mirror of
synced 2024-12-12 23:49:36 +08:00
variables refactoring levmarq fix initIntrinsicParams2D() refactoring undo LM fix cameraCalcJErr: made a lambda; warnings fixed; vars rearranged & renamed, jacobian buffers, perViewErrors and allErrors fix, etc. stereoCalibrate: internal vars in callback stereoCalibrate: capture only useful variables stereoCalibrate: perViewError fix + minors rvecs and tvecs are not pointers anymore no extra lambda newObjPoints: no pointers stdDevs: no pointers _Jo removed: not used Range::all() -> rowRange, colRange param and mask are std::vectors now indices shortened tabs less func-scoped vars; TODOs less formatting & renaming changes trailing whitespaces less diff less changes less changes Range::all() back perViewErr ptr fix NINTRINSIC captured try to fix warning trying to fix a warning fix warnings, another attempt
802 lines
27 KiB
802 lines
27 KiB
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// For Open Source Computer Vision Library
// Copyright (C) 2000, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
// Copyright (C) 2013, OpenCV Foundation, all rights reserved.
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// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
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// * Redistribution's of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
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#include "precomp.hpp"
#include <stdio.h>
namespace cv {
smallEnergyTolerance(0), // not used by default
{ }
// from Ceres, equation energy change:
// eq. energy = 1/2 * (residuals + J * step)^2 =
// 1/2 * ( residuals^2 + 2 * residuals^T * J * step + (J*step)^T * J * step)
// eq. energy change = 1/2 * residuals^2 - eq. energy =
// 1/2 * residuals^2 - 1/2 * ( residuals^2 + 2 * residuals^T * J * step + (J*step)^T * J * step) =
// 1/2 * ( residuals^2 - residuals^2 - 2 * residuals^T * J * step - (J*step)^T * J * step) =
// - 1/2 * ( 2 * residuals^T * J * step + (J*step)^T * J * step) =
// - 1/2 * ( 2 * residuals^T * J + (J*step)^T * J ) * step =
// - 1/2 * ( 2 * residuals^T * J + step^T * J^T * J ) * step =
// - 1/2 * step^T * ( 2 * J^t * residuals + J^T * J * step ) =
// - 1/2 * step^T * ( 2 * J^t * residuals + (J^T * J + LMDiag - LMDiag) * step ) =
// - 1/2 * step^T * ( 2 * J^t * residuals + (J^T * J + LMDiag) * step - LMDiag * step ) =
// - 1/2 * step^T * ( 2 * J^t * residuals - J^T * residuals - LMDiag * step ) =
// - 1/2 * step^T * ( J^t * residuals - LMDiag * step ) =
// - 1/2 * x^T * ( jtb - LMDiag * x )
static double calcJacCostChangeLm(const cv::Mat_<double>& jtb, const cv::Mat_<double>& x, const cv::Mat_<double>& lmDiag)
return -0.5 * cv::sum(x.mul(jtb - lmDiag.mul(x)))[0];
// calculates J^T*rvv where rvv is second directional derivative of the function in direction v
// rvv = (f(x0 + v*h) - f(x0))/h - J*v)/h
// where v is a LevMarq equation solution
// J^T*rvv = J^T*((f(x0 + v*h) - f(x0))/h - J*v)/h =
// J^T*(f(x0 + v*h) - f(x0) - J*v*h)/h^2 =
// (J^T*f(x0 + v*h) - J^T*f(x0) - J^T*J*v*h)/h^2 =
// < using (J^T*J + lmdiag) * v = J^T*b, also f(x0 + v*h) = b_v, f(x0) = b >
// (J^T*b_v - J^T*b - (J^T*J + lmdiag - lmdiag)*v*h)/h^2 =
// (J^T*b_v - J^T*b + J^t*b*h + lmdiag*v*h)/h^2 =
// (J^T*b_v - J^t*b*(1 - h) + lmdiag*v*h)/h^2
static void calcJtrvv(const Mat_<double>& jtbv, const Mat_<double>& jtb, const Mat_<double>& lmdiag,
const Mat_<double>& v, const double hGeo,
Mat_<double>& jtrvv)
jtrvv = (jtbv + jtb * (hGeo - 1.0) + lmdiag.mul(v, hGeo)) / (hGeo * hGeo);
LevMarq::Report detail::LevMarqBase::optimize()
if (settings.geodesic && !backend->enableGeo())
CV_LOG_INFO(NULL, "The backend does not support geodesic acceleration, please turn off the corresponding option");
return LevMarq::Report(false, 0, 0); // not found
// this function sets probe vars to current X
double energy = 0.0;
if (!backend->calcFunc(energy, /*calcEnergy*/ true, /*calcJacobian*/ true) || energy < 0)
CV_LOG_INFO(NULL, "Error while calculating energy function");
return LevMarq::Report(false, 0, 0); // not found
double oldEnergy = energy;
CV_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, "#s" << " energy: " << energy);
// diagonal clamping options
const double minDiag = 1e-6;
const double maxDiag = 1e32;
// limit lambda inflation
const double maxLambda = 1e32;
// finish reasons
bool tooLong = false; // => not found
bool bigLambda = false; // => not found
bool smallGradient = false; // => found
bool smallStep = false; // => found
bool smallEnergyDelta = false; // => found
bool smallEnergy = false; // => found
// column scale inverted, for jacobian scaling
Mat_<double> di;
// do the jacobian conditioning improvement used in Ceres
if (settings.jacobiScaling)
// L2-normalize each jacobian column
// vec d = {d_j = sum(J_ij^2) for each column j of J} = get_diag{ J^T * J }
// di = { 1/(1+sqrt(d_j)) }, extra +1 to avoid div by zero
Mat_<double> ds;
const Mat_<double> diag = backend->getDiag();
cv::sqrt(diag, ds);
di = 1.0 / (ds + 1.0);
double lmUpFactor = settings.initialLmUpFactor;
double lambdaLevMarq = settings.initialLambda;
unsigned int iter = 0;
bool done = false;
while (!done)
// At this point we should have jtj and jtb built
CV_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, "#LM#s" << " energy: " << energy);
// do the jacobian conditioning improvement used in Ceres
if (settings.jacobiScaling)
const Mat_<double> jtb = backend->getJtb();
double gradientMax = cv::norm(jtb, NORM_INF);
// Save original diagonal of jtj matrix for LevMarq
const Mat_<double> diag = backend->getDiag();
// Solve using LevMarq and get delta transform
bool enoughLm = false;
while (!enoughLm && !done)
// form LevMarq matrix
Mat_<double> lmDiag, jtjDiag;
lmDiag = diag * lambdaLevMarq;
if (settings.clampDiagonal)
lmDiag = cv::min(cv::max(lmDiag, minDiag), maxDiag);
jtjDiag = lmDiag + diag;
CV_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, "linear decompose...");
bool decomposed = backend->decompose();
CV_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, (decomposed ? "OK" : "FAIL"));
CV_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, "linear solve...");
// use double or convert everything to float
Mat_<double> x((int)jtb.rows, 1);
bool solved = decomposed && backend->solveDecomposed(jtb, x);
CV_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, (solved ? "OK" : "FAIL"));
double costChange = 0.0;
double jacCostChange = 0.0;
double stepQuality = 0.0;
double xNorm = 0.0;
if (solved)
// what energy drop should be according to local model estimation
jacCostChange = calcJacCostChangeLm(jtb, x, lmDiag);
// x norm
xNorm = cv::norm(x, settings.stepNormInf ? NORM_INF : NORM_L2SQR);
// undo jacobi scaling
if (settings.jacobiScaling)
x = x.mul(di);
if (settings.geodesic)
backend->currentOplusX(x * settings.hGeo, /*geo*/ true);
Mat_<double> jtbv(jtb.rows, 1);
if (backend->calcJtbv(jtbv))
Mat_<double> jtrvv(jtb.rows, 1);
calcJtrvv(jtbv, jtb, lmDiag, x, settings.hGeo, jtrvv);
Mat_<double> xgeo((int)jtb.rows, 1);
