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## Color Picker
* Enable the Color Picker in settings and ensure that the hotkey brings up Color Picker
- [ ] when PowerToys is running unelevated on start-up
- [ ] when PowerToys is running as admin on start-up
- [ ] when PowerToys is restarted as admin, by clicking the restart as admin button in the settings
- [ ] Change `Activate Color Picker shortcut` and check the new shortcut is working
- [ ] Try all three `Activation behavior`s(`Color Picker with editor mode enabled`, `Editor`, `Color Picker only`)
- [ ] Change `Color format for clipboard` and check if the correct format is copied from the Color picker
- [ ] Try to copy color formats to the clipboard from the Editor
- [ ] Check `Show color name` and verify if color name is shown in the Color picker
- [ ] Enable one new format, disable one existing format, reorder enabled formats and check if settings are populated to the Editor
- [ ] Select a color from the history in the Editor
- [ ] Remove color from the history in the Editor
- [ ] Open the Color Picker from the Editor
- [ ] Open Adjust color from the Editor
- [ ] Check Color Picker logs for errors
## PowerRename
- [ ] Check if disable and enable of the module works.
- [ ] Check that with the `Show icon on context menu` icon is shown and vice versa.
- [ ] Check if `Appear only in extended context menu` works.
- [ ] Enable/disable autocomplete.
- [ ] Enable/disable `Show values from last use`.
* Select several files and folders and check PowerRename options:
- [ ] Make Uppercase/Lowercase/Titlecase (could be selected only one at the time)
- [ ] Exclude Folders/Files/Subfolder Items (could be selected several)
- [ ] Item Name/Extension Only (one at the time)
- [ ] Enumerate Items
- [ ] Case Sensitive
- [ ] Match All Occurrences. If checked, all matches of text in the `Search` field will be replaced with the Replace text. Otherwise, only the first instance of the `Search` for text in the file name will be replaced (left to right).
* Use regular expressions
- [ ] Search with an expression (e.g. `(.*).png`)
- [ ] Replace with an expression (e.g. `foo_$1.png`)
- [ ] Replace using file creation date and time (e.g. `$hh-$mm-$ss-$fff` `$DD_$MMMM_$YYYY`)
- [ ] Turn on `Use Boost library` and test with Perl Regular Expression Syntax (e.g. `(?<=t)est`)
* File list filters.
- [ ] In the `preview` window uncheck some items to exclude them from renaming.
- [ ] Click on the `Renamed` column to filter results.
- [ ] Click on the `Original` column to cycle between checked and unchecked items.
## PowerToys Run
* Enable PT Run in settings and ensure that the hotkey brings up PT Run
- [ ] when PowerToys is running unelevated on start-up
- [ ] when PowerToys is running as admin on start-up
- [ ] when PowerToys is restarted as admin, by clicking the restart as admin button in settings.
* Check that each of the plugins is working:
- [ ] Program - launch a Win32 application
- [ ] Program - launch a Win32 application as admin
- [ ] Program - launch a packaged application
- [ ] Calculator - ensure a mathematical input returns a correct response and is copied on enter.
- [ ] Windows Search - open a file on the disk.
- [ ] Windows Search - find a file and copy file path.
- [ ] Windows Search - find a file and open containing folder.
- [ ] Shell - execute a command. Enter the action keyword `>`, followed by the query, both with and without space (e.g. `> ping localhost`).
- [ ] Folder - Search and open a sub-folder on entering the path.
- [ ] Uri - launch a web page on entering the uri.
- [ ] Window walker - Switch focus to a running window.
- [ ] Service - start, stop, restart windows service. Enter the action keyword `!` to get the list of services.
- [ ] Registry - navigate through the registry tree and open registry editor. Enter the action keyword `:` to get the root keys.
- [ ] Registry - navigate through the registry tree and copy key path.
- [ ] System - test `lock`.
- [ ] System - test `empty recycle bin`.
- [ ] System - test `shutdown`.
- [ ] Disable PT Run and ensure that the hotkey doesn't bring up PT Run.
- [ ] Test tab navigation.
* Test Plugin Manager
- [ ] Enable/disable plugins and verify changes are picked up by PT Run
- [ ] Change `Direct activation phrase` and verify changes are picked up by PT Run
- [ ] Change `Include in global result` and verify changes picked up by PT Run
- [ ] Clear `Direct activation phrase` and uncheck `Include in global result`. Verify a warning message is shown.
