
878 lines
41 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "pch.h"
#include <interface/powertoy_module_interface.h>
#include <interface/lowlevel_keyboard_event_data.h>
#include <interface/win_hook_event_data.h>
#include <common/settings_objects.h>
#include "trace.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include <keyboardmanager/ui/MainWindow.h>
#include <keyboardmanager/common/KeyboardManagerState.h>
extern "C" IMAGE_DOS_HEADER __ImageBase;
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved)
switch (ul_reason_for_call)
return TRUE;
// Implement the PowerToy Module Interface and all the required methods.
class KeyboardManager : public PowertoyModuleIface
// The PowerToy state.
bool m_enabled = false;
// The PowerToy name that will be shown in the settings.
const std::wstring app_name = GET_RESOURCE_STRING(IDS_KEYBOARDMANAGER);
// Flags used for distinguishing key events sent by Keyboard Manager
// Dummy key event used in between key up and down events to prevent certain global events from happening
static const DWORD DUMMY_KEY = 0xFF;
// Low level hook handles
static HHOOK hook_handle;
// Required for Unhook in old versions of Windows
static HHOOK hook_handle_copy;
// Static pointer to the current keyboardmanager object required for accessing the HandleKeyboardHookEvent function in the hook procedure (Only global or static variables can be accessed in a hook procedure CALLBACK)
static KeyboardManager* keyboardmanager_object_ptr;
// Variable which stores all the state information to be shared between the UI and back-end
KeyboardManagerState keyboardManagerState;
// Vector to store the detected shortcut in the detect shortcut UI. Acts as a shortcut buffer while detecting the shortcuts in the UI.
std::vector<DWORD> detectedShortcutKeys;
// Constructor
// Set the static pointer to the newest object of the class
keyboardmanager_object_ptr = this;
// This function is used to add the hardcoded mappings
void init_map()
//// If mapped to 0x0 then key is disabled.
//keyboardManagerState.singleKeyReMap[0x41] = 0x42;
//keyboardManagerState.singleKeyReMap[0x42] = 0x43;
//keyboardManagerState.singleKeyReMap[0x43] = 0x41;
//keyboardManagerState.singleKeyReMap[VK_LWIN] = VK_LCONTROL;
//keyboardManagerState.singleKeyReMap[VK_LCONTROL] = VK_LWIN;
//keyboardManagerState.singleKeyReMap[VK_CAPITAL] = 0x0;
//keyboardManagerState.singleKeyReMap[VK_LSHIFT] = VK_CAPITAL;
//keyboardManagerState.singleKeyToggleToMod[VK_CAPITAL] = false;
//// OS-level shortcut remappings
//keyboardManagerState.osLevelShortcutReMap[std::vector<DWORD>({ VK_LMENU, 0x44 })] = std::make_pair(std::vector<WORD>({ VK_LCONTROL, 0x56 }), false);
//keyboardManagerState.osLevelShortcutReMap[std::vector<DWORD>({ VK_LMENU, 0x45 })] = std::make_pair(std::vector<WORD>({ VK_LCONTROL, 0x58 }), false);
//keyboardManagerState.osLevelShortcutReMap[std::vector<DWORD>({ VK_LWIN, 0x46 })] = std::make_pair(std::vector<WORD>({ VK_LWIN, 0x53 }), false);
//keyboardManagerState.osLevelShortcutReMap[std::vector<DWORD>({ VK_LWIN, 0x41 })] = std::make_pair(std::vector<WORD>({ VK_LCONTROL, 0x58 }), false);
//keyboardManagerState.osLevelShortcutReMap[std::vector<DWORD>({ VK_LCONTROL, 0x58 })] = std::make_pair(std::vector<WORD>({ VK_LWIN, 0x41 }), false);