bool geoSolved = backend->solveDecomposed(jtrvv, xgeo);
if (geoSolved)
double truncerr = sqrt(xgeo.dot(xgeo) / x.dot(x));
bool geoIsGood = (truncerr < 1.0);
if (geoIsGood)
x += xgeo * settings.geoScale;
CV_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, "Geo truncerr: " << truncerr << (geoIsGood ? ", use it" : ", skip it") );
CV_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, "Geo: failed to solve");
// calc energy with current delta x
backend->currentOplusX(x, /*geo*/ false);
bool success = backend->calcFunc(energy, /*calcEnergy*/ true, /*calcJacobian*/ false);
if (!success || energy < 0 || std::isnan(energy))
CV_LOG_INFO(NULL, "Error while calculating energy function");
return LevMarq::Report(false, iter, oldEnergy); // not found
costChange = oldEnergy - energy;
stepQuality = costChange / jacCostChange;
CV_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, "#LM#" << iter
<< " energy: " << energy
<< " deltaEnergy: " << costChange
<< " deltaEqEnergy: " << jacCostChange
<< " max(J^T*b): " << gradientMax
<< (settings.stepNormInf ? " normInf(x): " : " norm2(x): ") << xNorm
<< " deltaEnergy/energy: " << costChange / energy);
// zero cost change is treated like an algorithm failure if checkRelEnergyChange is off
if (!solved || costChange < 0 || (!settings.checkRelEnergyChange && abs(costChange) < DBL_EPSILON))
// failed to optimize, increase lambda and repeat
lambdaLevMarq *= lmUpFactor;
if (settings.upDouble)
lmUpFactor *= 2.0;
CV_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, "LM goes up, lambda: " << lambdaLevMarq << ", old energy: " << oldEnergy);
// optimized successfully, decrease lambda and set variables for next iteration
enoughLm = true;
if (settings.useStepQuality)
lambdaLevMarq *= std::max(1.0 / settings.initialLmDownFactor, 1.0 - pow(2.0 * stepQuality - 1.0, 3));
lambdaLevMarq *= 1.0 / settings.initialLmDownFactor;
lmUpFactor = settings.initialLmUpFactor;
// Once set, these flags will be activated until next successful LM iteration - this is not a bug
smallGradient = (gradientMax < settings.minGradientTolerance);
smallStep = (xNorm < settings.stepNormTolerance);
smallEnergyDelta = (costChange / energy < settings.relEnergyDeltaTolerance);
smallEnergy = (energy < settings.smallEnergyTolerance);
CV_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, "#" << iter << " energy: " << energy);
oldEnergy = energy;
CV_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, "LM goes down, lambda: " << lambdaLevMarq << " step quality: " << stepQuality);
tooLong = (iter >= settings.maxIterations);
bigLambda = (lambdaLevMarq >= maxLambda);
done = tooLong || bigLambda;
done = done || (settings.checkMinGradient && smallGradient);
done = done || (settings.checkStepNorm && smallStep);
done = done || (settings.checkRelEnergyChange && smallEnergyDelta);
done = done || (smallEnergy);
// calc jacobian for next iteration
if (!done)
double dummy;
if (!backend->calcFunc(dummy, /*calcEnergy*/ false, /*calcJacobian*/ true))
CV_LOG_INFO(NULL, "Error while calculating jacobian");
return LevMarq::Report(false, iter, oldEnergy); // not found
bool found = (smallGradient || smallStep || smallEnergyDelta || smallEnergy);
CV_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, "Finished: " << (found ? "" : "not ") << "found");
std::string fr = "Finish reason: ";
if (settings.checkMinGradient && smallGradient)
CV_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, fr + "gradient max val dropped below threshold");
if (settings.checkStepNorm && smallStep)
