mirror of
synced 2024-12-12 23:49:36 +08:00
initIntrisicParams2D() refactored
variables refactoring levmarq fix initIntrinsicParams2D() refactoring undo LM fix cameraCalcJErr: made a lambda; warnings fixed; vars rearranged & renamed, jacobian buffers, perViewErrors and allErrors fix, etc. stereoCalibrate: internal vars in callback stereoCalibrate: capture only useful variables stereoCalibrate: perViewError fix + minors rvecs and tvecs are not pointers anymore no extra lambda newObjPoints: no pointers stdDevs: no pointers _Jo removed: not used Range::all() -> rowRange, colRange param and mask are std::vectors now indices shortened tabs less func-scoped vars; TODOs less formatting & renaming changes trailing whitespaces less diff less changes less changes Range::all() back perViewErr ptr fix NINTRINSIC captured try to fix warning trying to fix a warning fix warnings, another attempt
This commit is contained in:
@ -300,6 +300,7 @@ LevMarq::Report detail::LevMarqBase::optimize()
lambdaLevMarq *= 1.0 / settings.initialLmDownFactor;
lmUpFactor = settings.initialLmUpFactor;
// Once set, these flags will be activated until next successful LM iteration - this is not a bug
smallGradient = (gradientMax < settings.minGradientTolerance);
smallStep = (xNorm < settings.stepNormTolerance);
smallEnergyDelta = (costChange / energy < settings.relEnergyDeltaTolerance);
@ -61,13 +61,6 @@ static void initIntrinsicParams2D( const Mat& objectPoints,
Size imageSize, OutputArray cameraMatrix,
double aspectRatio )
int i, j, pos;
double a[9] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 };
double H[9] = {0}, f[2] = {0};
Mat _a( 3, 3, CV_64F, a );
Mat matH( 3, 3, CV_64F, H );
Mat _f( 2, 1, CV_64F, f );
CV_Assert(npoints.type() == CV_32SC1 && (npoints.rows == 1 || npoints.cols == 1) && npoints.isContinuous());
int nimages = npoints.rows + npoints.cols - 1;
@ -79,34 +72,34 @@ static void initIntrinsicParams2D( const Mat& objectPoints,
if( objectPoints.rows != 1 || imagePoints.rows != 1 )
CV_Error( CV_StsBadSize, "object points and image points must be a single-row matrices" );
Mat matA( 2*nimages, 2, CV_64F );
Mat _b( 2*nimages, 1, CV_64F );
a[2] = (!imageSize.width) ? 0.5 : (imageSize.width - 1)*0.5;
a[5] = (!imageSize.height) ? 0.5 : (imageSize.height - 1)*0.5;
Mat _allH( nimages, 9, CV_64F );
Mat_<double> matA(2*nimages, 2);
Mat_<double> matb(2*nimages, 1, CV_64F );
double fx, fy, cx, cy;
cx = (!imageSize.width ) ? 0.5 : (imageSize.width - 1)*0.5;
cy = (!imageSize.height) ? 0.5 : (imageSize.height - 1)*0.5;
// extract vanishing points in order to obtain initial value for the focal length
for( i = 0, pos = 0; i < nimages; i++ )
int pos = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < nimages; i++ )
double* Ap = (double*)matA.data + i*4;
double* bp = (double*)_b.data + i*2;
int ni = npoints.at<int>(i);
double h[3], v[3], d1[3], d2[3];
double n[4] = {0,0,0,0};
Mat matM = objectPoints.colRange(pos, pos + ni);
Mat _m = imagePoints.colRange(pos, pos + ni);
pos += ni;
Matx33d H;
Mat matH0 = findHomography(matM, _m);
CV_Assert(matH0.size() == Size(3, 3));
matH0.convertTo(matH, CV_64F);
matH0.convertTo(H, CV_64F);
H[0] -= H[6]*a[2]; H[1] -= H[7]*a[2]; H[2] -= H[8]*a[2];
H[3] -= H[6]*a[5]; H[4] -= H[7]*a[5]; H[5] -= H[8]*a[5];
H(0, 0) -= H(2, 0)*cx; H(0, 1) -= H(2, 1)*cx; H(0, 2) -= H(2, 2)*cx;
H(1, 0) -= H(2, 0)*cy; H(1, 1) -= H(2, 1)*cy; H(1, 2) -= H(2, 2)*cy;
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
Vec3d h, v, d1, d2;
Vec4d n;
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
double t0 = H[j*3], t1 = H[j*3+1];
double t0 = H(j, 0), t1 = H(j, 1);
h[j] = t0; v[j] = t1;
d1[j] = (t0 + t1)*0.5;
d2[j] = (t0 - t1)*0.5;
@ -114,31 +107,34 @@ static void initIntrinsicParams2D( const Mat& objectPoints,
n[2] += d1[j]*d1[j]; n[3] += d2[j]*d2[j];
for( j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
n[j] = 1./std::sqrt(n[j]);