//keyboardManagerState.osLevelShortcutReMap[std::vector<DWORD>({ VK_LWIN, 0x41 })] = std::make_pair(std::vector<WORD>({ VK_LCONTROL, 0x58 }), false);
//keyboardManagerState.osLevelShortcutReMap[std::vector<DWORD>({ VK_LCONTROL, 0x58 })] = std::make_pair(std::vector<WORD>({ VK_LMENU, 0x44 }), false);
//keyboardManagerState.osLevelShortcutReMap[std::vector<DWORD>({ VK_LCONTROL, 0x56 })] = std::make_pair(std::vector<WORD>({ VK_LWIN, 0x41 }), false);
////App-specific shortcut remappings
//keyboardManagerState.appSpecificShortcutReMap[L"msedge.exe"][std::vector<DWORD>({ VK_LCONTROL, 0x43 })] = std::make_pair(std::vector<WORD>({ VK_LCONTROL, 0x56 }), false); // Ctrl+C to Ctrl+V
//keyboardManagerState.appSpecificShortcutReMap[L"msedge.exe"][std::vector<DWORD>({ VK_LMENU, 0x44 })] = std::make_pair(std::vector<WORD>({ VK_LCONTROL, 0x46 }), false); // Alt+D to Ctrl+F
//keyboardManagerState.appSpecificShortcutReMap[L"OUTLOOK.EXE"][std::vector<DWORD>({ VK_LCONTROL, 0x46 })] = std::make_pair(std::vector<WORD>({ VK_LCONTROL, 0x45 }), false); // Ctrl+F to Ctrl+E
//keyboardManagerState.appSpecificShortcutReMap[L"MicrosoftEdge.exe"][std::vector<DWORD>({ VK_LCONTROL, 0x58 })] = std::make_pair(std::vector<WORD>({ VK_LCONTROL, 0x56 }), false); // Ctrl+X to Ctrl+V
//keyboardManagerState.appSpecificShortcutReMap[L"Calculator.exe"][std::vector<DWORD>({ VK_LCONTROL, 0x47 })] = std::make_pair(std::vector<WORD>({ VK_LSHIFT, 0x32 }), false); // Ctrl+G to Shift+2
// Destroy the powertoy and free memory
virtual void destroy() override
delete this;
// Return the display name of the powertoy, this will be cached by the runner
virtual const wchar_t* get_name() override
return app_name.c_str();
// Return array of the names of all events that this powertoy listens for, with
// nullptr as the last element of the array. Nullptr can also be retured for empty
// list.
virtual const wchar_t** get_events() override
static const wchar_t* events[] = { ll_keyboard, nullptr };
return events;
// Return JSON with the configuration options.
virtual bool get_config(wchar_t* buffer, int* buffer_size) override
HINSTANCE hinstance = reinterpret_cast<HINSTANCE>(&__ImageBase);
// Create a Settings object.
PowerToysSettings::Settings settings(hinstance, get_name());
return settings.serialize_to_buffer(buffer, buffer_size);
// Signal from the Settings editor to call a custom action.
// This can be used to spawn more complex editors.
virtual void call_custom_action(const wchar_t* action) override
static UINT custom_action_num_calls = 0;
// Parse the action values, including name.
PowerToysSettings::CustomActionObject action_object =
//if (action_object.get_name() == L"custom_action_id") {
// // Execute your custom action
catch (std::exception&)
// Improper JSON.
// Called by the runner to pass the updated settings values as a serialized JSON.
virtual void set_config(const wchar_t* config) override
// Parse the input JSON string.
PowerToysSettings::PowerToyValues values =
// If you don't need to do any custom processing of the settings, proceed
// to persists the values calling:
catch (std::exception&)
// Improper JSON.
