Billy O'Neal 97e7ac8d74
[vcpkg] Repair msbuild damage and workaround the way we integrate on VS2015. (#19767)
* Repair msbuild damage and workaround the way we integrate on VS2015.

This is a fix for a pile of issues discovered by

* VS 2015 has a bug that the <VcpkgInstalledDir Condition="!$(VcpkgInstalledDir.EndsWith('\'))">$(VcpkgInstalledDir)\</VcpkgInstalledDir> dance we do to get a trailing slash is not applied correctly when VcpkgInstalledDir was edited in the same property group attempting to add the trailing slash.
* We need a trailing slash on VcpkgInstalledDir at all times, but damaged this by removing it from TreatAsLocalProperty. Add the right TreatAsLocalPropertys back. Add all such slash defenses to the top of the file just beneath, eliminating need to call Path::Combine and friends by following msbuild "directory properties have a trailing slash" convention.
* Move VcpkgOSTarget and VcpkgPlatformTarget into the .targets, as they aren't intended to be overridable by users and don't appear in our selection dialog box(es).
* Don't bother avoiding setting vcpkg properties when VcpkgEnabled is off; after all, VcpkgEnabled is itself a vcpkg property :). I left attempts to skip creating items since creating items can hit the disk.
* Add _Z to several internal msbuild variables.
* Move VcpkgApplocalDeps to the .props since it's a user setting.
* Don't unconditionally use $(TLogLocation) because it is not set on 2015, and also it's per-project.
* Fixed typo in docs "VcpkgInstalledDirectory", and document the limitation that it doesn't work in 2015.
* In manifest mode, put the installed tree in a subdirectory including the triplet to make changing configurations faster.

Known limitations:

* If you change vcpkg.json without changing any .cpp files, we don't rebuild the dependencies even though we should. I don't know how to fix this but it doesn't appear to be a regression.

* Fix .tlog handling.

* Further defend against modified properties on VS2015.

* Document more VS2015 limitations.

* Remove TreatAsLocalProperty comment.
2021-09-02 12:33:21 -07:00

208 lines
13 KiB

<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="">
<!-- Import default properties if not done yet. This does not overwrite any previously defined properties. -->
<Import Condition="'$(VcpkgPropsImported)' != 'true'" Project="vcpkg.props" />
<!-- VS2015's version of "vcpkg integrate install" imports both the props and targets together in the "props" area,
meaning we have no opportunity to respond to user customizations in their project files. It also means that this
.targets must defend against normal properties being unset. (For example, VcpkgPlatformTarget below.)
Also, we copy all initial values to internal values to avoid properties being inconsistently evaluated in targets
and dependent properties.
<!-- Add trailing slashes to inputs that must have them to conform with msbuild conventions. -->
<_ZVcpkgRoot Condition="!$(_ZVcpkgRoot.EndsWith('\'))">$(_ZVcpkgRoot)\</_ZVcpkgRoot>
<_ZVcpkgManifestRoot Condition="'$(_ZVcpkgManifestRoot)' != '' and !$(_ZVcpkgManifestRoot.EndsWith('\'))">$(_ZVcpkgManifestRoot)\</_ZVcpkgManifestRoot>
<_ZVcpkgInstalledDir Condition="'$(_ZVcpkgInstalledDir)' != '' and !$(_ZVcpkgInstalledDir.EndsWith('\'))">$(_ZVcpkgInstalledDir)\</_ZVcpkgInstalledDir>
<!-- Determine the triplet to use. Note that $(PlatformTarget) is not available at the top of the .vcxproj file. -->
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(VcpkgOSTarget)' == ''">
<VcpkgOSTarget Condition="'$(AppContainerApplication)' == 'true'">uwp</VcpkgOSTarget>
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(VcpkgPlatformTarget)' == ''">
<VcpkgPlatformTarget Condition="'$(Platform)' == 'Win32'">x86</VcpkgPlatformTarget>
<_ZVcpkgLinkage />
<_ZVcpkgLinkage Condition="'$(VcpkgUseStatic)' == 'true'">-static</_ZVcpkgLinkage>
<VcpkgTriplet Condition="'$(VcpkgTriplet)' == ''">$(VcpkgPlatformTarget)-$(VcpkgOSTarget)$(_ZVcpkgLinkage)</VcpkgTriplet>
<!-- Include the triplet in ProjectStateLine to force VS2017 and later to fully rebuild if the user changes it. -->
<!-- Determine the locations trees we want to consume. _ZVcpkgInstalledDir is special in that it doesn't have a default
value in the .props because we normally derive it, but users may override the value. -->
<When Condition="'$(VcpkgEnableManifest)' == 'true'">
<_ZVcpkgInstalledDir Condition="'$(_ZVcpkgInstalledDir)' == ''">$(_ZVcpkgManifestRoot)vcpkg_installed\$(VcpkgTriplet)\</_ZVcpkgInstalledDir>
<_ZVcpkgInstalledDir Condition="'$(_ZVcpkgInstalledDir)' == ''">$(_ZVcpkgRoot)installed\</_ZVcpkgInstalledDir>
<_ZVcpkgNormalizedConfiguration Condition="$(VcpkgConfiguration.StartsWith('Debug'))">Debug</_ZVcpkgNormalizedConfiguration>
<_ZVcpkgNormalizedConfiguration Condition="$(VcpkgConfiguration.StartsWith('Release')) or '$(VcpkgConfiguration)' == 'RelWithDebInfo' or '$(VcpkgConfiguration)' == 'MinSizeRel'">Release</_ZVcpkgNormalizedConfiguration>
<_ZVcpkgConfigSubdir Condition="'$(_ZVcpkgNormalizedConfiguration)' == 'Debug'">debug\</_ZVcpkgConfigSubdir>
<!-- Note: Overwrite VcpkgPageSchema with a non-existing path to disable the VcPkg property sheet in your projects -->
<VcpkgPageSchema Condition="'$(VcpkgPageSchema)' == ''">$(_ZVcpkgRoot)scripts\buildsystems\msbuild\vcpkg-general.xml</VcpkgPageSchema>
<ItemGroup Condition="'$(VcpkgPageSchema)' != '' and exists('$(VcpkgPageSchema)') and '$(MSBuildToolsVersion)' != '14.0'">
<PropertyPageSchema Include="$(VcpkgPageSchema)">
<!-- Install settings to get headers and import libs for the currently selected _ZVcpkgCurrentInstalledDir -->
<ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(VcpkgEnabled)' == 'true'">
<AdditionalDependencies Condition="'$(VcpkgAutoLink)' != 'false'">%(AdditionalDependencies);$(_ZVcpkgCurrentInstalledDir)$(_ZVcpkgConfigSubdir)lib\*.lib</AdditionalDependencies>
<Target Name="VcpkgCheckManifestRoot" BeforeTargets="VcpkgInstallManifestDependencies" Condition="'$(VcpkgEnabled)' == 'true'">
<Error Text="The vcpkg manifest was enabled, but we couldn't find a manifest file (vcpkg.json) in any directories above $(MSBuildProjectDirectory). Please add a manifest, disable manifests in your properties page, or pass /p:VcpkgEnableManifest=false."
Condition="'$(VcpkgEnableManifest)' == 'true' and '$(_ZVcpkgManifestRoot)' == ''" />
<Message Text="The vcpkg manifest was disabled, but we found a manifest file in $(_ZVcpkgManifestRoot). You may want to enable vcpkg manifests in your properties page or pass /p:VcpkgEnableManifest=true to the msbuild invocation."
Importance="High" Condition="'$(VcpkgEnableManifest)' != 'true' and '$(_ZVcpkgManifestRoot)' != ''" />