- [ ] Disable all plugins and verify the warning message is shown.
## Shortcut Guide
* Run PowerToys as user:
- [ ] Verify `Win + Shift + /` opens the guide
- [ ] Change the hotkey to a different shortcut (e.g. `Win + /`) and verify it works
- [ ] Set Shortcut Guide to start with a Windows key press and verify it works.
* Restore the `Win + Shift + /` hotkey.
- [ ] Open the guide and close it pressing `Esc`
- [ ] Open the guide and close it pressing and releasing the `Win` key
* With PowerToys running as a user, open an elevated app and keep it on foreground:
- [ ] Verify `Win + Shift + /` opens the guide
- [ ] Verify some of the shortcuts shown in the guide work and the guide is closed when pressed
* Quit PowerToys
* Delete %localappdata%\Microsoft\PowerToys
- [ ] Start PowerToys and verify OOBE opens
* Change version saved on `%localappdata%\Microsoft\PowerToys\last_version.txt`
- [ ] Start PowerToys and verify OOBE opens in the "What's New" page
* Visit each OOBE section and for each section:
- [ ] open the Settings for that module
- [ ] verify the Settings work as expected (toggle some controls on/off etc.)
- [ ] close the Settings
- [ ] if it's available, test the `Launch module name` button
* Close OOBE
- [ ] Open the Settings and from the General page open OOBE using the `Welcome to PowerToys` link
## Mouse Utils
Find My Mouse:
* Enable FindMyMouse. Then, without moving your mouse:
- [ ] Press Left Ctrl twice and verify the overlay appears.
- [ ] Press any other key and verify the overlay disappears.
- [ ] Press Left Ctrl twice and verify the overlay appears.
- [ ] Press a mouse button and verify the overlay disappears.
* Disable FindMyMouse. Verify the overlay no longer appears when you press Left Ctrl twice.
* Enable FindMyMouse. Then, without moving your mouse:
- [ ] Press Left Ctrl twice and verify the overlay appears.
* Enable the "Do not activate on game mode" option. Start playing a game that uses CG native full screen.
- [ ] Verify the overlay no longer appears when you press Left Ctrl twice.
* Disable the "Do not activate on game mode" option. Start playing the same game.
- [ ] Verify the overlay appears when you press Left Ctrl twice. (though it'll likely minimize the game)
* Test the different settings and verify they apply:
- [ ] Overlay opacity
- [ ] Background color
- [ ] Spotlight color
- [ ] Spotlight radius
- [ ] Spotlight initial zoom (1x vs 9x will show the difference)
- [ ] Animation duration
- [ ] Change activation method to shake and activate by shaking your mouse pointer
- [ ] Excluded apps
Mouse Highlighter:
* Enable Mouse Highlighter. Then:
- [ ] Press the activation shortcut and press left and right click somewhere, verifying the hightlights are applied.
- [ ] With left mouse button pressed, drag the mouse and verify the hightlight is dragged with the pointer.
- [ ] With right mouse button pressed, drag the mouse and verify the hightlight is dragged with the pointer.
- [ ] Press the activation shortcut again and verify no highlights appear when the mouse buttons are clicked.
- [ ] Disable Mouse Highlighter and verify that the module is not activated when you press the activation shortcut.
* Test the different settings and verify they apply:
- [ ] Change activation shortcut and test it
- [ ] Left button highlight color
- [ ] Right button highlight color
- [ ] Opacity
- [ ] Radius
- [ ] Fade delay
- [ ] Fade duration
Mouse Pointer Crosshairs:
* Enable Mouse Pointer Crosshairs. Then:
- [ ] Press the activation shortcut and verify the crosshairs appear, and that they follow the mouse around.
- [ ] Press the activation shortcut again and verify the crosshairs disappear.
- [ ] Disable Mouse Pointer Crosshairs and verify that the module is not activated when you press the activation shortcut.