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
h[j] *= n[0]; v[j] *= n[1];
d1[j] *= n[2]; d2[j] *= n[3];
Ap[0] = h[0]*v[0]; Ap[1] = h[1]*v[1];
Ap[2] = d1[0]*d2[0]; Ap[3] = d1[1]*d2[1];
bp[0] = -h[2]*v[2]; bp[1] = -d1[2]*d2[2];
matA(i*2+0, 0) = h[0]*v[0]; matA(i*2+0, 1) = h[1]*v[1];
matA(i*2+1, 0) = d1[0]*d2[0]; matA(i*2+1, 1) = d1[1]*d2[1];
matb(i*2+0) = -h[2]*v[2];
matb(i*2+1) = -d1[2]*d2[2];
solve(matA, _b, _f, DECOMP_NORMAL + DECOMP_SVD);
CV_Assert((double*)_f.data == f);
a[0] = std::sqrt(fabs(1./f[0]));
a[4] = std::sqrt(fabs(1./f[1]));
Vec2d f;
solve(matA, matb, f, DECOMP_NORMAL + DECOMP_SVD);
fx = std::sqrt(fabs(1./f[0]));
fy = std::sqrt(fabs(1./f[1]));
if( aspectRatio != 0 )
double tf = (a[0] + a[4])/(aspectRatio + 1.);
a[0] = aspectRatio*tf;
a[4] = tf;
double tf = (fx + fy)/(aspectRatio + 1.);
fx = aspectRatio*tf;
fy = tf;
Matx33d(fx, 0, cx,
0, fy, cy,
0, 0, 1).copyTo(cameraMatrix);
static void subMatrix(const Mat& src, Mat& dst,
@ -165,152 +161,14 @@ static void subMatrix(const Mat& src, Mat& dst,
static void cameraCalcJErr(const Mat& objectPoints, const Mat& imagePoints,
const Mat& npoints, Mat& allErrors,
Mat& _param, bool calcJ, Mat& JtErr, Mat& JtJ, double& errnorm,
double aspectRatio, Mat& perViewErrors,
int flags, bool optimizeObjPoints)
int ni = 0, nimages = (int)npoints.total();
double k[14] = {0};
Mat _k(14, 1, CV_64F, k);
double* param = _param.ptr<double>();
int nparams = (int)_param.total();
int ni0 = npoints.at<int>(0);
Mat _Je(ni0*2, 6, CV_64F), _Ji(ni0*2, NINTRINSIC, CV_64F), _Jo, _err(ni*2, 1, CV_64F);
param[0] = param[1]*aspectRatio;
//pparam[0] = pparam[1]*aspectRatio;
Matx33d A(param[0], 0, param[2],
0, param[1], param[3],
0, 0, 1);
std::copy(param + 4, param + 4 + 14, k);
_Jo.create(ni0*2, ni0*3, CV_64F);
double reprojErr = 0;
int maxPoints = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < nimages; i++ )
maxPoints = max(maxPoints, npoints.at<int>(i));
for( int i = 0, pos = 0; i < nimages; i++, pos += ni )
ni = npoints.at<int>(i);
Mat _ri = _param.rowRange(NINTRINSIC + i*6, NINTRINSIC + i*6 + 3);
Mat _ti = _param.rowRange(NINTRINSIC + i*6 + 3, NINTRINSIC + i*6 + 6);
Mat _Mi = objectPoints.colRange(pos, pos + ni);
if( optimizeObjPoints )
_Mi = _param.rowRange(NINTRINSIC + nimages * 6,
NINTRINSIC + nimages * 6 + ni * 3);
_Mi = _Mi.reshape(3, 1);
Mat _mi = imagePoints.colRange(pos, pos + ni);
Mat _me = allErrors.colRange(pos, pos + ni);
if (optimizeObjPoints)
Mat _mp = _err.reshape(2, 1);
if( calcJ )
Mat _dpdr = _Je.colRange(0, 3);
Mat _dpdt = _Je.colRange(3, 6);
Mat _dpdf = _Ji.colRange(0, 2);
Mat _dpdc = _Ji.colRange(2, 4);
Mat _dpdk = _Ji.colRange(4, NINTRINSIC);
Mat _dpdo = _Jo.empty() ? Mat() : _Jo.colRange(0, ni * 3);
double* dpdr_p = _dpdr.ptr<double>();
double* dpdt_p = _dpdt.ptr<double>();
double* dpdf_p = _dpdf.ptr<double>();
double* dpdc_p = _dpdc.ptr<double>();
double* dpdk_p = _dpdk.ptr<double>();
double* dpdo_p = _dpdo.ptr<double>();
projectPoints(_Mi, _ri, _ti, A, _k, _mp, _dpdr, _dpdt,
(flags & CALIB_FIX_FOCAL_LENGTH) ? _OutputArray() : _OutputArray(_dpdf),
(flags & CALIB_FIX_PRINCIPAL_POINT) ? _OutputArray() : _OutputArray(_dpdc),
_dpdk, _Jo.empty() ? _OutputArray() : _OutputArray(_dpdo),
(flags & CALIB_FIX_ASPECT_RATIO) ? aspectRatio : 0.);
CV_Assert(_mp.ptr<double>() == _err.ptr<double>() &&
dpdr_p == _dpdr.ptr<double>() && dpdt_p == _dpdt.ptr<double>() &&
dpdf_p == _dpdf.ptr<double>() && dpdc_p == _dpdc.ptr<double>() &&
dpdk_p == _dpdk.ptr<double>() && dpdo_p == _dpdo.ptr<double>());
projectPoints( _Mi, _ri, _ti, A, _k, _mp,
noArray(), noArray(), noArray(),
noArray(), noArray(), noArray(), 0.);
subtract( _mp, _mi, _mp );
if( calcJ )
// see HZ: (A6.14) for details on the structure of the Jacobian
JtJ(Rect(0, 0, NINTRINSIC, NINTRINSIC)) += _Ji.t() * _Ji;
JtJ(Rect(NINTRINSIC + i * 6, NINTRINSIC + i * 6, 6, 6)) = _Je.t() * _Je;