<Target Name="VcpkgTripletSelection" BeforeTargets="ClCompile">
<Message Text="Using triplet &quot;$(VcpkgTriplet)&quot; from &quot;$(_ZVcpkgCurrentInstalledDir)&quot;"
Importance="Normal" Condition="'$(VcpkgEnabled)' == 'true'"/>
<Message Text="Not using Vcpkg because VcpkgEnabled is &quot;$(VcpkgEnabled)&quot;"
Importance="Normal" Condition="'$(VcpkgEnabled)' != 'true'"/>
<Message Text="Vcpkg is unable to link because we cannot decide between Release and Debug libraries. Please define the property VcpkgConfiguration to be 'Release' or 'Debug' (currently '$(VcpkgConfiguration)')."
Importance="High" Condition="'$(VcpkgEnabled)' == 'true' and '$(_ZVcpkgNormalizedConfiguration)' == ''"/>
<When Condition="'$(VcpkgHostTriplet)' != ''">
<_ZVcpkgHostTripletParameter />
<_ZVcpkgHostTripletSuffix />
<ItemGroup Condition="'$(VcpkgEnabled)' == 'true'">
<_ZVcpkgInstallManifestDependenciesInputs Include="$(_ZVcpkgManifestFileLocation)"/>
<_ZVcpkgInstallManifestDependenciesInputs Include="$(_ZVcpkgConfigurationFileLocation)" Condition="Exists('$(_ZVcpkgConfigurationFileLocation)')"/>
<Target Name="VcpkgInstallManifestDependencies" BeforeTargets="ClCompile"
Condition="'$(VcpkgEnabled)' == 'true' and '$(VcpkgEnableManifest)' == 'true' and '$(VcpkgManifestInstall)' == 'true'"
<!-- This is set inside the target because $(TLogLocation) may not be set yet when parsing the .targets on VS2015 -->
<Message Text="Installing vcpkg dependencies to $(_ZVcpkgInstalledDir)" Importance="High" />
<MakeDir Directories="$(_ZVcpkgInstalledDir)" />
<Delete Files="$(_ZVcpkgMSBuildStampFile)" />
<Message Text="%22$(_ZVcpkgExecutable)%22 install $(_ZVcpkgHostTripletParameter) --x-wait-for-lock --triplet %22$(VcpkgTriplet)%22 --vcpkg-root %22$(_ZVcpkgRoot)\%22 %22--x-manifest-root=$(_ZVcpkgManifestRoot)\%22 %22--x-install-root=$(_ZVcpkgInstalledDir)\%22 $(VcpkgAdditionalInstallOptions)"
Importance="High" />
<Exec Command="%22$(_ZVcpkgExecutable)%22 install $(_ZVcpkgHostTripletParameter) --x-wait-for-lock --triplet %22$(VcpkgTriplet)%22 --vcpkg-root %22$(_ZVcpkgRoot)\%22 %22--x-manifest-root=$(_ZVcpkgManifestRoot)\%22 %22--x-install-root=$(_ZVcpkgInstalledDir)\%22 $(VcpkgAdditionalInstallOptions)"
StandardOutputImportance="High" />
<WriteLinesToFile File="$(_ZVcpkgTLogFileLocation)"
Lines="@(_ZVcpkgInstallManifestDependenciesInputs -> '^%(Identity)')"
<Touch Files="$(_ZVcpkgMSBuildStampFile)" AlwaysCreate="true" />
<CreateProperty Value="false">
<Output TaskParameter="ValueSetByTask" PropertyName="Link_MinimalRebuildFromTracking" />
<Target Name="AppLocalFromInstalled" AfterTargets="CopyFilesToOutputDirectory" BeforeTargets="CopyLocalFilesOutputGroup;RegisterOutput"
Condition="'$(VcpkgEnabled)' == 'true' and '$(VcpkgApplocalDeps)' == 'true' and '$(LinkSkippedExecution)' != 'true'">
<Message Text="[vcpkg] Starting VcpkgApplocalDeps" Importance="low" />
<_ZVcpkgAppLocalPowerShellCommonArguments>-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -noprofile -File "$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)applocal.ps1" "$(TargetPath)" "$(_ZVcpkgCurrentInstalledDir)$(_ZVcpkgConfigSubdir)bin" "$(TLogLocation)$(ProjectName).write.1u.tlog" "$(IntDir)vcpkg.applocal.log"</_ZVcpkgAppLocalPowerShellCommonArguments>
<!-- Search %PATH% for pwsh.exe if it is available. -->
Command="pwsh.exe $(_ZVcpkgAppLocalPowerShellCommonArguments)"
<Output TaskParameter="ExitCode"
PropertyName="_ZVcpkgAppLocalExitCode" />
<!-- Fall back to well known system PowerShell location otherwise. -->
<Message Text="[vcpkg] Failed to run applocal.ps1 using pwsh, falling back to system PowerShell." Importance="low"
Condition="$(_ZVcpkgAppLocalExitCode) == 9009" />
Command="%22$(SystemRoot)\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe%22 $(_ZVcpkgAppLocalPowerShellCommonArguments)"
Condition="$(_ZVcpkgAppLocalExitCode) == 9009">
<Output TaskParameter="ExitCode"
PropertyName="_ZVcpkgAppLocalExitCode" />
<!-- We're ignoring the above exit codes, so translate into a warning if both failed. -->
<Warning Text="[vcpkg] Failed to gather app local DLL dependencies, program may not run. Set VcpkgApplocalDeps to false in your project file to suppress this warning. PowerShell arguments: $(_ZVcpkgAppLocalPowerShellCommonArguments)"
Condition="$(_ZVcpkgAppLocalExitCode) != 0"/>
<ReadLinesFromFile File="$(IntDir)vcpkg.applocal.log"
Condition="$(_ZVcpkgAppLocalExitCode) == 0">
<Output TaskParameter="Lines" ItemName="VcpkgAppLocalDLLs" />
<Message Text="@(VcpkgAppLocalDLLs,'%0A')" Importance="Normal" Condition="$(_ZVcpkgAppLocalExitCode) == 0" />
<ItemGroup Condition="$(_ZVcpkgAppLocalExitCode) == 0">
<ReferenceCopyLocalPaths Include="@(VcpkgAppLocalDLLs)" />