// Enable the powertoy
virtual void enable()
m_enabled = true;
HINSTANCE hInstance = reinterpret_cast<HINSTANCE>(&__ImageBase);
std::thread(createMainWindow, hInstance, std::ref(keyboardManagerState)).detach();
// Disable the powertoy
virtual void disable()
m_enabled = false;
// Returns if the powertoys is enabled
virtual bool is_enabled() override
return m_enabled;
// Handle incoming event, data is event-specific
virtual intptr_t signal_event(const wchar_t* name, intptr_t data) override
return 0;
virtual void register_system_menu_helper(PowertoySystemMenuIface* helper) override {}
virtual void signal_system_menu_action(const wchar_t* name) override {}
// Hook procedure definition
static LRESULT CALLBACK hook_proc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
LowlevelKeyboardEvent event;
if (nCode == HC_ACTION)
event.lParam = reinterpret_cast<KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT*>(lParam);
event.wParam = wParam;
if (keyboardmanager_object_ptr->HandleKeyboardHookEvent(&event) == 1)
return 1;
return CallNextHookEx(hook_handle_copy, nCode, wParam, lParam);
// Prevent system-wide input lagging while paused in the debugger
void start_lowlevel_keyboard_hook()
if (IsDebuggerPresent())
if (!hook_handle)
hook_handle = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, hook_proc, GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL);
hook_handle_copy = hook_handle;
if (!hook_handle)
throw std::runtime_error("Cannot install keyboard listener");
// Function to terminate the low level hook
void stop_lowlevel_keyboard_hook()
if (hook_handle)
hook_handle = nullptr;
// Function called by the hook procedure to handle the events. This is the starting point function for remapping
intptr_t HandleKeyboardHookEvent(LowlevelKeyboardEvent* data) noexcept
// If the Detect Key Window is currently activated, then suppress the keyboard event
if (keyboardManagerState.DetectSingleRemapKeyUIBackend(data))
return 1;
// Remap a key
intptr_t SingleKeyRemapResult = HandleSingleKeyRemapEvent(data);
// Single key remaps have priority. If a key is remapped, only the remapped version should be visible to the shortcuts and hence the event should be suppressed here.
if (SingleKeyRemapResult == 1)
return 1;
// If the Detect Shortcut Window is currently activated, then suppress the keyboard event
if (keyboardManagerState.DetectShortcutUIBackend(data))
return 1;
// Remap a key to behave like a modifier instead of a toggle
intptr_t SingleKeyToggleToModResult = HandleSingleKeyToggleToModEvent(data);
// Handle an app-specific shortcut remapping
intptr_t AppSpecificShortcutRemapResult = HandleAppSpecificShortcutRemapEvent(data);
// If an app-specific shortcut is remapped then the os-level shortcut remapping should be suppressed.
if (AppSpecificShortcutRemapResult == 1)
return 1;
// Handle an os-level shortcut remapping
intptr_t OSLevelShortcutRemapResult = HandleOSLevelShortcutRemapEvent(data);
// If any of the supported types of remappings took place, then suppress the key event
if ((SingleKeyRemapResult + SingleKeyToggleToModResult + OSLevelShortcutRemapResult + AppSpecificShortcutRemapResult) > 0)
return 1;
return 0;
// Function to a handle a single key remap
intptr_t HandleSingleKeyRemapEvent(LowlevelKeyboardEvent* data) noexcept
// Check if the key event was generated by KeyboardManager to avoid remapping events generated by us.
if (!(data->lParam->dwExtraInfo & KEYBOARDMANAGER_INJECTED_FLAG))
// The mutex should be unlocked before SendInput is called to avoid re-entry into the same mutex. More details can be found at https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys/pull/1789#issuecomment-607555837
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(keyboardManagerState.singleKeyReMap_mutex);
auto it = keyboardManagerState.singleKeyReMap.find(data->lParam->vkCode);
if (it != keyboardManagerState.singleKeyReMap.end())
// If mapped to 0x0 then the key is disabled
if (it->second == 0x0)
return 1;
int key_count = 1;
LPINPUT keyEventList = new INPUT[size_t(key_count)]();
memset(keyEventList, 0, sizeof(keyEventList));
keyEventList[0].type = INPUT_KEYBOARD;
keyEventList[0].ki.wVk = it->second;
keyEventList[0].ki.dwFlags = 0;
keyEventList[0].ki.dwExtraInfo = KEYBOARDMANAGER_SINGLEKEY_FLAG;
if (data->wParam == WM_KEYUP || data->wParam == WM_SYSKEYUP)
keyEventList[0].ki.dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_KEYUP;
UINT res = SendInput(key_count, keyEventList, sizeof(INPUT));
delete[] keyEventList;
return 1;
return 0;
// Function to a change a key's behaviour from toggle to modifier
intptr_t HandleSingleKeyToggleToModEvent(LowlevelKeyboardEvent* data) noexcept
// Check if the key event was generated by KeyboardManager to avoid remapping events generated by us.