CV_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, fr + "step size dropped below threshold");
if (settings.checkRelEnergyChange && smallEnergyDelta)
CV_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, fr + "relative energy change between iterations dropped below threshold");
if (smallEnergy)
CV_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, fr + "energy dropped below threshold");
if (tooLong)
CV_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, fr + "max number of iterations reached");
if (bigLambda)
CV_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, fr + "lambda has grown above the threshold, the trust region is too small");
return LevMarq::Report(found, iter, oldEnergy);
struct LevMarqDenseLinearBackend : public detail::LevMarqBackend
// all variables including fixed ones
size_t nVars;
size_t allVars;
Mat_<double> jtj, jtb;
Mat_<double> probeX, currentX;
// for oplus operation
Mat_<double> delta;
// "Long" callback: f(x, &b, &J) -> bool
// Produces jacobian and residuals for each energy term
LevMarq::LongCallback cb;
// "Normal" callback: f(x, &jtb, &jtj, &energy) -> bool
// Produces J^T*J and J^T*b directly instead of J and b
LevMarq::NormalCallback cb_alt;
Mat_<uchar> mask;
// full matrices containing all vars including fixed ones
// used only when mask is not empty
Mat_<double> jtjFull, jtbFull;
// used only with long callback
Mat_<double> jLong, bLong;
size_t nerrs;
// used only with alt. callback
// What part of symmetric matrix is to copy to another part
bool LtoR;
// What method to use for linear system solving
int solveMethod;
// for geodesic acceleration
bool useGeo;
// x0 + v*h variable
Mat_<double> geoX;
// J^T*rvv vector
Mat_<double> jtrvv;
LevMarqDenseLinearBackend(int nvars_, LevMarq::LongCallback callback_, InputArray mask_, int nerrs_, int solveMethod_) :
LevMarqDenseLinearBackend(noArray(), nvars_, callback_, nullptr, nerrs_, false, mask_, solveMethod_)
{ }
LevMarqDenseLinearBackend(int nvars_, LevMarq::NormalCallback callback_, InputArray mask_, bool LtoR_, int solveMethod_) :
LevMarqDenseLinearBackend(noArray(), nvars_, nullptr, callback_, 0, LtoR_, mask_, solveMethod_)
{ }
LevMarqDenseLinearBackend(InputOutputArray param_, LevMarq::LongCallback callback_, InputArray mask_, int nerrs_, int solveMethod_) :
LevMarqDenseLinearBackend(param_, 0, callback_, nullptr, nerrs_, false, mask_, solveMethod_)
{ }
LevMarqDenseLinearBackend(InputOutputArray param_, LevMarq::NormalCallback callback_, InputArray mask_, bool LtoR_, int solveMethod_) :
LevMarqDenseLinearBackend(param_, 0, nullptr, callback_, 0, LtoR_, mask_, solveMethod_)
{ }
LevMarqDenseLinearBackend(InputOutputArray currentX_, int nvars,
LevMarq::LongCallback cb_ = nullptr,
LevMarq::NormalCallback cb_alt_ = nullptr,
size_t nerrs_ = 0,
bool LtoR_ = false,
InputArray mask_ = noArray(),
int solveMethod_ = DECOMP_SVD) :
// these fields will be initialized at prepareVars()
if (!currentX_.empty())
CV_Assert(currentX_.type() == CV_64F);
CV_Assert(currentX_.rows() == 1 || currentX_.cols() == 1);
this->allVars = currentX_.size().area();
this->currentX = currentX_.getMat().reshape(1, (int)this->allVars);
CV_Assert(nvars > 0);
this->allVars = nvars;
this->currentX = Mat_<double>((int)this->allVars, 1);
CV_Assert((cb_ || cb_alt_) && !(cb_ && cb_alt_));
this->cb = cb_;
this->cb_alt = cb_alt_;
this->nerrs = nerrs_;
this->LtoR = LtoR_;
this->solveMethod = solveMethod_;
if (!mask_.empty())
CV_Assert(mask_.depth() == CV_8U);
CV_Assert(mask_.size() == currentX_.size());
