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synced 2024-12-03 16:39:41 +08:00
* feat: use @ant-design/icons@4.0 * feat: use createFromIconfontCN to make site works * feat: update doc for Icon * feat: use icon in component Alert * feat: use icon in component Avatar * feat: use icon in component Breadcrumb * feat: use icon in component Button * feat: use icon in component Cascader * feat: use icon in component Collapse * feat: use icon in component Datepicker * feat: use icon in component Dropdown * feat: use icon in component Form * feat: use icon in component Input * feat: use icon in component InputNumber * feat: use icon in component Layout * feat: use icon in component Mention * feat: use icon in component Message * feat: use icon in component Modal * feat: use icon in component Notification * feat: use icon in component PageHeader * feat: use icon in component Pagination * feat: use icon in component Popconfirm * feat: use icon in component Progress * feat: use icon in component Rate * feat: use icon in component Result * feat: use icon in component Select * feat: use icon in component Step * feat: use icon in component Switch * feat: use icon in component Table * feat: use icon in component Tab * feat: use icon in component Tag * feat: handle rest component which using Icon * fix: remove unused vars * feat: use latest alpha ant design icons * fix: failed test in uploadlist.test.js * test: update snapshot for icons * doc: add Icon for site * doc: use @ant-design/icons in site * chore: use latest icons * fix: tslint issue * fix: test cases * fix: types for react * fix: lint rules for import orders * fix: use @ant-design/icons@4.0.0-alpha.5 to avoid insert css in server render * fix: eslint error in demo/**.md * inject antd icons * update snapshot * fix site * doc: update docs * fix: code snippets icon in site * feat: use latest @ant-design/icons * fix: icon props in message
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利用 Icon
组件封装一个可复用的自定义图标。可以通过 component
Create a reusable React component by using <Icon component={...} />
. The property component
takes a React component that renders to svg
import Icon from '@ant-design/icons';
const HeartSvg = () => (
<svg width="1em" height="1em" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024">
<path d="M923 283.6c-13.4-31.1-32.6-58.9-56.9-82.8-24.3-23.8-52.5-42.4-84-55.5-32.5-13.5-66.9-20.3-102.4-20.3-49.3 0-97.4 13.5-139.2 39-10 6.1-19.5 12.8-28.5 20.1-9-7.3-18.5-14-28.5-20.1-41.8-25.5-89.9-39-139.2-39-35.5 0-69.9 6.8-102.4 20.3-31.4 13-59.7 31.7-84 55.5-24.4 23.9-43.5 51.7-56.9 82.8-13.9 32.3-21 66.6-21 101.9 0 33.3 6.8 68 20.3 103.3 11.3 29.5 27.5 60.1 48.2 91 32.8 48.9 77.9 99.9 133.9 151.6 92.8 85.7 184.7 144.9 188.6 147.3l23.7 15.2c10.5 6.7 24 6.7 34.5 0l23.7-15.2c3.9-2.5 95.7-61.6 188.6-147.3 56-51.7 101.1-102.7 133.9-151.6 20.7-30.9 37-61.5 48.2-91 13.5-35.3 20.3-70 20.3-103.3 0.1-35.3-7-69.6-20.9-101.9z" />
const PandaSvg = () => (
<svg viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" width="1em" height="1em" fill="currentColor">
d="M99.096 315.634s-82.58-64.032-82.58-132.13c0-66.064 33.032-165.162 148.646-148.646 83.37 11.91 99.096 165.162 99.096 165.162l-165.162 115.614zM924.906 315.634s82.58-64.032 82.58-132.13c0-66.064-33.032-165.162-148.646-148.646-83.37 11.91-99.096 165.162-99.096 165.162l165.162 115.614z"
d="M1024 561.548c0 264.526-229.23 429.42-512.002 429.42S0 826.076 0 561.548 283.96 66.064 512.002 66.064 1024 297.022 1024 561.548z"
d="M330.324 842.126c0 82.096 81.34 148.646 181.678 148.646s181.678-66.55 181.678-148.646H330.324z"
d="M644.13 611.098C594.582 528.516 561.55 512 512.002 512c-49.548 0-82.58 16.516-132.13 99.096-42.488 70.814-78.73 211.264-49.548 247.742 66.064 82.58 165.162 33.032 181.678 33.032 16.516 0 115.614 49.548 181.678-33.032 29.18-36.476-7.064-176.93-49.55-247.74z"
d="M611.098 495.484c0-45.608 36.974-82.58 82.58-82.58 49.548 0 198.194 99.098 198.194 165.162s-79.934 144.904-148.646 99.096c-49.548-33.032-132.128-148.646-132.128-181.678zM412.904 495.484c0-45.608-36.974-82.58-82.58-82.58-49.548 0-198.194 99.098-198.194 165.162s79.934 144.904 148.646 99.096c49.548-33.032 132.128-148.646 132.128-181.678z"
d="M512.002 726.622c-30.06 0-115.614 5.668-115.614 33.032 0 49.638 105.484 85.24 115.614 82.58 10.128 2.66 115.614-32.944 115.614-82.58-0.002-27.366-85.556-33.032-115.614-33.032z"
d="M330.324 495.484m-33.032 0a33.032 33.032 0 1 0 66.064 0 33.032 33.032 0 1 0-66.064 0Z"
d="M693.678 495.484m-33.032 0a33.032 33.032 0 1 0 66.064 0 33.032 33.032 0 1 0-66.064 0Z"
const HeartIcon = props => <Icon component={HeartSvg} {...props} />;
const PandaIcon = props => <Icon component={PandaSvg} {...props} />;
<div className="custom-icons-list">
<HeartIcon style={{ color: 'hotpink' }} />
<PandaIcon style={{ fontSize: '32px' }} />
.custom-icons-list > .anticon {
margin-right: 6px;