JtJ(Rect(NINTRINSIC + i * 6, 0, 6, NINTRINSIC)) = _Ji.t() * _Je;
if( optimizeObjPoints )
JtJ(Rect(NINTRINSIC + nimages * 6, 0, maxPoints * 3, NINTRINSIC)) += _Ji.t() * _Jo;
JtJ(Rect(NINTRINSIC + nimages * 6, NINTRINSIC + i * 6, maxPoints * 3, 6))
+= _Je.t() * _Jo;
JtJ(Rect(NINTRINSIC + nimages * 6, NINTRINSIC + nimages * 6, maxPoints * 3, maxPoints * 3))
+= _Jo.t() * _Jo;
JtErr.rowRange(0, NINTRINSIC) += _Ji.t() * _err;
JtErr.rowRange(NINTRINSIC + i * 6, NINTRINSIC + (i + 1) * 6) = _Je.t() * _err;
if( optimizeObjPoints )
JtErr.rowRange(NINTRINSIC + nimages * 6, nparams) += _Jo.t() * _err;
double viewErr = norm(_err, NORM_L2SQR);
/*if (i == 0 || i == nimages-1) {
printf("image %d.", i);
for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
printf(" %.2g", _err.at<double>(j));
if( !perViewErrors.empty() )
perViewErrors.at<double>(i) = std::sqrt(viewErr / ni);
reprojErr += viewErr;
errnorm = reprojErr;
static double calibrateCameraInternal( const Mat& objectPoints,
const Mat& imagePoints, const Mat& npoints,
Size imageSize, int iFixedPoint, Mat& cameraMatrix, Mat& distCoeffs,
Mat* rvecs, Mat* tvecs, Mat* newObjPoints, Mat* stdDevs,
Mat* perViewErrors, int flags, const TermCriteria& termCrit )
Mat rvecs, Mat tvecs, Mat newObjPoints, Mat stdDevs,
Mat perViewErr, int flags, const TermCriteria& termCrit )
Matx33d A;
double k[14] = {0};
Mat matA(3, 3, CV_64F, A.val);
int i, maxPoints = 0, ni = 0, pos, total = 0, nparams, cn;
double aspectRatio = 0.;
int nimages = npoints.checkVector(1, CV_32S);
CV_Assert(nimages >= 1);
@ -335,22 +193,22 @@ static double calibrateCameraInternal( const Mat& objectPoints,
CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "Thin prism model must have 12 parameters in the distortion matrix" );
if( rvecs )
if( !rvecs.empty() )
cn = rvecs->channels();
CV_Assert(rvecs->depth() == CV_32F || rvecs->depth() == CV_64F);
CV_Assert(rvecs->rows == nimages);
CV_Assert((rvecs->rows == nimages && (rvecs->cols*cn == 3 || rvecs->cols*cn == 3)) ||
(rvecs->rows == 1 && rvecs->cols == nimages && cn == 3));
int cn = rvecs.channels();
CV_Assert(rvecs.depth() == CV_32F || rvecs.depth() == CV_64F);
CV_Assert(rvecs.rows == nimages);
CV_Assert((rvecs.rows == nimages && (rvecs.cols*cn == 3 || rvecs.cols*cn == 3)) ||
(rvecs.rows == 1 && rvecs.cols == nimages && cn == 3));
if( tvecs )
if( !tvecs.empty() )
cn = tvecs->channels();
CV_Assert(tvecs->depth() == CV_32F || tvecs->depth() == CV_64F);
CV_Assert(tvecs->rows == nimages);
CV_Assert((tvecs->rows == nimages && tvecs->cols*cn == 3) ||
(tvecs->rows == 1 && tvecs->cols == nimages && cn == 3));
int cn = tvecs.channels();
CV_Assert(tvecs.depth() == CV_32F || tvecs.depth() == CV_64F);
CV_Assert(tvecs.rows == nimages);
CV_Assert((tvecs.rows == nimages && tvecs.cols*cn == 3) ||
(tvecs.rows == 1 && tvecs.cols == nimages && cn == 3));
CV_Assert(cameraMatrix.type() == CV_32F || cameraMatrix.type() == CV_64F);
@ -361,9 +219,10 @@ static double calibrateCameraInternal( const Mat& objectPoints,
CV_Assert(ndistCoeffs == 4 || ndistCoeffs == 5 || ndistCoeffs == 8 ||
ndistCoeffs == 12 || ndistCoeffs == 14);
for( i = 0; i < nimages; i++ )
int total = 0, maxPoints = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < nimages; i++ )
ni = npoints.at<int>(i);
int ni = npoints.at<int>(i);
if( ni < 4 )
CV_Error_( CV_StsOutOfRange, ("The number of points in the view #%d is < 4", i));
@ -372,23 +231,23 @@ static double calibrateCameraInternal( const Mat& objectPoints,
total += ni;
if( newObjPoints )
if( !newObjPoints.empty() )
cn = newObjPoints->channels();
CV_Assert(newObjPoints->depth() == CV_32F || newObjPoints->depth() == CV_64F);
CV_Assert(rvecs->rows == nimages);
CV_Assert((newObjPoints->rows == maxPoints && newObjPoints->cols*cn == 3) ||
(newObjPoints->rows == 1 && newObjPoints->cols == maxPoints && cn == 3));
int cn = newObjPoints.channels();
CV_Assert(newObjPoints.depth() == CV_32F || newObjPoints.depth() == CV_64F);
CV_Assert(rvecs.rows == nimages);
CV_Assert((newObjPoints.rows == maxPoints && newObjPoints.cols*cn == 3) ||
(newObjPoints.rows == 1 && newObjPoints.cols == maxPoints && cn == 3));
if( stdDevs )
if( !stdDevs.empty() )
cn = stdDevs->channels();
CV_Assert(stdDevs->depth() == CV_32F || stdDevs->depth() == CV_64F);
int cn = stdDevs.channels();
CV_Assert(stdDevs.depth() == CV_32F || stdDevs.depth() == CV_64F);
int nstddev = nimages*6 + NINTRINSIC + (releaseObject ? maxPoints*3 : 0);
CV_Assert((stdDevs->rows == nstddev && stdDevs->cols*cn == 1) ||
(stdDevs->rows == 1 && stdDevs->cols == nstddev && cn == 1));
CV_Assert((stdDevs.rows == nstddev && stdDevs.cols*cn == 1) ||
(stdDevs.rows == 1 && stdDevs.cols == nstddev && cn == 1));
Mat matM( 1, total, CV_64FC3 );
@ -405,11 +264,12 @@ static double calibrateCameraInternal( const Mat& objectPoints,
convertPointsFromHomogeneous(imagePoints, _m, CV_64F);
nparams = NINTRINSIC + nimages*6;
int nparams = NINTRINSIC + nimages*6;
if( releaseObject )
nparams += maxPoints * 3;
Mat _k( distCoeffs.rows, distCoeffs.cols, CV_64F, k);
std::vector<double> k(14, 0.0);
Mat _k( distCoeffs.rows, distCoeffs.cols, CV_64F, k.data());
if( distCoeffs.total() < 8 )
if( distCoeffs.total() < 5 )
@ -419,7 +279,8 @@ static double calibrateCameraInternal( const Mat& objectPoints,
const double minValidAspectRatio = 0.01;
const double maxValidAspectRatio = 100.0;
cameraMatrix.convertTo(matA, CV_64F);
Matx33d A;
cameraMatrix.convertTo(A, CV_64F);
// 1. initialize intrinsic parameters & LM solver
@ -455,7 +316,7 @@ static double calibrateCameraInternal( const Mat& objectPoints,
if( fabs(mean[2]) > 1e-5 || fabs(sdv[2]) > 1e-5 )
CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg,
"For non-planar calibration rigs the initial intrinsic matrix must be specified" );
for( i = 0; i < total; i++ )
for(int i = 0; i < total; i++ )
matM.at<Point3d>(i).z = 0.;
@ -472,14 +333,10 @@ static double calibrateCameraInternal( const Mat& objectPoints,
//std::cout << "A0: " << A << std::endl;
//std::cout << "dist0:" << _k << std::endl;
Mat _Ji( maxPoints*2, NINTRINSIC, CV_64FC1, Scalar(0));
Mat _Je( maxPoints*2, 6, CV_64FC1 );
Mat _err( maxPoints*2, 1, CV_64FC1 );
Mat param0( nparams, 1, CV_64FC1 );
Mat mask0 = Mat::ones( nparams, 1, CV_8UC1 );
std::vector<double> param(nparams, 0.0);
Mat paramM(param, false);
std::vector<uchar> mask(nparams, (uchar)1);
const bool allocJo = stdDevs || releaseObject;
Mat _Jo = allocJo ? Mat( maxPoints*2, maxPoints*3, CV_64FC1, Scalar(0) ) : Mat();
int solveMethod = DECOMP_EIG;
if(flags & CALIB_USE_LU) {
@ -489,11 +346,8 @@ static double calibrateCameraInternal( const Mat& objectPoints,
solveMethod = DECOMP_QR;
double* param = param0.ptr<double>();
uchar* mask = mask0.ptr<uchar>();
param[0] = A(0, 0); param[1] = A(1, 1); param[2] = A(0, 2); param[3] = A(1, 2);
std::copy(k, k + 14, param + 4);
std::copy(k.begin(), k.end(), param.begin() + 4);
mask[0] = 0;
@ -535,30 +389,36 @@ static double calibrateCameraInternal( const Mat& objectPoints,
// copy object points
int s = NINTRINSIC + nimages * 6;
std::copy( matM.ptr<double>(), matM.ptr<double>( 0, maxPoints - 1 ) + 3,
param + NINTRINSIC + nimages * 6 );
param.begin() + NINTRINSIC + nimages * 6 );
// fix points
mask[NINTRINSIC + nimages * 6] = 0;
mask[NINTRINSIC + nimages * 6 + 1] = 0;
mask[NINTRINSIC + nimages * 6 + 2] = 0;
mask[NINTRINSIC + nimages * 6 + iFixedPoint * 3] = 0;
mask[NINTRINSIC + nimages * 6 + iFixedPoint * 3 + 1] = 0;
mask[NINTRINSIC + nimages * 6 + iFixedPoint * 3 + 2] = 0;
mask[s + 0] = 0;
mask[s + 1] = 0;
mask[s + 2] = 0;
mask[s + iFixedPoint * 3 + 0] = 0;
mask[s + iFixedPoint * 3 + 1] = 0;
mask[s + iFixedPoint * 3 + 2] = 0;
mask[nparams - 1] = 0;
// 2. initialize extrinsic parameters
for( i = 0, pos = 0; i < nimages; i++, pos += ni )
for(int i = 0, pos = 0; i < nimages; i++ )
ni = npoints.at<int>(i);