int maskSize = mask_.size().area();
this->mask.create(maskSize, 1);
this->mask = Mat_<uchar>();
this->nVars = this->mask.empty() ? this->allVars : countNonZero(this->mask);
CV_Assert(this->nVars > 0);
virtual bool enableGeo() CV_OVERRIDE
useGeo = true;
return true;
virtual void prepareVars() CV_OVERRIDE
probeX = currentX.clone();
delta = Mat_<double>((int)allVars, 1);
// Allocate vars for use with mask
if (!mask.empty())
jtjFull = Mat_<double>((int)allVars, (int)allVars);
jtbFull = Mat_<double>((int)allVars, 1);
jtj = Mat_<double>((int)nVars, (int)nVars);
jtb = Mat_<double>((int)nVars, 1);
jtj = Mat_<double>((int)nVars, (int)nVars);
jtb = Mat_<double>((int)nVars, 1);
jtjFull = jtj;
jtbFull = jtb;
if (nerrs)
jLong = Mat_<double>((int)nerrs, (int)allVars);
bLong = Mat_<double>((int)nerrs, 1, CV_64F);
if (useGeo)
geoX = currentX.clone();
jtrvv = jtb.clone();
// adds x to current variables and writes result to probe vars
virtual void currentOplusX(const Mat_<double>& x, bool geo) CV_OVERRIDE
// 'unpack' the param delta
int j = 0;
if (!mask.empty())
for (int i = 0; i < (int)allVars; i++)
delta.at<double>(i) = (mask.at<uchar>(i) != 0) ? x(j++) : 0.0;
delta = x;
if (geo)
if (useGeo)
geoX = currentX + delta;
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, "Geodesic acceleration is disabled");
probeX = currentX + delta;
virtual void acceptProbe() CV_OVERRIDE
static void subMatrix(const Mat_<double>& src, Mat_<double>& dst, const Mat_<uchar>& mask)
CV_Assert(src.type() == CV_64F && dst.type() == CV_64F);
int m = src.rows, n = src.cols;
int i1 = 0, j1 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
if (mask(i))
const double* srcptr = src[i];
double* dstptr = dst[i1++];
for (int j = j1 = 0; j < n; j++)
if (n < m || mask(j))
dstptr[j1++] = srcptr[j];
virtual bool calcFunc(double& energy, bool calcEnergy = true, bool calcJacobian = false) CV_OVERRIDE
Mat_<double> xd = probeX;
double sd = 0.0;
if (calcJacobian)
if (!cb_alt)
if (cb_alt)
bool r = calcJacobian ? cb_alt(xd, jtbFull, jtjFull, sd) : cb_alt(xd, noArray(), noArray(), sd);
if (!r)
return false;
bool r = calcJacobian ? cb(xd, bLong, jLong) : cb(xd, bLong, noArray());
if (!r)
return false;
if (calcJacobian)
if (cb_alt)
completeSymm(jtjFull, LtoR);
mulTransposed(jLong, jtjFull, true);
gemm(jLong, bLong, 1, noArray(), 0, jtbFull, GEMM_1_T);
if (calcEnergy)
if (cb_alt)
energy = sd;
energy = norm(bLong, NORM_L2SQR);
if (!mask.empty())
subMatrix(jtjFull, jtj, mask);
subMatrix(jtbFull, jtb, mask);
jtj = jtjFull;
jtb = jtbFull;
return true;
virtual const Mat_<double> getDiag() CV_OVERRIDE
return jtj.diag().clone();
virtual const Mat_<double> getJtb() CV_OVERRIDE
return jtb;
virtual void setDiag(const Mat_<double>& d) CV_OVERRIDE
virtual void doJacobiScaling(const Mat_<double>& di) CV_OVERRIDE
// J := J * d_inv, d_inv = make_diag(di)
// J^T*J := (J * d_inv)^T * J * d_inv = diag(di) * (J^T * J) * diag(di) = eltwise_mul(J^T*J, di*di^T)
// J^T*b := (J * d_inv)^T * b = d_inv^T * J^T*b = eltwise_mul(J^T*b, di)
// scaling J^T*J
for (int i = 0; i < (int)nVars; i++)
double* jtjrow = jtj.ptr<double>(i);
for (int j = 0; j < (int)nVars; j++)
jtjrow[j] *= di(i) * di(j);
// scaling J^T*b
for (int i = 0; i < (int)nVars; i++)
jtb(i) *= di(i);
virtual bool decompose() CV_OVERRIDE
//TODO: do the real decomposition
return true;
virtual bool solveDecomposed(const Mat_<double>& right, Mat_<double>& x) CV_OVERRIDE
return cv::solve(jtj, -right, x, solveMethod);
// calculates J^T*f(geo)
virtual bool calcJtbv(Mat_<double>& jtbv) CV_OVERRIDE