if (!(data->lParam->dwExtraInfo & KEYBOARDMANAGER_INJECTED_FLAG))
// The mutex should be unlocked before SendInput is called to avoid re-entry into the same mutex. More details can be found at https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys/pull/1789#issuecomment-607555837
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(keyboardManagerState.singleKeyToggleToMod_mutex);
auto it = keyboardManagerState.singleKeyToggleToMod.find(data->lParam->vkCode);
if (it != keyboardManagerState.singleKeyToggleToMod.end())
// To avoid long presses (which leads to continuous keydown messages) from toggling the key on and off
if (data->wParam == WM_KEYDOWN || data->wParam == WM_SYSKEYDOWN)
if (it->second == false)
keyboardManagerState.singleKeyToggleToMod[data->lParam->vkCode] = true;
return 1;
int key_count = 2;
LPINPUT keyEventList = new INPUT[size_t(key_count)]();
memset(keyEventList, 0, sizeof(keyEventList));
keyEventList[0].type = INPUT_KEYBOARD;
keyEventList[0].ki.wVk = (WORD)data->lParam->vkCode;
keyEventList[0].ki.dwFlags = 0;
keyEventList[0].ki.dwExtraInfo = KEYBOARDMANAGER_SINGLEKEY_FLAG;
keyEventList[1].type = INPUT_KEYBOARD;
keyEventList[1].ki.wVk = (WORD)data->lParam->vkCode;
keyEventList[1].ki.dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_KEYUP;
keyEventList[1].ki.dwExtraInfo = KEYBOARDMANAGER_SINGLEKEY_FLAG;
UINT res = SendInput(key_count, keyEventList, sizeof(INPUT));
delete[] keyEventList;
// Reset the long press flag when the key has been lifted.
if (data->wParam == WM_KEYUP || data->wParam == WM_SYSKEYUP)
keyboardManagerState.singleKeyToggleToMod[data->lParam->vkCode] = false;
return 1;
return 0;
// Function to check if any keys are pressed down except those passed in the argument
bool IsKeyboardStateClearExceptArgs(const std::vector<DWORD>& args)
bool isIgnore = false;
for (int keyVal = 0; keyVal < 0x100; keyVal++)
// Skip mouse buttons. Keeping this could cause a remapping to fail if a mouse button is also pressed at the same time
if (keyVal == VK_LBUTTON || keyVal == VK_RBUTTON || keyVal == VK_MBUTTON || keyVal == VK_XBUTTON1 || keyVal == VK_XBUTTON2)
// Check state of the key
if (GetAsyncKeyState(keyVal) & 0x8000)
isIgnore = false;
// If the key is not part of the argument then the keyboard state is not clear
for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++)
// If the key matches one of the args, ignore
if (args[i] == keyVal)
isIgnore = true;
// If the key is Control and either of the args is L/R Control, ignore
else if ((args[i] == VK_LCONTROL || args[i] == VK_RCONTROL) && keyVal == VK_CONTROL)
isIgnore = true;
// If the key is Alt and either of the args is L/R Alt, ignore
else if ((args[i] == VK_LMENU || args[i] == VK_RMENU) && keyVal == VK_MENU)
isIgnore = true;
// If the key is Shift and either of the args is L/R Shift, ignore
else if ((args[i] == VK_LSHIFT || args[i] == VK_RSHIFT) && keyVal == VK_SHIFT)
isIgnore = true;
// If the key is L/R Control and either of the args is Control, ignore
else if ((keyVal == VK_LCONTROL || keyVal == VK_RCONTROL) && args[i] == VK_CONTROL)
isIgnore = true;
// If the key is L/R Alt and either of the args is Alt, ignore
else if ((keyVal == VK_LMENU || keyVal == VK_RMENU) && args[i] == VK_MENU)
isIgnore = true;
// If the key is L/R Shift and either of the args is Shift, ignore
else if ((keyVal == VK_LSHIFT || keyVal == VK_RSHIFT) && args[i] == VK_SHIFT)
isIgnore = true;
if (!isIgnore)
