2023-06-04 11:10:56 +08:00

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Components Data Display Tabs*72NDQqXkyOEAAAAAAAAAAAAADrJ8AQ/original*8HMoTZUoSGoAAAAAAAAAAAAADrJ8AQ/original

Tabs make it easy to switch between different views.

When To Use

Ant Design has 3 types of Tabs for different situations.

  • Card Tabs: for managing too many closeable views.
  • Normal Tabs: for functional aspects of a page.
  • Radio.Button: for secondary tabs.


Basic Disabled Centered Icon Slide Extra content Size Position Card type tab Add & close tab Container of card type Tab Customized trigger of new tab Customized bar of tab Draggable Tabs Animated Nest component Token



Property Description Type Default Version
activeKey Current TabPane's key string -
addIcon Customize add icon ReactNode - 4.4.0
animated Whether to change tabs with animation. Only works while tabPosition="top" boolean | { inkBar: boolean, tabPane: boolean } { inkBar: true, tabPane: false }
centered Centers tabs boolean false 4.4.0
defaultActiveKey Initial active TabPane's key, if activeKey is not set string -
hideAdd Hide plus icon or not. Only works while type="editable-card" boolean false
items Configure tab content TabItemType [] 4.23.0
moreIcon The custom icon of ellipsis ReactNode <EllipsisOutlined /> 4.14.0
popupClassName className for more dropdown. string - 4.21.0
renderTabBar Replace the TabBar (props: DefaultTabBarProps, DefaultTabBar: React.ComponentClass) => React.ReactElement -
size Preset tab bar size large | middle | small middle
tabBarExtraContent Extra content in tab bar ReactNode | {left?: ReactNode, right?: ReactNode} - object: 4.6.0
tabBarGutter The gap between tabs number -
tabBarStyle Tab bar style object CSSProperties -
tabPosition Position of tabs top | right | bottom | left top
destroyInactiveTabPane Whether destroy inactive TabPane when change tab boolean false
type Basic style of tabs line | card | editable-card line
onChange Callback executed when active tab is changed function(activeKey) {} -
onEdit Callback executed when tab is added or removed. Only works while type="editable-card" (action === 'add' ? event : targetKey, action): void -
onTabClick Callback executed when tab is clicked function(key: string, event: MouseEvent) -
onTabScroll Trigger when tab scroll function({ direction: left | right | top | bottom }) - 4.3.0

More option at rc-tabs tabs


Property Description Type Default
closable Set tab closable. Only works while type="editable-card" boolean true
closeIcon Customize close icon in TabPane's head. Only works while type="editable-card" ReactNode -
closable Whether the Tab can be closed, Only works while type="editable-card" boolean true
disabled Set TabPane disabled boolean false
forceRender Forced render of content in tabs, not lazy render after clicking on tabs boolean false
key TabPane's key string -
label TabPane's head display text ReactNode -
children TabPane's head display content ReactNode -

Design Token