int ni = npoints.at<int>(i);
Mat _ri = param0.rowRange(NINTRINSIC + i*6, NINTRINSIC + i*6 + 3);
Mat _ti = param0.rowRange(NINTRINSIC + i*6 + 3, NINTRINSIC + i*6 + 6);
int s = NINTRINSIC + i*6;
Mat _ri = paramM.rowRange(s, s + 3);
Mat _ti = paramM.rowRange(s + 3, s + 6);
Mat _Mi = matM.colRange(pos, pos + ni);
Mat _mi = _m.colRange(pos, pos + ni);
solvePnP(_Mi, _mi, matA, _k, _ri, _ti, false);
solvePnP(_Mi, _mi, A, _k, _ri, _ti, false);
pos += ni;
//std::cout << "single camera calib. param before LM: " << param0.t() << "\n";
@ -566,43 +426,159 @@ static double calibrateCameraInternal( const Mat& objectPoints,
// 3. run the optimization
Mat perViewErr = perViewErrors ? *perViewErrors : Mat();
auto calibCameraLMCallback = [matM, _m, npoints, &allErrors, aspectRatio, &perViewErr, flags, releaseObject]
(InputOutputArray _param, OutputArray JtErr, OutputArray JtJ, double& errnorm) -> bool
Mat errBuf( maxPoints*2, 1, CV_64FC1 );
Mat JiBuf ( maxPoints*2, NINTRINSIC, CV_64FC1, Scalar(0));
Mat JeBuf ( maxPoints*2, 6, CV_64FC1 );
Mat JoBuf;
if (releaseObject)
JoBuf = Mat( maxPoints*2, maxPoints*3, CV_64FC1);
auto cameraCalcJErr = [matM, _m, npoints, nimages, flags, releaseObject, nparams, maxPoints, aspectRatio, NINTRINSIC,
&JeBuf, &JiBuf, &JoBuf, &errBuf, &allErrors, &perViewErr]
(InputOutputArray _param, OutputArray _JtErr, OutputArray _JtJ, double& errnorm) -> bool
Mat jterr = JtErr.getMat(), jtj = JtJ.getMat();
Mat mparam = _param.getMat();
cameraCalcJErr(matM, _m, npoints, allErrors, mparam, /* calcJ */ JtErr.needed() && JtJ.needed(),
jterr, jtj, errnorm,
aspectRatio, perViewErr, flags, releaseObject);
bool optimizeObjPoints = releaseObject;
Mat_<double> param_m = _param.getMat();
param_m = param_m.reshape(1, max(param_m.rows, param_m.cols));
param_m(0) = param_m(1)*aspectRatio;
double fx = param_m(0), fy = param_m(1), cx = param_m(2), cy = param_m(3);
Matx33d intrin(fx, 0, cx,
0, fy, cy,
0, 0, 1);
Mat dist = param_m.rowRange(4, 4+14);
bool calcJ = !_JtErr.empty() && !_JtJ.empty();
Mat JtErr, JtJ;
if (calcJ)
JtErr = _JtErr.getMat();
JtJ = _JtJ.getMat();
double reprojErr = 0;
int so = NINTRINSIC + nimages * 6;
int pos = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < nimages; i++ )
int si = NINTRINSIC + i * 6;
int ni = npoints.at<int>(i);
Mat _ri = param_m.rowRange(si, si + 3);
Mat _ti = param_m.rowRange(si + 3, si + 6);
Mat _Mi = matM.colRange(pos, pos + ni);
if( optimizeObjPoints )
_Mi = param_m.rowRange(so, so + ni * 3);
_Mi = _Mi.reshape(3, 1);
Mat _mi = _m.colRange(pos, pos + ni);
Mat _me = allErrors.colRange(pos, pos + ni);
Mat Jo;
if (optimizeObjPoints)
Jo = JoBuf(Range(0, ni*2), Range(0, ni*3));
Mat Je = JeBuf.rowRange(0, ni*2);
Mat Ji = JiBuf.rowRange(0, ni*2);
Mat err = errBuf.rowRange(0, ni*2);
Mat _mp = err.reshape(2, 1);
if( calcJ )
Mat _dpdr = Je.colRange(0, 3);
Mat _dpdt = Je.colRange(3, 6);
Mat _dpdf = (flags & CALIB_FIX_FOCAL_LENGTH) ? Mat() : Ji.colRange(0, 2);
Mat _dpdc = (flags & CALIB_FIX_PRINCIPAL_POINT) ? Mat() : Ji.colRange(2, 4);
Mat _dpdk = Ji.colRange(4, NINTRINSIC);
Mat _dpdo = Jo.empty() ? Mat() : Jo.colRange(0, ni * 3);
projectPoints(_Mi, _ri, _ti, intrin, dist, _mp, _dpdr, _dpdt,
(_dpdf.empty() ? noArray() : _dpdf),
(_dpdc.empty() ? noArray() : _dpdc),
_dpdk, (_dpdo.empty() ? noArray() : _dpdo),
(flags & CALIB_FIX_ASPECT_RATIO) ? aspectRatio : 0.);
projectPoints( _Mi, _ri, _ti, intrin, dist, _mp);
subtract( _mp, _mi, _mp );
if( calcJ )
// see HZ: (A6.14) for details on the structure of the Jacobian
JtJ(Rect(0, 0, NINTRINSIC, NINTRINSIC)) += Ji.t() * Ji;
JtJ(Rect(si, si, 6, 6)) = Je.t() * Je;
JtJ(Rect(si, 0, 6, NINTRINSIC)) = Ji.t() * Je;
if( optimizeObjPoints )
JtJ(Rect(so, 0, maxPoints * 3, NINTRINSIC)) += Ji.t() * Jo;
JtJ(Rect(so, si, maxPoints * 3, 6)) += Je.t() * Jo;
JtJ(Rect(so, so, maxPoints * 3, maxPoints * 3)) += Jo.t() * Jo;
JtErr.rowRange(0, NINTRINSIC) += Ji.t() * err;