return false;
return true;
// Function to check if the modifiers in the shortcut have been pressed down
template<typename T>
bool CheckModifiersKeyboardState(const std::vector<T>& args)
// Check all keys except last
for (int i = 0; i < args.size() - 1; i++)
if (!(GetAsyncKeyState(args[i]) & 0x8000))
return false;
return true;
// Function to check if all the modifiers in the first shorcut are present in the second shortcut, i.e. Modifiers(src) are a subset of Modifiers(dest)
std::vector<DWORD> GetCommonModifiers(const std::vector<DWORD>& src, const std::vector<WORD>& dest)
std::vector<DWORD> commonElements;
for (auto it = src.begin(); it != src.end() - 1; it++)
if (std::find(dest.begin(), dest.end() - 1, *it) != dest.end() - 1)
return commonElements;
// Function to a handle a shortcut remap
intptr_t HandleShortcutRemapEvent(LowlevelKeyboardEvent* data, std::map<std::vector<DWORD>, std::pair<std::vector<WORD>, bool>>& reMap, std::mutex& map_mutex) noexcept
// The mutex should be unlocked before SendInput is called to avoid re-entry into the same mutex. More details can be found at https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys/pull/1789#issuecomment-607555837
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(map_mutex);
for (auto& it : reMap)
const size_t src_size = it.first.size();
const size_t dest_size = it.second.first.size();
// If the shortcut has been pressed down
if (!it.second.second && CheckModifiersKeyboardState<DWORD>(it.first))
if (data->lParam->vkCode == it.first[src_size - 1] && (data->wParam == WM_KEYDOWN || data->wParam == WM_SYSKEYDOWN))
// Check if any other keys have been pressed apart from the shortcut. If true, then check for the next shortcut
if (!IsKeyboardStateClearExceptArgs(it.first))
size_t key_count;
LPINPUT keyEventList;
// Get the common keys between the two shortcuts
std::vector<DWORD> commonKeys = GetCommonModifiers(it.first, it.second.first);
// If the original shortcut modifiers are a subset of the new shortcut
if (commonKeys.size() == src_size - 1)
// key down for all new shortcut keys except the common modifiers
key_count = dest_size - commonKeys.size();
keyEventList = new INPUT[key_count]();
memset(keyEventList, 0, sizeof(keyEventList));
long long i = 0;
long long j = 0;
// Add a key down only for the non-common keys in the new shortcut
while (i < (long long)key_count)
if (std::find(commonKeys.begin(), commonKeys.end(), it.second.first[j]) == commonKeys.end())
keyEventList[i].type = INPUT_KEYBOARD;
keyEventList[i].ki.wVk = it.second.first[j];
keyEventList[i].ki.dwFlags = 0;
keyEventList[i].ki.dwExtraInfo = KEYBOARDMANAGER_SHORTCUT_FLAG;
// Dummy key, key up for all the original shortcut modifier keys and key down for all the new shortcut keys but common keys in each are not repeated
key_count = 1 + (src_size - 1) + (dest_size) - (2 * commonKeys.size());
keyEventList = new INPUT[key_count]();
memset(keyEventList, 0, sizeof(keyEventList));
// Send dummy key
keyEventList[0].type = INPUT_KEYBOARD;
keyEventList[0].ki.wVk = (WORD)DUMMY_KEY;
keyEventList[0].ki.dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_KEYUP;
keyEventList[0].ki.dwExtraInfo = KEYBOARDMANAGER_SHORTCUT_FLAG;
// Release original shortcut state (release in reverse order of shortcut to be accurate)
long long i = 1;
long long j = (long long)src_size - 2;
while (j >= 0)
// Release only those keys which are not common
