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#include "pch.h"
#include <interface/powertoy_module_interface.h>
#include <interface/lowlevel_keyboard_event_data.h>
#include <interface/win_hook_event_data.h>
#include <common/settings_objects.h>
#include <common/shared_constants.h>
#include "resource.h"
#include <keyboardmanager/ui/EditKeyboardWindow.h>
#include <keyboardmanager/ui/EditShortcutsWindow.h>
#include <keyboardmanager/common/KeyboardManagerState.h>
#include <keyboardmanager/common/Shortcut.h>
#include <keyboardmanager/common/RemapShortcut.h>
#include <keyboardmanager/common/KeyboardManagerConstants.h>
#include <common/settings_helpers.h>
#include <common/debug_control.h>
#include <keyboardmanager/common/trace.h>
#include "KeyboardEventHandlers.h"
#include "Input.h"
extern "C" IMAGE_DOS_HEADER __ImageBase;
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved)
switch (ul_reason_for_call)
return TRUE;
// Implement the PowerToy Module Interface and all the required methods.
class KeyboardManager : public PowertoyModuleIface
// The PowerToy state.
bool m_enabled = false;
// The PowerToy name that will be shown in the settings.
const std::wstring app_name = GET_RESOURCE_STRING(IDS_KEYBOARDMANAGER);
// Low level hook handles
static HHOOK hook_handle;
// Required for Unhook in old versions of Windows
static HHOOK hook_handle_copy;
// Static pointer to the current keyboardmanager object required for accessing the HandleKeyboardHookEvent function in the hook procedure (Only global or static variables can be accessed in a hook procedure CALLBACK)
static KeyboardManager* keyboardmanager_object_ptr;
// Variable which stores all the state information to be shared between the UI and back-end
KeyboardManagerState keyboardManagerState;
// Object of class which implements InputInterface. Required for calling library functions while enabling testing
Input inputHandler;
// Constructor
// Load the initial configuration.
// Set the static pointer to the newest object of the class
keyboardmanager_object_ptr = this;
// Load config from the saved settings.
void load_config()
PowerToysSettings::PowerToyValues settings =
auto current_config = settings.get_string_value(KeyboardManagerConstants::ActiveConfigurationSettingName);
if (current_config)
// Read the config file and load the remaps.
auto configFile = json::from_file(PTSettingsHelper::get_module_save_folder_location(KeyboardManagerConstants::ModuleName) + L"\\" + *current_config + L".json");
if (configFile)
auto jsonData = *configFile;
auto remapKeysData = jsonData.GetNamedObject(KeyboardManagerConstants::RemapKeysSettingName);
auto remapShortcutsData = jsonData.GetNamedObject(KeyboardManagerConstants::RemapShortcutsSettingName);
if (remapKeysData)
auto inProcessRemapKeys = remapKeysData.GetNamedArray(KeyboardManagerConstants::InProcessRemapKeysSettingName);
for (const auto& it : inProcessRemapKeys)
auto originalKey = it.GetObjectW().GetNamedString(KeyboardManagerConstants::OriginalKeysSettingName);
auto newRemapKey = it.GetObjectW().GetNamedString(KeyboardManagerConstants::NewRemapKeysSettingName);
keyboardManagerState.AddSingleKeyRemap(std::stoul(originalKey.c_str()), std::stoul(newRemapKey.c_str()));
catch (...)
// Improper Key Data JSON. Try the next remap.
if (remapShortcutsData)
auto globalRemapShortcuts = remapShortcutsData.GetNamedArray(KeyboardManagerConstants::GlobalRemapShortcutsSettingName);
for (const auto& it : globalRemapShortcuts)
auto originalKeys = it.GetObjectW().GetNamedString(KeyboardManagerConstants::OriginalKeysSettingName);
auto newRemapKeys = it.GetObjectW().GetNamedString(KeyboardManagerConstants::NewRemapKeysSettingName);
Shortcut originalSC(originalKeys.c_str());
Shortcut newRemapSC(newRemapKeys.c_str());
keyboardManagerState.AddOSLevelShortcut(originalSC, newRemapSC);
catch (...)
// Improper Key Data JSON. Try the next shortcut.
catch (...)
// Unable to load inital config.
// This function is used to add the hardcoded mappings
void init_map()
////App-specific shortcut remappings
//keyboardManagerState.appSpecificShortcutReMap[L"msedge.exe"][std::vector<DWORD>({ VK_LCONTROL, 0x43 })] = std::make_pair(std::vector<WORD>({ VK_LCONTROL, 0x56 }), false); // Ctrl+C to Ctrl+V
//keyboardManagerState.appSpecificShortcutReMap[L"msedge.exe"][std::vector<DWORD>({ VK_LMENU, 0x44 })] = std::make_pair(std::vector<WORD>({ VK_LCONTROL, 0x46 }), false); // Alt+D to Ctrl+F
//keyboardManagerState.appSpecificShortcutReMap[L"OUTLOOK.EXE"][std::vector<DWORD>({ VK_LCONTROL, 0x46 })] = std::make_pair(std::vector<WORD>({ VK_LCONTROL, 0x45 }), false); // Ctrl+F to Ctrl+E
//keyboardManagerState.appSpecificShortcutReMap[L"MicrosoftEdge.exe"][std::vector<DWORD>({ VK_LCONTROL, 0x58 })] = std::make_pair(std::vector<WORD>({ VK_LCONTROL, 0x56 }), false); // Ctrl+X to Ctrl+V
//keyboardManagerState.appSpecificShortcutReMap[L"Calculator.exe"][std::vector<DWORD>({ VK_LCONTROL, 0x47 })] = std::make_pair(std::vector<WORD>({ VK_LSHIFT, 0x32 }), false); // Ctrl+G to Shift+2
// Destroy the powertoy and free memory
virtual void destroy() override
delete this;
// Return the display name of the powertoy, this will be cached by the runner
virtual const wchar_t* get_name() override
return app_name.c_str();
// Return array of the names of all events that this powertoy listens for, with
2020-05-26 22:56:25 +08:00
// nullptr as the last element of the array. Nullptr can also be returned for empty
// list.
virtual const wchar_t** get_events() override
static const wchar_t* events[] = { ll_keyboard, nullptr };
return events;
// Return JSON with the configuration options.
virtual bool get_config(wchar_t* buffer, int* buffer_size) override
HINSTANCE hinstance = reinterpret_cast<HINSTANCE>(&__ImageBase);
// Create a Settings object.
PowerToysSettings::Settings settings(hinstance, get_name());
return settings.serialize_to_buffer(buffer, buffer_size);
// Signal from the Settings editor to call a custom action.
// This can be used to spawn more complex editors.
virtual void call_custom_action(const wchar_t* action) override
static UINT custom_action_num_calls = 0;
// Parse the action values, including name.
PowerToysSettings::CustomActionObject action_object =
HINSTANCE hInstance = reinterpret_cast<HINSTANCE>(&__ImageBase);
if (action_object.get_name() == L"RemapKeyboard")
if (!CheckEditKeyboardWindowActive() && !CheckEditShortcutsWindowActive())
std::thread(createEditKeyboardWindow, hInstance, std::ref(keyboardManagerState)).detach();
else if (action_object.get_name() == L"EditShortcut")
if (!CheckEditKeyboardWindowActive() && !CheckEditShortcutsWindowActive())
std::thread(createEditShortcutsWindow, hInstance, std::ref(keyboardManagerState)).detach();
catch (std::exception&)
// Improper JSON.
// Called by the runner to pass the updated settings values as a serialized JSON.
virtual void set_config(const wchar_t* config) override
// Parse the input JSON string.
PowerToysSettings::PowerToyValues values =
// If you don't need to do any custom processing of the settings, proceed
// to persists the values calling:
catch (std::exception&)
// Improper JSON.