JtErr.rowRange(si, si + 6) = Je.t() * err;
if( optimizeObjPoints )
JtErr.rowRange(so, nparams) += Jo.t() * err;
double viewErr = norm(err, NORM_L2SQR);
if( !perViewErr.empty() )
perViewErr.at<double>(i) = std::sqrt(viewErr / ni);
reprojErr += viewErr;
pos += ni;
errnorm = reprojErr;
return true;
LevMarq solver(param0, calibCameraLMCallback,
LevMarq solver(param, cameraCalcJErr,
.setMaxIterations((unsigned int)termCrit.maxCount)
.setSmallEnergyTolerance(termCrit.epsilon * termCrit.epsilon),
mask0, MatrixType::AUTO, VariableType::LINEAR, /* LtoR */ false, solveMethod);
mask, MatrixType::AUTO, VariableType::LINEAR, /* LtoR */ false, solveMethod);
// geodesic is not supported for normal callbacks
//std::cout << "single camera calib. param after LM: " << param0.t() << "\n";
// If solver failed, then the last calculated perViewErr can be wrong & should be recalculated
Mat JtErr(nparams, 1, CV_64F), JtJ(nparams, nparams, CV_64F), JtJinv, JtJN;
Mat JtErr, JtJ, JtJinv, JtJN;
double reprojErr = 0;
JtErr.setZero(); JtJ.setZero();
cameraCalcJErr(matM, _m, npoints, allErrors, param0, (stdDevs != nullptr),
JtErr, JtJ, reprojErr,
aspectRatio, perViewErr, flags, releaseObject);
if (stdDevs)
if (!stdDevs.empty())
int nparams_nz = countNonZero(mask0);
JtErr = Mat(nparams, 1, CV_64F);
JtJ = Mat(nparams, nparams, CV_64F);
cameraCalcJErr(param, JtErr, JtJ, reprojErr);
if (!stdDevs.empty())
int nparams_nz = countNonZero(mask);
JtJN.create(nparams_nz, nparams_nz, CV_64F);
subMatrix(JtJ, JtJN, mask0, mask0);
subMatrix(JtJ, JtJN, mask, mask);
completeSymm(JtJN, false);
cv::invert(JtJN, JtJinv, DECOMP_EIG);
// sigma2 is deviation of the noise
// see any papers about variance of the least squares estimator for
@ -610,50 +586,53 @@ static double calibrateCameraInternal( const Mat& objectPoints,
double sigma2 = norm(allErrors, NORM_L2SQR) / (total - nparams_nz);
int j = 0;
for ( int s = 0; s < nparams; s++ )
if( mask0.at<uchar>(s) )
if( mask[s] )
stdDevs->at<double>(s) = std::sqrt(JtJinv.at<double>(j,j) * sigma2);
stdDevs.at<double>(s) = std::sqrt(JtJinv.at<double>(j,j) * sigma2);
stdDevs->at<double>(s) = 0.;
stdDevs.at<double>(s) = 0.;
// 4. store the results
A = Matx33d(param[0], 0, param[2], 0, param[1], param[3], 0, 0, 1);
A.convertTo(cameraMatrix, cameraMatrix.type());
_k = Mat(distCoeffs.size(), CV_64F, param + 4);
_k = Mat(distCoeffs.size(), CV_64F, param.data() + 4);
_k.convertTo(distCoeffs, distCoeffs.type());
if( newObjPoints && releaseObject )
if( !newObjPoints.empty() && releaseObject )
Mat _Mi = param0.rowRange(NINTRINSIC + nimages * 6,
NINTRINSIC + nimages * 6 + maxPoints * 3);
_Mi.reshape(3, 1).convertTo(*newObjPoints, newObjPoints->type());
int s = NINTRINSIC + nimages * 6;
Mat _Mi = paramM.rowRange(s, s + maxPoints * 3);
_Mi.reshape(3, 1).convertTo(newObjPoints, newObjPoints.type());
for( i = 0, pos = 0; i < nimages; i++ )
for(int i = 0; i < nimages; i++ )
if( rvecs )
if( !rvecs.empty() )
Mat src = Mat(3, 1, CV_64F, param + NINTRINSIC + i*6);
if( rvecs->rows == nimages && rvecs->cols*rvecs->channels() == 9 )
//TODO: fix it
Mat src = Mat(3, 1, CV_64F, param.data() + NINTRINSIC + i*6);
if( rvecs.rows == nimages && rvecs.cols*rvecs.channels() == 9 )
Mat dst(3, 3, rvecs->depth(), rvecs->ptr(i));
Mat dst(3, 3, rvecs.depth(), rvecs.ptr(i));
Rodrigues(src, A);
A.convertTo(dst, dst.type());
Mat dst(3, 1, rvecs->depth(), rvecs->rows == 1 ?
rvecs->data + i*rvecs->elemSize1() : rvecs->ptr(i));
Mat dst(3, 1, rvecs.depth(), rvecs.rows == 1 ?
rvecs.data + i*rvecs.elemSize1() : rvecs.ptr(i));
src.convertTo(dst, dst.type());
if( tvecs )
if( !tvecs.empty() )
Mat src(3, 1, CV_64F, param + NINTRINSIC + i*6 + 3);
Mat dst(3, 1, tvecs->depth(), tvecs->rows == 1 ?
tvecs->data + i*tvecs->elemSize1() : tvecs->ptr(i));
//TODO: fix it
Mat src(3, 1, CV_64F, param.data() + NINTRINSIC + i*6 + 3);
Mat dst(3, 1, tvecs.depth(), tvecs.rows == 1 ?