* Test the different settings and verify they apply:
- [ ] Change activation shortcut and test it
- [ ] Crosshairs color
- [ ] Crosshairs opacity
- [ ] Crosshairs center radius
- [ ] Crosshairs thickness
- [ ] Crosshairs border color
- [ ] Crosshairs border size
## VCM
- [ ] Check "Hide toolbar when both camera and microphone are unmuted" and verify that it works
- [ ] Uncheck it, mute the microphone with the hotkey and make sure the toolbar doesn't hide after a timeout
- [ ] Go to some video conference application settings, e.g. meet.google.com, Microsoft Teams, Skype. "Select PowerToys VideoConference Mute" camera as an active device and try to mute it with a hotkey
- [ ] Go to Control Panel -> Sound -> Recording -> select default mic -> open its properties -> Levels. Now mute the microphone with a corresponding hotkey and verify that mute icon on the right side of volume slider reflects its muted status.
- [ ] Verify that changing "toolbar position" setting works
- [ ] Select an overlay image and verify that muting camera now shows the image instead of black screen. (Don't forget to restart the application which uses the camera).
- [ ] Try to select an overlay image when PT process is elevated.
## Always on Top
- [ ] Pin/unpin a window, verify it's topmost/not topmost.
- [ ] Pin/unpin a window, verify the border appeared/disappeared.
- [ ] Switch virtual desktop, verify border doesn't show up on another desktop.
- [ ] Minimize and maximize pinned window, verify the border looks as usual.
- [ ] Change border color and thickness.
- [ ] Verify if sound is played according to the sound setting.
- [ ] Exclude app, try to pin it.
- [ ] Exclude already pinned app, verify it was unpinned.
- [ ] Try to pin the app in the Game Mode.
### Screen Ruler
* Enable Screen Ruler. Then:
- [ ] Press the activation shortcut and verify the toolbar appears.
- [ ] Press the activation shortcut again and verify the toolbar disappears.
- [ ] Disable Screen Ruler and verify that the activation shortuct no longer activates the utility.
- [ ] Enable Screen Ruler and press the activation shortcut and verify the toolbar appears.
- [ ] Select the close button in the toolbar and verify it closes the utility.
* With Screen Ruler enabled and activated:
- [ ] Use the Bounds utility to measure a zone by dragging with left-click. Verify right click dismisses the utility and that the measurement was copied into the clipboard.
- [ ] Use the Spacing utility to measure something and verify that left-click copies the measurement to the clipboard. Verify that right-click dismisses the utility.
- [ ] Use the Horizontal Spacing utility to measure something and verify that left-click copies the measurement to the clipboard. Verify that right-click dismisses the utility.
- [ ] Use the Vertical Spacing utility to measure something and verify that left-click copies the measurement to the clipboard. Verify that right-click dismisses the utility.
- [ ] While using a Spacing utility, verify that using the mouse scroll wheel will adjust pixel color tolerance while measuring.
- [ ] Open mspaint and draw 1px-thick straight line, also click with a pencil to draw a single pixel. In any Spacing mode, verify that one of line's dimension is 1, and pixel's dimensions are 1x1.
* In a multi-monitor setup with different dpis on each monitor:
- [ ] Verify that the utilities work well on each monitor, with continuous mode on and off.
- [ ] Without any window opened and a solid color as your background, verify the horizontal spacing matches the monitor's pixel width.
- [ ] Move your mouse back and forth around the edge of two monitors really quickly in each mode - verify nothing is broken.
* Test the different settings and verify they are applied:
- [ ] Activation shortcut
- [ ] Continous mode
- [ ] Per color channel edge detection
- [ ] Pixel tolerance for edge detection
- [ ] Draw feet on cross
- [ ] Line color
### Hosts File Editor
* Launch Host File Editor:
- [ ] Verify the application exits if "Quit" is clicked on the initial warning.
- [ ] Launch Host File Editor again and click "Accept". The module should not close. Open the hosts file (`%WinDir%\System32\Drivers\Etc`) in a text editor that auto-refreshes so you can see the changes applied by the editor in real time. (VSCode is an editor like this, for example)
- [ ] Enable and disable lines and verify they are applied to the file.
- [ ] Add a new entry and verify it's applied.
- [ ] Try to filter for lines and verify you can find them.
- [ ] Click the "Open hosts file" button and verify it opens in your default editor. (likely Notepad)
* Test the different settings and verify they are applied:
- [ ] Launch as Administrator.
- [ ] Show a warning at startup.
- [ ] Additional lines position.