二货爱吃白萝卜 832cffcdf9
feat: ColorPicker support gradient color (#50050)
* refactor: support type update

* chore: update clear style

* chore: bump color picker

* chore: use slider

* chore: bump color picker

* chore: range slider

* chore: layout

* chore: useModeColor

* chore: simplify

* chore: bump color picker

* refactor: event

* chore: tmp lock check

* chore: of it

* chore: update ts def

* chore: update ts def

* chore: remove useless ts

* chore: linear

* chore: adjust style

* chore: rm useless code

* chore: fill color

* chore: basic linear

* chore: support toStr

* chore: limit minCount

* chore: use cache

* chore: drag support:

* chore: yes

* chore: update demo

* chore: useLayoutEffect instead

* chore: fix click to add point

* chore: add smmoth

* chore: support of locale

* chore: add locale

* chore: fix lint

* chore: adjust style

* chore: fix lint

* chore: fix style

* test: fix test case

* chore: fix popover

* test: fix test case

* chore: fix test

* test: clean up

* chore: fix lint

* chore: fix lint

* chore: fix lint

* test: coverage

* test: coverage

* test: coverage

* test: coverage

* test: coverage

* test: coverage

* chore: fix docs

* docs: update demo desc

* chore: enhance hover range

* fix: delete not working

* chore: fix lint

* test: coverage

* test: coverage

* chore: clean up

* chore: adjust

* chore: highlight

* chore: adjust style

* chore: fix lint

* chore: update demo

* chore: memo perf

* refactor: up to down colors

* test: update snapshot
2024-07-29 16:38:50 +08:00

4.6 KiB

category title subtitle description cover coverDark tag demo group
Components ColorPicker 颜色选择器 用于选择颜色。*PpY4RYNM8UcAAAAAAAAAAAAADrJ8AQ/original*EHL-QYJofZsAAAAAAAAAAAAADrJ8AQ/original 5.5.0




基本使用 触发器尺寸大小 受控模式 颜色完成选择 渐变色 渲染触发器文本 禁用 禁用透明度 清除颜色 自定义触发器 自定义触发事件 颜色编码 预设颜色 自定义面板 Pure Render



antd@5.5.0 版本开始提供该组件。

参数 说明 类型 默认值 版本
allowClear 允许清除选择的颜色 boolean false
arrow 配置弹出的箭头 boolean | { pointAtCenter: boolean } true
children 颜色选择器的触发器 React.ReactNode -
defaultValue 颜色默认的值 string | Color -
defaultFormat 颜色格式默认的值 rgb | hex | hsb - 5.9.0
disabled 禁用颜色选择器 boolean -
disabledAlpha 禁用透明度 boolean - 5.8.0
destroyTooltipOnHide 关闭后是否销毁弹窗 boolean false 5.7.0
format 颜色格式 rgb | hex | hsb hex
mode 选择器模式,用于配置单色与渐变 ('single' | 'gradient')[] single 5.20.0
open 是否显示弹出窗口 boolean -
presets 预设的颜色 { label: ReactNode, colors: Array<string | Color>, defaultOpen?: boolean }[] - defaultOpen: 5.11.0
placement 弹出窗口的位置 Tooltips 组件的 placement 参数设计 bottomLeft
panelRender 自定义渲染面板 (panel: React.ReactNode, extra: { components: { Picker: FC; Presets: FC } }) => React.ReactNode - 5.7.0
showText 显示颜色文本 boolean | (color: Color) => React.ReactNode - 5.7.0
size 设置触发器大小 large | middle | small middle 5.7.0
trigger 颜色选择器的触发模式 hover | click click
value 颜色的值 string | Color -
onChange 颜色变化的回调 (value: Color, hex: string) => void -
onChangeComplete 颜色选择完成的回调 (value: Color) => void - 5.7.0
onFormatChange 颜色格式变化的回调 (format: 'hex' | 'rgb' | 'hsb') => void -
onOpenChange open 被改变时的回调 (open: boolean) => void -
onClear 清除的回调 () => void - 5.6.0


参数 说明 类型 版本
toCssString 转换成 CSS 支持的格式 () => string 5.20.0
toHex 转换成 hex 格式字符,返回格式如:1677ff () => string -
toHexString 转换成 hex 格式颜色字符串,返回格式如:#1677ff () => string -
toHsb 转换成 hsb 对象 () => ({ h: number, s: number, b: number, a number }) -
toHsbString 转换成 hsb 格式颜色字符串,返回格式如:hsb(215, 91%, 100%) () => string -
toRgb 转换成 rgb 对象 () => ({ r: number, g: number, b: number, a number }) -
toRgbString 转换成 rgb 格式颜色字符串,返回格式如:rgb(22, 119, 255) () => string -



颜色选择器的值同时支持字符串色值和选择器生成的 Color 对象,但由于不同格式的颜色字符串互相转换会有精度误差问题,所以受控场景推荐使用选择器生成的 Color 对象来进行赋值操作,这样可以避免精度问题,保证取值是精准的,选择器也可以按照预期工作。