// Enable the powertoy
virtual void enable()
m_enabled = true;
// Log telemetry
// Start keyboard hook
// Disable the powertoy
virtual void disable()
m_enabled = false;
// Log telemetry
// Close active windows
// Stop keyboard hook
// Returns if the powertoys is enabled
virtual bool is_enabled() override
return m_enabled;
// Handle incoming event, data is event-specific
virtual intptr_t signal_event(const wchar_t* name, intptr_t data) override
return 0;
virtual void register_system_menu_helper(PowertoySystemMenuIface* helper) override {}
virtual void signal_system_menu_action(const wchar_t* name) override {}
// Hook procedure definition
static LRESULT CALLBACK hook_proc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
LowlevelKeyboardEvent event;
if (nCode == HC_ACTION)
event.lParam = reinterpret_cast<KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT*>(lParam);
event.wParam = wParam;
if (keyboardmanager_object_ptr->HandleKeyboardHookEvent(&event) == 1)
// Reset Num Lock whenever a NumLock key down event is suppressed since Num Lock key state change occurs before it is intercepted by low level hooks
if (event.lParam->vkCode == VK_NUMLOCK && (event.wParam == WM_KEYDOWN || event.wParam == WM_SYSKEYDOWN) && event.lParam->dwExtraInfo != KeyboardManagerConstants::KEYBOARDMANAGER_SUPPRESS_FLAG)
return 1;
return CallNextHookEx(hook_handle_copy, nCode, wParam, lParam);
void start_lowlevel_keyboard_hook()
if (IsDebuggerPresent())
if (!hook_handle)
hook_handle = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, hook_proc, GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL);
hook_handle_copy = hook_handle;
if (!hook_handle)
throw std::runtime_error("Cannot install keyboard listener");
// Function to terminate the low level hook
void stop_lowlevel_keyboard_hook()
if (hook_handle)
hook_handle = nullptr;
// Function called by the hook procedure to handle the events. This is the starting point function for remapping
intptr_t HandleKeyboardHookEvent(LowlevelKeyboardEvent* data) noexcept
// If key has suppress flag, then suppress it
if (data->lParam->dwExtraInfo == KeyboardManagerConstants::KEYBOARDMANAGER_SUPPRESS_FLAG)
return 1;
// If the Detect Key Window is currently activated, then suppress the keyboard event
KeyboardManagerHelper::KeyboardHookDecision singleKeyRemapUIDetected = keyboardManagerState.DetectSingleRemapKeyUIBackend(data);
if (singleKeyRemapUIDetected == KeyboardManagerHelper::KeyboardHookDecision::Suppress)
return 1;
else if (singleKeyRemapUIDetected == KeyboardManagerHelper::KeyboardHookDecision::SkipHook)
return 0;
// Remap a key
intptr_t SingleKeyRemapResult = KeyboardEventHandlers::HandleSingleKeyRemapEvent(inputHandler, data, keyboardManagerState);
// Single key remaps have priority. If a key is remapped, only the remapped version should be visible to the shortcuts and hence the event should be suppressed here.
if (SingleKeyRemapResult == 1)
return 1;
// If the Detect Shortcut Window is currently activated, then suppress the keyboard event
KeyboardManagerHelper::KeyboardHookDecision shortcutUIDetected = keyboardManagerState.DetectShortcutUIBackend(data);
if (shortcutUIDetected == KeyboardManagerHelper::KeyboardHookDecision::Suppress)
return 1;
else if (shortcutUIDetected == KeyboardManagerHelper::KeyboardHookDecision::SkipHook)
return 0;
//// Remap a key to behave like a modifier instead of a toggle
//intptr_t SingleKeyToggleToModResult = KeyboardEventHandlers::HandleSingleKeyToggleToModEvent(inputHandler, data, keyboardManagerState);
//// Handle an app-specific shortcut remapping
//intptr_t AppSpecificShortcutRemapResult = KeyboardEventHandlers::HandleAppSpecificShortcutRemapEvent(inputHandler, data, keyboardManagerState);
//// If an app-specific shortcut is remapped then the os-level shortcut remapping should be suppressed.
//if (AppSpecificShortcutRemapResult == 1)
// return 1;
// Handle an os-level shortcut remapping
intptr_t OSLevelShortcutRemapResult = KeyboardEventHandlers::HandleOSLevelShortcutRemapEvent(inputHandler, data, keyboardManagerState);
// If any of the supported types of remappings took place, then suppress the key event
if ((SingleKeyRemapResult + OSLevelShortcutRemapResult) > 0)
return 1;
return 0;
HHOOK KeyboardManager::hook_handle = nullptr;
HHOOK KeyboardManager::hook_handle_copy = nullptr;
KeyboardManager* KeyboardManager::keyboardmanager_object_ptr = nullptr;
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) PowertoyModuleIface* __cdecl powertoy_create()
return new KeyboardManager();