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Components General Typography 1

Basic text writing, including headings, body text, lists, and more.

When To Use

  • When need to display a title or paragraph contents in Articles/Blogs/Notes.
  • When you need copyable/editable/ellipsis texts.



Property Description Type Default Version
code Code style boolean false
copyable Whether to be copyable, customize it via setting an object boolean | copyable false copyable
delete Deleted line style boolean false
disabled Disabled content boolean false
editable If editable. Can control edit state when is object boolean | editable false editable
ellipsis Display ellipsis when text overflows boolean false
keyboard Keyboard style boolean false 4.3.0
mark Marked style boolean false
onClick Set the handler to handle click event (event) => void -
strong Bold style boolean false
italic Italic style boolean false 4.16.0
type Content type secondary | success | warning | danger - success: 4.6.0
underline Underlined style boolean false


Property Description Type Default Version
code Code style boolean false
copyable Whether to be copyable, customize it via setting an object boolean | copyable false copyable
delete Deleted line style boolean false
disabled Disabled content boolean false
editable If editable. Can control edit state when is object boolean | editable false editable
ellipsis Display ellipsis when text overflows, can configure rows and expandable by using object boolean | ellipsis false ellipsis
level Set content importance. Match with h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 number: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1 5: 4.6.0
mark Marked style boolean false
onClick Set the handler to handle click event (event) => void -
italic Italic style boolean false 4.16.0
type Content type secondary | success | warning | danger - success: 4.6.0
underline Underlined style boolean false


Property Description Type Default Version
code Code style boolean false
copyable Whether to be copyable, customize it via setting an object boolean | copyable false copyable
delete Deleted line style boolean false
disabled Disabled content boolean false
editable If editable. Can control edit state when is object boolean | editable false editable
ellipsis Display ellipsis when text overflows, can configure rows and expandable by using object boolean | ellipsis false ellipsis
mark Marked style boolean false
onClick Set the handler to handle click event (event) => void -
strong Bold style boolean false
italic Italic style boolean false 4.16.0
type Content type secondary | success | warning | danger - success: 4.6.0
underline Underlined style boolean false


  text: string,
  onCopy: function,
  icon: ReactNode,
  tooltips: false | [ReactNode, ReactNode],
Property Description Type Default Version
icon Custom copy icon: [copyIcon, copiedIcon] [ReactNode, ReactNode] - 4.6.0
text The text to copy string -
tooltips Custom tooltip text, hide when it is false [ReactNode, ReactNode] [Copy, Copied] 4.4.0
onCopy Called when copied text function -


  icon: ReactNode,
  tooltip: boolean | ReactNode,
  editing: boolean,
  maxLength: number,
  autoSize: boolean | { minRows: number, maxRows: number },
  onStart: function,
  onChange: function(string),
  onCancel: function,
  onEnd: function,
Property Description Type Default Version
autoSize autoSize attribute of textarea boolean | { minRows: number, maxRows: number } - 4.4.0
editing Whether to be editable boolean false
icon Custom editable icon ReactNode <EditOutlined /> 4.6.0
maxLength maxLength attribute of textarea number - 4.4.0
tooltip Custom tooltip text, hide when it is false boolean | ReactNode Edit 4.6.0
onCancel Called when type ESC to exit editable state function -
onChange Called when input at textarea function(event) -
onEnd Called when type ENTER to exit editable state function - 4.14.0
onStart Called when enter editable state function -


  rows: number,
  expandable: boolean,
  suffix: string,
  symbol: ReactNode,
  tooltip: boolean | ReactNode,
  onExpand: function(event),
  onEllipsis: function(ellipsis),
Property Description Type Default Version
expandable Whether to be expandable boolean -
rows Max rows of content number -
suffix Suffix of ellipsis content string -
symbol Custom description of ellipsis ReactNode Expand
tooltip Show tooltip when ellipsis boolean | ReactNode - 4.11.0
onEllipsis Called when enter or leave ellipsis state function(ellipsis) - 4.2.0
onExpand Called when expand content function(event) -


react-router support customize render component:

<Link to="/" component={Typography.Link} />