test-Path "$g_install_root\bin\magnum-d\magnumdeploy.ps1") {
. "$g_install_root\bin\magnum-d\magnumdeploy.ps1"
# Note: This is a hack to make Azure Kinect Sensor SDK work.
if (Test-Path "$g_install_root\tools\azure-kinect-sensor-sdk\k4adeploy.ps1") {
. "$g_install_root\tools\azure-kinect-sensor-sdk\k4adeploy.ps1"
Write-Verbose $($g_searched | out-string)