2022-07-27 17:51:57 +01:00

8.2 KiB

Color Picker

  • Enable the Color Picker in settings and ensure that the hotkey brings up Color Picker
    • when PowerToys is running unelevated on start-up
    • when PowerToys is running as admin on start-up
    • when PowerToys is restarted as admin, by clicking the restart as admin button in the settings
  • Change Activate Color Picker shortcut and check the new shortcut is working
  • Try all three Activation behaviors(Color Picker with editor mode enabled, Editor, Color Picker only)
  • Change Color format for clipboard and check if the correct format is copied from the Color picker
  • Try to copy color formats to the clipboard from the Editor
  • Check Show color name and verify if color name is shown in the Color picker
  • Enable one new format, disable one existing format, reorder enabled formats and check if settings are populated to the Editor
  • Select a color from the history in the Editor
  • Remove color from the history in the Editor
  • Open the Color Picker from the Editor
  • Open Adjust color from the Editor
  • Check Color Picker logs for errors


  • Check if disable and enable of the module works.
  • Check that with the Show icon on context menu icon is shown and vice versa.
  • Check if Appear only in extended context menu works.
  • Enable/disable autocomplete.
  • Enable/disable Show values from last use.
  • Select several files and folders and check PowerRename options:
    • Make Uppercase/Lowercase/Titlecase (could be selected only one at the time)
    • Exclude Folders/Files/Subfolder Items (could be selected several)
    • Item Name/Extension Only (one at the time)
    • Enumerate Items
    • Case Sensitive
    • Match All Occurrences. If checked, all matches of text in the Search field will be replaced with the Replace text. Otherwise, only the first instance of the Search for text in the file name will be replaced (left to right).
    • Use regular expressions
      • Search with an expression (e.g. (.*).png)
      • Replace with an expression (e.g. foo_$1.png)
      • Replace using file creation date and time (e.g. $hh-$mm-$ss-$fff $DD_$MMMM_$YYYY)
      • Turn on Use Boost library and test with Perl Regular Expression Syntax (e.g. (?<=t)est)
    • File list filters.
      • In the preview window uncheck some items to exclude them from renaming.
      • Click on the Renamed column to filter results.
      • Click on the Original column to cycle between checked and unchecked items.

Shortcut Guide

  • Run PowerToys as user:
    • Verify Win + Shift + / opens the guide
    • Change the hotkey to a different shortcut (e.g. Win + /) and verify it works
    • Set Shortcut Guide to start with a Windows key press and verify it works.
  • Restore the Win + Shift + / hotkey.
    • Open the guide and close it pressing Esc
    • Open the guide and close it pressing and releasing the Win key
  • With PowerToys running as a user, open an elevated app and keep it on foreground:
    • Verify Win + Shift + / opens the guide
    • Verify some of the shortcuts shown in the guide work and the guide is closed when pressed


  • Quit PowerToys
  • Delete %localappdata%\Microsoft\PowerToys
  • Start PowerToys and verify OOBE opens
  • Change version saved on %localappdata%\Microsoft\PowerToys\last_version.txt
  • Start PowerToys and verify OOBE opens in the "What's New" page
  • Visit each OOBE section and for each section:
    • open the Settings for that module
    • verify the Settings work as expected (toggle some controls on/off etc.)
    • close the Settings
    • if it's available, test the Launch module name button
  • Close OOBE
  • Open the Settings and from the General page open OOBE using the Welcome to PowerToys link

Mouse Utils

Find My Mouse:

  • Enable FindMyMouse. Then, without moving your mouse:
    • Press Left Ctrl twice and verify the overlay appears.
    • Press any other key and verify the overlay disappears.
    • Press Left Ctrl twice and verify the overlay appears.
    • Press a mouse button and verify the overlay disappears.
  • Disable FindMyMouse. Verify the overlay no longer appears when you press Left Ctrl twice.
  • Enable FindMyMouse. Then, without moving your mouse:
    • Press Left Ctrl twice and verify the overlay appears.
  • Enable the "Do not activate on game mode" option. Start playing a game that uses CG native full screen.
    • Verify the overlay no longer appears when you press Left Ctrl twice.
  • Disable the "Do not activate on game mode" option. Start playing the same game.
    • Verify the overlay appears when you press Left Ctrl twice. (though it'll likely minimize the game)
  • Test the different settings and verify they apply:
    • Overlay opacity
    • Background color
    • Spotlight color
    • Spotlight radius
    • Spotlight initial zoom (1x vs 9x will show the difference)
    • Animation duration
    • Change activation method to shake and activate by shaking your mouse pointer
    • Excluded apps

Mouse Highlighter:

  • Enable Mouse Highlighter. Then:
    • Press the activation shortcut and press left and right click somewhere, verifying the hightlights are applied.
    • With left mouse button pressed, drag the mouse and verify the hightlight is dragged with the pointer.
    • With right mouse button pressed, drag the mouse and verify the hightlight is dragged with the pointer.
    • Press the activation shortcut again and verify no highlights appear when the mouse buttons are clicked.
    • Disable Mouse Highlighter and verify that the module is not activated when you press the activation shortcut.
  • Test the different settings and verify they apply:
    • Change activation shortcut and test it
    • Left button highlight color
    • Right button highlight color
    • Opacity
    • Radius
    • Fade delay
    • Fade duration

Mouse Pointer Crosshairs:

  • Enable Mouse Pointer Crosshairs. Then:
    • Press the activation shortcut and verify the crosshairs appear, and that they follow the mouse around.
    • Press the activation shortcut again and verify the crosshairs disappear.
    • Disable Mouse Pointer Crosshairs and verify that the module is not activated when you press the activation shortcut.
  • Test the different settings and verify they apply:
    • Change activation shortcut and test it
    • Crosshairs color
    • Crosshairs opacity
    • Crosshairs center radius
    • Crosshairs thickness
    • Crosshairs border color
    • Crosshairs border size


  • Check "Hide toolbar when both camera and micrphone are unmuted" and verify that it works
  • Uncheck it, mute the microphone with the hotkey and make sure the toolbar doesn't hide after a timeout
  • Go to some video conference application settings, e.g. meet.google.com, Microsoft Teams, Skype. "Select PowerToys VideoConference Mute" camera as an active device and try to mute it with a hotkey
  • Go to Control Panel -> Sound -> Recording -> select default mic -> open its properties -> Levels. Now mute the microphone with a corresponding hotkey and verify that mute icon on the right side of volume slider reflects its muted status.
  • Verify that changing "toolbar position" setting works
  • Select an overlay image and verify that muting camera now shows the image instead of black screen. (Don't forget to restart the application which uses the camera).
  • Try to select an overlay image when PT process is elevated.

Always on Top

  • Pin/unpin a window, verify it's topmost/not topmost.
  • Pin/unpin a window, verify the border appeared/disappeared.
  • Switch virtual desktop, verify border doesn't show up on another desktop.
  • Minimize and maximize pinned window, verify the border looks as usual.
  • Change border color and thickness.
  • Verify if sound is played according to the sound setting.
  • Exclude app, try to pin it.
  • Exclude already pinned app, verify it was unpinned.
  • Try to pin the app in the Game Mode.