2019-06-19 19:09:08 +08:00

36 lines
882 B

order: 5
zh-CN: 确认对话框
en-US: Confirmation modal dialog
## zh-CN
使用 `confirm()` 可以快捷地弹出确认框。onCancel/onOk 返回 promise 可以延迟关闭。
## en-US
Use `confirm()` to show a confirmation modal dialog. Let onCancel/onOk function return a promise object to delay closing the dialog.
import { Modal, Button } from 'antd';
const { confirm } = Modal;
function showConfirm() {
title: 'Do you want to delete these items?',
content: 'When clicked the OK button, this dialog will be closed after 1 second',
onOk() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(Math.random() > 0.5 ? resolve : reject, 1000);
}).catch(() => console.log('Oops errors!'));
onCancel() {},
ReactDOM.render(<Button onClick={showConfirm}>Confirm</Button>, mountNode);