EmilyyyLiu 6b20275945
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feat:transfer开启showSearch漏出input相关配置 (#52125)
* feat:对穿梭框的搜索框漏出属性配置

* 修改文案

* 恢复误删的文案

* feat:拓展Transfer 的showSearch属性,使配置后漏出Input相关的属性

* 调整格式

* showSearch不支持数组方式

* 修改单测

* 修改判断写法

* 修改单测写法


Co-authored-by: 刘欢 <>
2024-12-26 17:31:23 +08:00

6.5 KiB
Raw Blame History

category group title description cover coverDark
Components Data Entry Transfer Double column transfer choice box.*fkfzT5BbwNIAAAAAAAAAAAAADrJ8AQ/original*g9vUQq2nkpEAAAAAAAAAAAAADrJ8AQ/original

When To Use

  • It is a select control essentially which can be use for selecting multiple items.
  • Transfer can display more information for items and take up more space.

Transfer the elements between two columns in an intuitive and efficient way.

One or more elements can be selected from either column, one click on the proper direction button, and the transfer is done. The left column is considered the source and the right column is considered the target. As you can see in the API description, these names are reflected in.

notice: Transfer is a controlled component, uncontrolled mode is not supported.


Basic One Way Search Advanced Custom datasource Pagination Table Transfer Tree Transfer Status Custom Select All Labels Component Token


Common props refCommon props

Property Description Type Default Version
dataSource Used for setting the source data. The elements that are part of this array will be present the left column. Except the elements whose keys are included in targetKeys prop RecordType extends TransferItem = TransferItem[] []
disabled Whether disabled transfer boolean false
selectionsIcon custom dropdown icon React.ReactNode 5.8.0
filterOption A function to determine whether an item should show in search result list, only works when searching, (add direction support since 5.9.0+) (inputValue, option, direction: left | right): boolean -
footer A function used for rendering the footer (props, { direction }) => ReactNode - direction: 4.17.0
listStyle A custom CSS style used for rendering the transfer columns object | ({direction: left | right}) => object -
locale The i18n text including filter, empty text, item unit, etc { itemUnit: string; itemsUnit: string; searchPlaceholder: string; notFoundContent: ReactNode | ReactNode[]; } { itemUnit: item, itemsUnit: items, notFoundContent: The list is empty, searchPlaceholder: Search here }
oneWay Display as single direction style boolean false 4.3.0
operations A set of operations that are sorted from top to bottom string[] [>, <]
operationStyle A custom CSS style used for rendering the operations column object -
pagination Use pagination. Not work in render props boolean | { pageSize: number, simple: boolean, showSizeChanger?: boolean, showLessItems?: boolean } false 4.3.0
render The function to generate the item shown on a column. Based on an record (element of the dataSource array), this function should return a React element which is generated from that record. Also, it can return a plain object with value and label, label is a React element and value is for title (record) => ReactNode -
selectAllLabels A set of customized labels for select all checkboxes on the header (ReactNode | (info: { selectedCount: number, totalCount: number }) => ReactNode)[] -
selectedKeys A set of keys of selected items string[] | number[] []
showSearch If included, a search box is shown on each column boolean | { placeholder:string,defaultValue:string } false
showSelectAll Show select all checkbox on the header boolean true
status Set validation status 'error' | 'warning' - 4.19.0
targetKeys A set of keys of elements that are listed on the right column string[] | number[] []
titles A set of titles that are sorted from left to right ReactNode[] -
onChange A callback function that is executed when the transfer between columns is complete (targetKeys, direction, moveKeys): void -
onScroll A callback function which is executed when scroll options list (direction, event): void -
onSearch A callback function which is executed when search field are changed (direction: left | right, value: string): void -
onSelectChange A callback function which is executed when selected items are changed (sourceSelectedKeys, targetSelectedKeys): void -

Render Props

Transfer accept children to customize render list, using follow props:

Property Description Type Version
direction List render direction left | right
disabled Disable list or not boolean
filteredItems Filtered items RecordType[]
selectedKeys Selected items string[] | number[]
onItemSelect Select item (key: string | number, selected: boolean)
onItemSelectAll Select a group of items (keys: string[] | number[], selected: boolean)


<Transfer {...props}>{(listProps) => <YourComponent {...listProps} />}</Transfer>


According the standard of React, the key should always be supplied directly to the elements in the array. In Transfer, the keys should be set on the elements included in dataSource array. By default, key property is used as an unique identifier.

If there's no key in your data, you should use rowKey to specify the key that will be used for uniquely identify each element.

// eg. your primary key is `uid`
return <Transfer rowKey={(record) => record.uid} />;

Design Token


How to support fetch and present data from a remote server in Transfer column.

In order to keep the page number synchronized, you can disable columns you checked without removing the option: