Ant Design React is dedicated to providing a **good development experience** for programmers. Make sure that you have installed [Node.js](> 8.0.0) correctly.
If you try in local environment, please refer to [Install and Initialization](/docs/react/use-with-create-react-app#Install-and-Initialization) section of "Use in create-react-app".
> Before delving into Ant Design React, a good knowledge base of [React]( and [JavaScript ES2015]( is needed.
Replace the content of `index.js` with the following code. As you can see, there is no difference between antd's components and typical React components.
If you already set up by [Install and Initialization](/docs/react/use-with-create-react-app#Install-and-Initialization) section of "Use in create-react-app", Please replace the content of /src/index.js
You can look up components in the side menu of the Components page like the [Alert](/components/alert) component. Plenty of examples are provided in the component pages and API documentation.
Click the "Open in Editor" icon in the first example to open an editor with source code to use out-of-the-box. Now you can import the `Alert` component into the codesandbox:
OK! Now you know how to use antd components in a clear way. You are welcome to explore more components in the codesandbox. We also strongly recommend using codesandbox to provide a reproducible demo when reporting a bug.
In the real world you will need a development workflow consisting of `compile/build/deploy/lint/debug`. You can find and read articles on the subject or try other scaffolds provided below:
You are using a whole package of antd, please use to reduce app bundle size. Please upgrade webpack or check the config.
You can use [antd-dayjs-webpack-plugin]( plugin to replace momentjs to Day.js to reduce bundle size dramatically. You need to update your webpack config file like this:
// webpack-config.js
import AntdDayjsWebpackPlugin from 'antd-dayjs-webpack-plugin';
If you want to customize your workflow, we recommend using [webpack]( to build and debug code. You can try out plenty of [boilerplates]( available in the React ecosystem.
There are some [scaffolds]( which have already integrated antd, so you can try and start with one of these and even contribute.