if (std::find(commonKeys.begin(), commonKeys.end(), it.first[j]) == commonKeys.end())
keyEventList[i].type = INPUT_KEYBOARD;
keyEventList[i].ki.wVk = (WORD)it.first[j];
keyEventList[i].ki.dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_KEYUP;
keyEventList[i].ki.dwExtraInfo = KEYBOARDMANAGER_SHORTCUT_FLAG;
// Set new shortcut key down state
j = 0;
while (i < (long long)key_count)
// Key down only those keys which are not common
if (std::find(commonKeys.begin(), commonKeys.end(), it.second.first[j]) == commonKeys.end())
keyEventList[i].type = INPUT_KEYBOARD;
keyEventList[i].ki.wVk = it.second.first[j];
keyEventList[i].ki.dwFlags = 0;
keyEventList[i].ki.dwExtraInfo = KEYBOARDMANAGER_SHORTCUT_FLAG;
it.second.second = true;
UINT res = SendInput((UINT)key_count, keyEventList, sizeof(INPUT));
delete[] keyEventList;
return 1;
// The shortcut has already been pressed down at least once, i.e. the shortcut has been invoked
// There are 4 cases to be handled if the shortcut has been pressed down
// 1. The user lets go of one of the modifier keys - reset the keyboard back to the state of the keys actually being pressed down
// 2. The user keeps the shortcut pressed - the shortcut is repeated (for example you could hold down Ctrl+V and it will keep pasting)
// 3. The user lets go of the last key - reset the keyboard back to the state of the keys actually being pressed down
// 4. The user presses another key while holding the shortcut down - the system now sees all the new shortcut keys and this extra key pressed at the end. Not handled as resetting the state would trigger the original shortcut once more
else if (it.second.second)
// Get the common keys between the two shortcuts
std::vector<DWORD> commonKeys = GetCommonModifiers(it.first, it.second.first);
// Case 1: If any of the modifier keys of the original shortcut are released before the normal key
auto keyIt = std::find(it.first.begin(), it.first.end() - 1, data->lParam->vkCode);
if (keyIt != (it.first.end() - 1) && (data->wParam == WM_KEYUP || data->wParam == WM_SYSKEYUP))
// Release new shortcut, and set original shortcut keys except the one released
size_t key_count;
if (std::find(commonKeys.begin(), commonKeys.end(), data->lParam->vkCode) != commonKeys.end())
// release all new shortcut keys and the common released modifier except the other common modifiers, and add all original shortcut modifiers except the common ones
key_count = (dest_size - commonKeys.size() + 1) + (src_size - 1 - commonKeys.size());
// release all new shortcut keys except the common modifiers and add all original shortcut modifiers except the common ones
key_count = dest_size + (src_size - 2) - (2 * commonKeys.size());
LPINPUT keyEventList = new INPUT[key_count]();
memset(keyEventList, 0, sizeof(keyEventList));
// Release new shortcut state (release in reverse order of shortcut to be accurate)
long long i = 0;
long long j = (long long)dest_size - 1;
while (j >= 0)
// Do not release if it is a common modifier, except the case where a common modifier is released (second part of the if condition))
if ((std::find(commonKeys.begin(), commonKeys.end(), it.second.first[j]) == commonKeys.end()) || it.second.first[j] == data->lParam->vkCode)
keyEventList[i].type = INPUT_KEYBOARD;
keyEventList[i].ki.wVk = it.second.first[j];
keyEventList[i].ki.dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_KEYUP;
keyEventList[i].ki.dwExtraInfo = KEYBOARDMANAGER_SHORTCUT_FLAG;
// Set original shortcut key down state except the last key and the released modifier
j = 0;
while (i < (long long)key_count)
// Do not set key down for the released modifier and for the common modifiers
if (it.first[j] != data->lParam->vkCode && (std::find(commonKeys.begin(), commonKeys.end(), it.first[j]) == commonKeys.end()))
keyEventList[i].type = INPUT_KEYBOARD;
keyEventList[i].ki.wVk = (WORD)it.first[j];
keyEventList[i].ki.dwFlags = 0;
keyEventList[i].ki.dwExtraInfo = KEYBOARDMANAGER_SHORTCUT_FLAG;
it.second.second = false;
UINT res = SendInput((UINT)key_count, keyEventList, sizeof(INPUT));
delete[] keyEventList;
return 1;
// The system will see the modifiers of the new shortcut as being held down because of the shortcut remap
if (CheckModifiersKeyboardState<WORD>(it.second.first))
// Case 2: If the original shortcut is still held down the keyboard will get a key down message of the last key in the original shortcut and the new shortcut's modifiers will be held down (keys held down send repeated keydown messages)
if (data->lParam->vkCode == it.first[src_size - 1] && (data->wParam == WM_KEYDOWN || data->wParam == WM_SYSKEYDOWN))
size_t key_count = 1;
LPINPUT keyEventList = new INPUT[key_count]();
memset(keyEventList, 0, sizeof(keyEventList));
keyEventList[0].type = INPUT_KEYBOARD;
keyEventList[0].ki.wVk = it.second.first[dest_size - 1];
keyEventList[0].ki.dwFlags = 0;
keyEventList[0].ki.dwExtraInfo = KEYBOARDMANAGER_SHORTCUT_FLAG;
it.second.second = true;
UINT res = SendInput((UINT)key_count, keyEventList, sizeof(INPUT));
delete[] keyEventList;
return 1;
// Case 3: If the last key is released from the original shortcut then revert the keyboard state to just the original modifiers being held down
if (data->lParam->vkCode == it.first[src_size - 1] && (data->wParam == WM_KEYUP || data->wParam == WM_SYSKEYUP))
size_t key_count;
LPINPUT keyEventList;
// If the original shortcut is a subset of the new shortcut
if (commonKeys.size() == src_size - 1)
key_count = dest_size - commonKeys.size();
keyEventList = new INPUT[key_count]();
memset(keyEventList, 0, sizeof(keyEventList));
long long i = 0;
long long j = (long long)dest_size - 1;
while (i < (long long)key_count)
if (std::find(commonKeys.begin(), commonKeys.end(), it.second.first[j]) == commonKeys.end())
keyEventList[i].type = INPUT_KEYBOARD;
keyEventList[i].ki.wVk = it.second.first[j];
keyEventList[i].ki.dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_KEYUP;
keyEventList[i].ki.dwExtraInfo = KEYBOARDMANAGER_SHORTCUT_FLAG;
// Key up for all new shortcut keys, key down for original shortcut modifiers and dummy key but common keys aren't repeated
key_count = (dest_size) + (src_size - 1) + 1 - (2 * commonKeys.size());
keyEventList = new INPUT[key_count]();
memset(keyEventList, 0, sizeof(keyEventList));
// Release new shortcut state (release in reverse order of shortcut to be accurate)
long long i = 0;
long long j = (long long)dest_size - 1;
while (j >= 0 && i < (long long)(dest_size - commonKeys.size()))
// Release only those keys which are not common
if (std::find(commonKeys.begin(), commonKeys.end(), it.second.first[j]) == commonKeys.end())
keyEventList[i].type = INPUT_KEYBOARD;
keyEventList[i].ki.wVk = it.second.first[j];
keyEventList[i].ki.dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_KEYUP;
keyEventList[i].ki.dwExtraInfo = KEYBOARDMANAGER_SHORTCUT_FLAG;
// Set old shortcut key down state
j = 0;
