* update 2021-07-27 macOS -> 11.5.1, XCode -> 12.5.1 * update azure-pipelines * update sha of macfuse * change how macos-ci-base works * fix build errors * fix itpp:linux * more fixes * remove tab * allow version changes in all the remove/rename-version patches * fix libunistring for real * robert CR
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Table of Contents
Basic Usage
The simplest usage, and one which should be used for when spinning up new VMs, and when restarting old ones, is a simple:
$ cd ~/vagrant/vcpkg-eg-mac
$ vagrant up
Any modifications to the machines should be made in configuration/Vagrantfile
and Setup-VagrantMachines.ps1
, and make sure to push any changes!
Setting up a new macOS machine
Before anything else, one must download brew
and powershell
$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"
$ brew cask install powershell
Then, we need to download the vcpkg
$ git clone https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg
Then, we need to mint an SSH key:
$ ssh-keygen
$ cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub
Add that SSH key to authorized_keys
on the file share machine with the base box.
Next, install prerequisites and grab the current base box with:
$ cd vcpkg/scripts/azure-pipelines/osx
$ ./Install-Prerequisites.ps1 -Force
$ ./Get-InternalBaseBox.ps1 -FileshareMachine vcpkgmm-01.guest.corp.microsoft.com -BoxVersion 2020-09-28
... where -BoxVersion is the version you want to use.
Getting the base box will fail due to missing kernel modules for osxfuse, sshfs, and/or VirtualBox. Log in to the machine, open System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General, and allow the kernel extensions for VirtualBox and sshfs to load. Then, again:
$ ./Get-InternalBaseBox.ps1 -FileshareMachine vcpkgmm-01.guest.corp.microsoft.com -BoxVersion 2020-09-28
Replace XX
with the number of
the virtual machine. Generally, that should be the same as the number
for the physical machine; i.e., vcpkgmm-04 would use 04.
# NOTE: you may get an error about CoreCLR; see the following paragraph if you do
$ ./Setup-VagrantMachines.ps1 \
-MachineId XX \
-DevopsPat '<get this from azure devops; it needs agent pool read and manage access>' \
-Date <this is the date of the pool; 2021-04-16 at time of writing>
$ cd ~/vagrant/vcpkg-eg-mac
$ vagrant up
If you see the following error:
Failed to initialize CoreCLR, HRESULT: 0x8007001F
You have to reboot the machine; run
$ sudo shutdown -r now
and wait for the machine to start back up. Then, start again from where the error was emitted.
The following are issues that we've run into:
- (with a Parallels box)
vagrant up
doesn't work, and vagrant gives the error that the VM is'stopped'
.- Try logging into the GUI with the KVM, and retrying
vagrant up
- Try logging into the GUI with the KVM, and retrying
Creating a new Vagrant box
Whenever we want to install updated versions of the command line tools, or of macOS, we need to create a new vagrant box. This is pretty easy, but the results of the creation are not public, since we're concerned about licensing. However, if you're sure you're following Apple's licensing, you can set up your own vagrant boxes that are the same as ours by doing the following:
You'll need some prerequisites:
- vagrant - found at https://www.vagrantup.com/
- The vagrant-parallels plugin -
vagrant plugin install vagrant-parallels
- The vagrant-parallels plugin -
- Parallels - found at https://parallels.com
- An Xcode installer - you can get this from Apple's developer website, although you'll need to sign in first: https://developer.apple.com/downloads
First, you'll need to create a base VM; this is where you determine what version of macOS is installed. Just follow the Parallels process for creating a macOS VM.
Once you've done this, you can run through the installation of macOS onto a new VM.
You should set the username to vagrant
Once it's finished installing, make sure to turn on the SSH server. Open System Preferences, then go to Sharing > Remote Login, and turn it on. You'll then want to add the vagrant SSH keys to the VM's vagrant user. Open the terminal application and run the following:
$ # basic stuff
$ date | sudo tee '/etc/vagrant_box_build_time'
$ printf 'vagrant\tALL=(ALL)\tNOPASSWD:\tALL\n' | sudo tee -a '/etc/sudoers.d/vagrant'
$ sudo chmod 0440 '/etc/sudoers.d/vagrant'
$ # then install vagrant keys
$ mkdir -p ~/.ssh
$ curl -fsSL 'https://raw.github.com/mitchellh/vagrant/master/keys/vagrant.pub' >~/.ssh/authorized_keys
$ chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Finally, you'll need to install the Parallel Tools. From your host, in the top bar, go to Actions > Install Parallels Tools..., and then follow the instructions.
Now, let's package the VM into a base box. (The following instructions are adapted from these official instructions).
Run the following commands:
$ cd ~/Parallels
$ echo '{ "provider": "parallels" }' >metadata.json
$ tar zcvf <macos version>.box ./metadata.json ./<name of VM>.pvm
This will create a box file which contains all the necessary data.
You can delete the metadata.json
file after.
Once you've done that, you can upload it to the fileshare,
under share/boxes/macos-base
, add it to share/boxes/macos-base.json
and finally add it to vagrant:
$ vagrant box add ~/vagrant/share/boxes/macos-base.json
Then, we'll create the final box,
which contains all the necessary programs for doing CI work.
Copy configuration/Vagrantfile-box.rb
as Vagrantfile
, and
into a new directory; into that same directory,
download the Xcode command line tools dmg, and name it clt.dmg
Then, run the following in that directory:
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant package
This will create a package.box
, which is the box file for the base VM.
Once you've created this box, if you're making it the new box for the CI,
upload it to the fileshare, under share/boxes/macos-ci
Then, add the metadata about the box (the name and version) to
Once you've done that, add the software versions under VM Software Versions.
VM Software Versions
- 2020-09-28:
- macOS: 10.15.6
- Xcode CLTs: 12
- 2021-04-16:
- macOS: 11.2.3
- Xcode CLTs: 12.4
- 2021-07-27:
- macOS: 11.5.1
- Xcode CLTs: 12.5.1
(Internal) Accessing the macOS fileshare
The fileshare is located on vcpkgmm-01
, under the fileshare
user, in the share
In order to get sshfs
working on the physical machine,
You can run Install-Prerequisites.ps1
to grab the right software, then either:
$ mkdir vagrant/share
$ sshfs fileshare@<vcpkgmm-01 URN>:/Users/fileshare/share vagrant/share
or you can just run
$ ./Get-InternalBaseBox.ps1
which will do the thing automatically.
If you get an error, that means that gatekeeper has prevented the kernel extension from loading, so you'll need to access the GUI of the machine, go to System Preferences, Security & Privacy, General, unlock the settings, and allow system extensions from the osxfuse developer to run. Then, you'll be able to add the fileshare as an sshfs.