tvecs.data + i*tvecs.elemSize1() : tvecs.ptr(i));
src.convertTo(dst, dst.type());
@ -673,7 +652,7 @@ static double stereoCalibrateImpl(
Mat perViewErr, int flags,
TermCriteria termCrit )
const int NINTRINSIC = 18;
double dk[2][14]={{0}};
Mat Dist[2];
@ -735,7 +714,7 @@ static double stereoCalibrateImpl(
Mat matA(A[k], false);
calibrateCameraInternal(objectPoints, imagePoints[k],
_npoints, imageSize, 0, matA, Dist[k],
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, flags, termCrit);
Mat(), Mat(), Mat(), Mat(), Mat(), flags, termCrit);
@ -829,12 +808,12 @@ static double stereoCalibrateImpl(
for(int i = 0; i < nimages; i++ )
int ni = _npoints.at<int>(i);
Mat objpt_i = objectPoints(Range::all(), Range(pos, pos + ni));
Mat objpt_i = objectPoints.colRange(pos, pos + ni);
Matx33d R[2];
Vec3d rv, T[2];
for(int k = 0; k < 2; k++ )
Mat imgpt_ik = imagePoints[k](Range::all(), Range(pos, pos + ni));
Mat imgpt_ik = imagePoints[k].colRange(pos, pos + ni);
solvePnP(objpt_i, imgpt_ik, A[k], Dist[k], rv, T[k], false, SOLVEPNP_ITERATIVE );
Rodrigues(rv, R[k]);
@ -916,13 +895,17 @@ static double stereoCalibrateImpl(
Mat J_LRBuf( maxPoints*2, 6, CV_64F );
Mat JiBuf( maxPoints*2, NINTRINSIC, CV_64F, Scalar(0) );
auto lmcallback = [&](InputOutputArray _param, OutputArray JtErr_, OutputArray JtJ_, double& errnorm)
auto lmcallback = [errBuf, JeBuf, J_LRBuf, JiBuf, recomputeIntrinsics, nimages, flags, aspectRatio, &A, &dk, NINTRINSIC,
_npoints, objectPoints, imagePoints, Dist, &perViewErr]
(InputOutputArray _param, OutputArray JtErr_, OutputArray JtJ_, double& errnorm)
Mat_<double> param_m = _param.getMat();
Vec3d om_LR(param_m(0), param_m(1), param_m(2));
Vec3d T_LR(param_m(3), param_m(4), param_m(5));
Vec3d om[2], T[2];
Matx33d dr3dr1, dr3dr2, dt3dr2, dt3dt1, dt3dt2;
Matx33d intrin[2];
std::vector< std::vector<double> > distCoeffs(2, std::vector<double>(14, 0.0));
double reprojErr = 0;
@ -944,11 +927,20 @@ static double stereoCalibrateImpl(
double fx = param_m(idx + k*NINTRINSIC+0), fy = param_m(idx + k*NINTRINSIC+1);
double cx = param_m(idx + k*NINTRINSIC+2), cy = param_m(idx + k*NINTRINSIC+3);
A[k] = Matx33d(fx, 0, cx,
intrin[k] = Matx33d(fx, 0, cx,
0, fy, cy,
0, 0, 1);
for(int j = 0; j < 14; j++)
dk[k][j] = param_m(idx + k*NINTRINSIC+4+j);
distCoeffs[k][j] = param_m(idx + k*NINTRINSIC+4+j);
for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++)
intrin[k] = A[k];
for(int j = 0; j < 14; j++)
distCoeffs[k][j] = dk[k][j];
@ -985,11 +977,11 @@ static double stereoCalibrateImpl(
Mat imgpt_ik = imagePoints[k](Range::all(), Range(ptPos, ptPos + ni));
if( JtJ_.needed() || JtErr_.needed() )
projectPoints(objpt_i, om[k], T[k], A[k], Dist[k],
projectPoints(objpt_i, om[k], T[k], intrin[k], distCoeffs[k],
tmpImagePoints, dpdrot, dpdt, dpdf, dpdc, dpdk, noArray(),
(flags & CALIB_FIX_ASPECT_RATIO) ? aspectRatio[k] : 0.);
projectPoints(objpt_i, om[k], T[k], A[k], Dist[k], tmpImagePoints);
projectPoints(objpt_i, om[k], T[k], intrin[k], distCoeffs[k], tmpImagePoints);
subtract( tmpImagePoints, imgpt_ik, tmpImagePoints );
if( JtJ_.needed() )
@ -1089,6 +1081,8 @@ static double stereoCalibrateImpl(
reprojErr = r.energy;
// Extract optimized params from the param vector
Vec3d om_LR(param[0], param[1], param[2]);
Vec3d T_LR(param[3], param[4], param[5]);
Matx33d R_LR;
@ -1137,15 +1131,18 @@ static void collectCalibrationData( InputArrayOfArrays objectPoints,
InputArrayOfArrays imagePoints1,
InputArrayOfArrays imagePoints2,
int iFixedPoint,
Mat& objPtMat, Mat& imgPtMat1, Mat* imgPtMat2,
Mat& npoints )
OutputArray objPt, OutputArray imgPt1, OutputArray imgPt2,
OutputArray npoints )
int nimages = (int)objectPoints.total();
int total = 0;
CV_Assert(nimages > 0);
CV_CheckEQ(nimages, (int)imagePoints1.total(), "");
if (imgPtMat2)
if (!imagePoints2.empty())
CV_CheckEQ(nimages, (int)imagePoints2.total(), "");
for (int i = 0; i < nimages; i++)
@ -1168,25 +1165,28 @@ static void collectCalibrationData( InputArrayOfArrays objectPoints,
npoints.create(1, (int)nimages, CV_32S);
objPtMat.create(1, (int)total, CV_32FC3);
imgPtMat1.create(1, (int)total, CV_32FC2);
objPt.create(1, (int)total, CV_32FC3);
imgPt1.create(1, (int)total, CV_32FC2);
Point2f* imgPtData2 = 0;
if (imgPtMat2)
Mat imgPt1Mat = imgPt1.getMat();
if (!imagePoints2.empty())
imgPtMat2->create(1, (int)total, CV_32FC2);
imgPtData2 = imgPtMat2->ptr<Point2f>();
imgPt2.create(1, (int)total, CV_32FC2);
imgPtData2 = imgPt2.getMat().ptr<Point2f>();
Mat nPointsMat = npoints.getMat();
Mat objPtMat = objPt.getMat();
Point3f* objPtData = objPtMat.ptr<Point3f>();
Point2f* imgPtData1 = imgPtMat1.ptr<Point2f>();
Point2f* imgPtData1 = imgPt1.getMat().ptr<Point2f>();
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < nimages; i++)
Mat objpt = objectPoints.getMat(i);
Mat imgpt1 = imagePoints1.getMat(i);
int numberOfObjectPoints = objpt.checkVector(3, CV_32F);
npoints.at<int>(i) = numberOfObjectPoints;
nPointsMat.at<int>(i) = numberOfObjectPoints;
for (int n = 0; n < numberOfObjectPoints; ++n)
objPtData[j + n] = objpt.ptr<Point3f>()[n];
@ -1207,14 +1207,14 @@ static void collectCalibrationData( InputArrayOfArrays objectPoints,
j += numberOfObjectPoints;
int ni = npoints.at<int>(0);
int ni = nPointsMat.at<int>(0);
bool releaseObject = iFixedPoint > 0 && iFixedPoint < ni - 1;
// check object points. If not qualified, report errors.