while (i < (long long)key_count)
// Key down only those keys which are not common
if (std::find(commonKeys.begin(), commonKeys.end(), it.first[j]) == commonKeys.end())
keyEventList[i].type = INPUT_KEYBOARD;
keyEventList[i].ki.wVk = (WORD)it.first[j];
keyEventList[i].ki.dwFlags = 0;
keyEventList[i].ki.dwExtraInfo = KEYBOARDMANAGER_SHORTCUT_FLAG;
// Send dummy key
keyEventList[key_count - 1].type = INPUT_KEYBOARD;
keyEventList[key_count - 1].ki.wVk = (WORD)DUMMY_KEY;
keyEventList[key_count - 1].ki.dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_KEYUP;
keyEventList[key_count - 1].ki.dwExtraInfo = KEYBOARDMANAGER_SHORTCUT_FLAG;
it.second.second = false;
UINT res = SendInput((UINT)key_count, keyEventList, sizeof(INPUT));
delete[] keyEventList;
return 1;
return 0;
// Function to a handle an os-level shortcut remap
intptr_t HandleOSLevelShortcutRemapEvent(LowlevelKeyboardEvent* data) noexcept
// Check if the key event was generated by KeyboardManager to avoid remapping events generated by us.
if (data->lParam->dwExtraInfo != KEYBOARDMANAGER_SHORTCUT_FLAG)
bool result = HandleShortcutRemapEvent(data, keyboardManagerState.osLevelShortcutReMap, keyboardManagerState.osLevelShortcutReMap_mutex);
return result;
return 0;
// Function to return the window in focus
HWND GetFocusWindowHandle()
// Using GetGUIThreadInfo for getting the process of the window in focus. GetForegroundWindow has issues with UWP apps as it returns the Application Frame Host as its linked process
guiThreadInfo.cbSize = sizeof(GUITHREADINFO);
GetGUIThreadInfo(0, &guiThreadInfo);
// If no window in focus, use the active window
if (guiThreadInfo.hwndFocus == nullptr)
return guiThreadInfo.hwndActive;
return guiThreadInfo.hwndFocus;
// Function to return the executable name of the application in focus
std::wstring GetCurrentApplication(bool keepPath)
HWND current_window_handle = GetFocusWindowHandle();
DWORD process_id;
WCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
// Get process ID of the focus window
DWORD thread_id = GetWindowThreadProcessId(current_window_handle, &process_id);
// Get full path of the executable
bool res = QueryFullProcessImageName(hProc, 0, buffer, &nSize);
std::wstring process_name;
process_name = buffer;
if (res)
if (!keepPath)
process_name = buffer;
return process_name;
// Function to a handle an app-specific shortcut remap
intptr_t HandleAppSpecificShortcutRemapEvent(LowlevelKeyboardEvent* data) noexcept
// Check if the key event was generated by KeyboardManager to avoid remapping events generated by us.
if (data->lParam->dwExtraInfo != KEYBOARDMANAGER_SHORTCUT_FLAG)
std::wstring process_name = GetCurrentApplication(false);
if (process_name.empty())
return 0;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(keyboardManagerState.appSpecificShortcutReMap_mutex);
auto it = keyboardManagerState.appSpecificShortcutReMap.find(process_name);
if (it != keyboardManagerState.appSpecificShortcutReMap.end())
bool result = HandleShortcutRemapEvent(data, keyboardManagerState.appSpecificShortcutReMap[process_name], keyboardManagerState.appSpecificShortcutReMap_mutex);
return result;
return 0;
HHOOK KeyboardManager::hook_handle = nullptr;
HHOOK KeyboardManager::hook_handle_copy = nullptr;
KeyboardManager* KeyboardManager::keyboardmanager_object_ptr = nullptr;
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) PowertoyModuleIface* __cdecl powertoy_create()
return new KeyboardManager();