Use reserved 0xCF virtual key-code to suppress the Start menu from
appearing instead of 0x07 which is used by the Xbox Controller for the
Xbox Guide button.
* Don't trace event on exit
change 'PowertoyModuleDeleter' to not call 'module->disable();' before 'module->destroy();' so the module can distinguish between being turned off and PowerToys exiting.
Code formatting.
* uppercase for event name
* Trace on/off event for ShortcutGuide module
* Trace the 'hide' event only if the guide was visible
'on_hide()' is invoked when the module is turned off, in that case don't trace the hide event.
* Remove spaces in data field names
Remove 'ShowGuide' event since it's not providing any useful data.
* Include build number in version number
Co-authored-by: Alexis Campailla <>
Co-authored-by: Bret Anderson <>
Co-authored-by: Enrico Giordani <>
Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <>
Co-authored-by: Jeff Bogdan <>
Co-authored-by: March Rogers <>
Co-authored-by: Mike Harsh <>
Co-authored-by: Nachum Bundak <>
Co-authored-by: Oliver Jones <>
Co-authored-by: Patrick Little <>