if( releaseObject )
for (int i = 1; i < nimages; i++)
if( npoints.at<int>(i) != ni )
if( nPointsMat.at<int>(i) != ni )
CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "All objectPoints[i].size() should be equal when "
"object-releasing method is requested." );
@ -1233,10 +1233,10 @@ static void collectCalibrationData( InputArrayOfArrays objectPoints,
static void collectCalibrationData( InputArrayOfArrays objectPoints,
InputArrayOfArrays imagePoints1,
InputArrayOfArrays imagePoints2,
Mat& objPtMat, Mat& imgPtMat1, Mat* imgPtMat2,
Mat& npoints )
OutputArray objPt, OutputArray imgPtMat1, OutputArray imgPtMat2,
OutputArray npoints )
collectCalibrationData( objectPoints, imagePoints1, imagePoints2, -1, objPtMat, imgPtMat1,
collectCalibrationData( objectPoints, imagePoints1, imagePoints2, -1, objPt, imgPtMat1,
imgPtMat2, npoints );
@ -1258,7 +1258,7 @@ Mat initCameraMatrix2D( InputArrayOfArrays objectPoints,
Mat objPt, imgPt, npoints, cameraMatrix;
collectCalibrationData( objectPoints, imagePoints, noArray(),
objPt, imgPt, 0, npoints );
objPt, imgPt, noArray(), npoints );
initIntrinsicParams2D( objPt, imgPt, npoints, imageSize, cameraMatrix, aspectRatio );
return cameraMatrix;
@ -1390,7 +1390,7 @@ double calibrateCameraRO(InputArrayOfArrays _objectPoints,
collectCalibrationData( _objectPoints, _imagePoints, noArray(), iFixedPoint,
objPt, imgPt, 0, npoints );
objPt, imgPt, noArray(), npoints );
bool releaseObject = iFixedPoint > 0 && iFixedPoint < npoints.at<int>(0) - 1;
newobj_needed = newobj_needed && releaseObject;
@ -1405,10 +1405,8 @@ double calibrateCameraRO(InputArrayOfArrays _objectPoints,
bool stddev_any_needed = stddev_needed || stddev_ext_needed || stddev_obj_needed;
if( stddev_any_needed )
if( releaseObject )
stdDeviationsM.create(nimages*6 + CALIB_NINTRINSIC + np * 3, 1, CV_64F);
stdDeviationsM.create(nimages*6 + CALIB_NINTRINSIC, 1, CV_64F);
int sz = nimages*6 + CALIB_NINTRINSIC + (releaseObject ? np * 3 : 0);
stdDeviationsM.create(sz, 1, CV_64F);
if( errors_needed )
@ -1420,39 +1418,26 @@ double calibrateCameraRO(InputArrayOfArrays _objectPoints,
double reprojErr = calibrateCameraInternal(
objPt, imgPt, npoints, imageSize, iFixedPoint,
cameraMatrix, distCoeffs,
rvecs_needed ? &rvecM : NULL,
tvecs_needed ? &tvecM : NULL,
newobj_needed ? &newObjPt : NULL,
stddev_any_needed ? &stdDeviationsM : NULL,
errors_needed ? &errorsM : NULL, flags, cvTermCriteria(criteria));
if( newobj_needed )
rvecM, tvecM,
errorsM, flags, cvTermCriteria(criteria));
if( stddev_needed )
stdDeviationsIntrinsics.create(CALIB_NINTRINSIC, 1, CV_64F);
Mat stdDeviationsIntrinsicsMat = stdDeviationsIntrinsics.getMat();
std::memcpy(stdDeviationsIntrinsicsMat.ptr(), stdDeviationsM.ptr(),
stdDeviationsM.rowRange(0, CALIB_NINTRINSIC).copyTo(stdDeviationsIntrinsics);
if ( stddev_ext_needed )
stdDeviationsExtrinsics.create(nimages*6, 1, CV_64F);
Mat stdDeviationsExtrinsicsMat = stdDeviationsExtrinsics.getMat();
stdDeviationsM.ptr() + CALIB_NINTRINSIC*sizeof(double),
stdDeviationsM.rowRange(s, s + nimages*6).copyTo(stdDeviationsExtrinsics);
if( stddev_obj_needed )
stdDeviationsObjPoints.create( np * 3, 1, CV_64F );
Mat stdDeviationsObjPointsMat = stdDeviationsObjPoints.getMat();
std::memcpy( stdDeviationsObjPointsMat.ptr(), stdDeviationsM.ptr()
+ ( CALIB_NINTRINSIC + nimages * 6 ) * sizeof( double ),
np * 3 * sizeof( double ) );
int s = CALIB_NINTRINSIC + nimages*6;
stdDeviationsM.rowRange(s, s + np*3).copyTo(stdDeviationsObjPoints);
// overly complicated and inefficient rvec/ tvec handling to support vector<Mat>
@ -1577,7 +1562,7 @@ double stereoCalibrate( InputArrayOfArrays _objectPoints,
Mat objPt, imgPt, imgPt2, npoints;
collectCalibrationData( _objectPoints, _imagePoints1, _imagePoints2,
objPt, imgPt, &imgPt2, npoints );
objPt, imgPt, imgPt2, npoints );
Mat matR = _Rmat.getMat(), matT = _Tmat.getMat();
bool E_needed = _Emat.needed(), F_needed = _Fmat.needed(), errors_needed = _perViewErrors.needed();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user