if (cb_alt)
CV_Error(CV_StsNotImplemented, "Geodesic acceleration is not implemented for normal callbacks, please use \"long\" callbacks");
Mat_<double> b_v = bLong.clone();
bool r = cb(geoX, b_v, noArray());
if (!r)
return false;
Mat_<double> jLongFiltered(jLong.rows, (int)nVars);
int ctr = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)allVars; i++)
if (mask.empty() || mask(i))
jtbv = jLongFiltered.t() * b_v;
return true;
class LevMarq::Impl : public detail::LevMarqBase
Impl(const Ptr<detail::LevMarqBackend>& backend_, const LevMarq::Settings& settings_) :
LevMarqBase(backend_, settings_)
{ }
Report run(InputOutputArray param)
CV_Assert(!param.empty() && (param.type() == CV_64F) && (param.rows() == 1 || param.cols() == 1));
backend.dynamicCast<LevMarqDenseLinearBackend>()->currentX = param.getMat().reshape(1, param.size().area());
return optimize();
LevMarq::LevMarq(int nvars, LongCallback callback, const Settings& settings, InputArray mask,
MatrixType matrixType, VariableType paramType, int nerrs, int solveMethod)
if (matrixType != MatrixType::AUTO && matrixType != MatrixType::DENSE)
CV_Error(CV_StsNotImplemented, "General purpuse sparse solver for LevMarq is not implemented yet");
if (paramType != VariableType::LINEAR)
CV_Error(CV_StsNotImplemented, "SO(3) and SE(3) params for LevMarq are not implemented yet");
auto backend = makePtr<LevMarqDenseLinearBackend>(nvars, callback, mask, nerrs, solveMethod);
pImpl = makePtr<LevMarq::Impl>(backend, settings);
LevMarq::LevMarq(int nvars, NormalCallback callback, const Settings& settings, InputArray mask,
MatrixType matrixType, VariableType paramType, bool LtoR, int solveMethod)
if (matrixType != MatrixType::AUTO && matrixType != MatrixType::DENSE)
CV_Error(CV_StsNotImplemented, "General purpuse sparse solver for LevMarq is not implemented yet");
if (paramType != VariableType::LINEAR)
CV_Error(CV_StsNotImplemented, "SO(3) and SE(3) params for LevMarq are not implemented yet");
auto backend = makePtr<LevMarqDenseLinearBackend>(nvars, callback, mask, LtoR, solveMethod);
pImpl = makePtr<LevMarq::Impl>(backend, settings);
LevMarq::LevMarq(InputOutputArray param, LongCallback callback, const Settings& settings, InputArray mask,
MatrixType matrixType, VariableType paramType, int nerrs, int solveMethod)
if (matrixType != MatrixType::AUTO && matrixType != MatrixType::DENSE)
CV_Error(CV_StsNotImplemented, "General purpuse sparse solver for LevMarq is not implemented yet");
if (paramType != VariableType::LINEAR)
CV_Error(CV_StsNotImplemented, "SO(3) and SE(3) params for LevMarq are not implemented yet");
auto backend = makePtr<LevMarqDenseLinearBackend>(param, callback, mask, nerrs, solveMethod);
pImpl = makePtr<LevMarq::Impl>(backend, settings);
LevMarq::LevMarq(InputOutputArray param, NormalCallback callback, const Settings& settings, InputArray mask,
MatrixType matrixType, VariableType paramType, bool LtoR, int solveMethod)
if (matrixType != MatrixType::AUTO && matrixType != MatrixType::DENSE)
CV_Error(CV_StsNotImplemented, "General purpuse sparse solver for LevMarq is not implemented yet");
if (paramType != VariableType::LINEAR)
CV_Error(CV_StsNotImplemented, "SO(3) and SE(3) params for LevMarq are not implemented yet");
auto backend = makePtr<LevMarqDenseLinearBackend>(param, callback, mask, LtoR, solveMethod);
pImpl = makePtr<LevMarq::Impl>(backend, settings);
LevMarq::Report LevMarq::optimize()
return pImpl->optimize();
LevMarq::Report LevMarq::run(InputOutputArray param)
return pImpl->run(param);