* button documentation grammar fixes * english float button documentation changes * english documentation grammar changes for icons * english typography documentation grammar changes * english divider documenation changes * english layout documentation fixes * english cascader documentation improvements * english color-picker documentation changes * english date-picker documentation changes * english form documentation changes * English documentation changes for select * English documentation changes for slider * English documentation changes for time-picker * English documenation changes for transfer
4.5 KiB
category | title | description | cover | coverDark | tag | demo | group | ||||
Components | ColorPicker | Used for color selection. | https://mdn.alipayobjects.com/huamei_7uahnr/afts/img/A*PpY4RYNM8UcAAAAAAAAAAAAADrJ8AQ/original | https://mdn.alipayobjects.com/huamei_7uahnr/afts/img/A*EHL-QYJofZsAAAAAAAAAAAAADrJ8AQ/original | 5.5.0 |
When To Use
Used when the user needs to make a customized color selection.
Basic Usage
Trigger size
controlled mode
Color change completed
Rendering Trigger Text
Disabled Alpha
Clear Color
Custom Trigger
Custom Trigger Event
Color Format
Preset Colors
Custom Render Panel
Pure Render
Common props ref:Common props
This component is available since
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
allowClear | Allow clearing color selected | boolean | false | |
arrow | Configuration for popup arrow | boolean | { pointAtCenter: boolean } |
true | |
children | Trigger of ColorPicker | React.ReactNode | - | |
defaultValue | Default value of color | string | Color |
- | |
defaultFormat | Default format of color | rgb | hex | hsb |
- | 5.9.0 |
disabled | Disable ColorPicker | boolean | - | |
disabledAlpha | Disable Alpha | boolean | - | 5.8.0 |
destroyTooltipOnHide | Whether destroy popover when hidden | boolean |
false | 5.7.0 |
format | Format of color | rgb | hex | hsb |
hex |
open | Whether to show popup | boolean | - | |
presets | Preset colors | { label: ReactNode, colors: Array<string | Color>, defaultOpen?: boolean }[] |
- | defaultOpen: 5.11.0 |
placement | Placement of popup | top | topLeft | topRight | bottom | bottomLeft | bottomRight |
bottomLeft |
panelRender | Custom Render Panel | (panel: React.ReactNode, extra: { components: { Picker: FC; Presets: FC } }) => React.ReactNode |
- | 5.7.0 |
showText | Show color text | boolean | (color: Color) => React.ReactNode |
- | 5.7.0 |
size | Setting the trigger size | large | middle | small |
middle |
5.7.0 |
trigger | ColorPicker trigger mode | hover | click |
click |
value | Value of color | string | Color |
- | |
onChange | Callback when value is changed |
(value: Color, hex: string) => void |
- | |
onChangeComplete | Called when color pick ends | (value: Color) => void |
- | 5.7.0 |
onFormatChange | Callback when format is changed |
(format: 'hex' | 'rgb' | 'hsb') => void |
- | |
onOpenChange | Callback when open is changed |
(open: boolean) => void |
- | |
onClear | Called when clear | () => void |
- | 5.6.0 |
Property | Description | Type | Default |
toHex | Convert to hex format characters, the return type like: 1677ff |
() => string |
- |
toHexString | Convert to hex format color string, the return type like: #1677ff |
() => string |
- |
toHsb | Convert to hsb object |
() => ({ h: number, s: number, b: number, a number }) |
- |
toHsbString | Convert to hsb format color string, the return type like: hsb(215, 91%, 100%) |
() => string |
- |
toRgb | Convert to rgb object |
() => ({ r: number, g: number, b: number, a number }) |
- |
toRgbString | Convert to rgb format color string, the return type like: rgb(22, 119, 255) |
() => string |
- |
Questions about color assignment
The value of the color selector supports both string color values and selector-generated Color
objects. However, since there is a precision error when converting color strings of different formats to each other, it is recommended to use selector-generated Color
objects for assignment operations in controlled scenarios, so that the precision problem can be avoided and the values are guaranteed to be accurate and the selector can work as expected.