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synced 2024-12-12 07:09:12 +08:00
When using OCL, the results of goodFeaturesToTrack() vary slightly from run to run. This appears to be because the order of the results from the findCorners kernel depends on thread execution and the sorting function that is used at the end to rank the features only enforces are partial sort order. This does not materially impact the quality of the results, but it makes it hard to build regression tests and generally introduces noise into the system that should be avoided. An easy fix is to change the sort function to enforce a total sort on the features, even in cases where the match quality is exactly the same for two features.
441 lines
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441 lines
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#include "precomp.hpp"
#include "opencl_kernels_imgproc.hpp"
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
namespace cv
struct greaterThanPtr :
public std::binary_function<const float *, const float *, bool>
bool operator () (const float * a, const float * b) const
// Ensure a fully deterministic result of the sort
{ return (*a > *b) ? true : (*a < *b) ? false : (a > b); }
struct Corner
float val;
short y;
short x;
bool operator < (const Corner & c) const
// Ensure a fully deterministic result of the sort
{ return (val > c.val) ? true : (val < c.val) ? false : (y > c.y) ? true : (y < c.y) ? false : (x > c.x); }
static bool ocl_goodFeaturesToTrack( InputArray _image, OutputArray _corners,
int maxCorners, double qualityLevel, double minDistance,
InputArray _mask, int blockSize,
bool useHarrisDetector, double harrisK )
UMat eig, maxEigenValue;
if( useHarrisDetector )
cornerHarris( _image, eig, blockSize, 3, harrisK );
cornerMinEigenVal( _image, eig, blockSize, 3 );
Size imgsize = _image.size();
size_t total, i, j, ncorners = 0, possibleCornersCount =
std::max(1024, static_cast<int>(imgsize.area() * 0.1));
bool haveMask = !_mask.empty();
UMat corners_buffer(1, (int)possibleCornersCount + 1, CV_32FC2);
CV_Assert(sizeof(Corner) == corners_buffer.elemSize());
Mat tmpCorners;
// find threshold
CV_Assert(eig.type() == CV_32FC1);
int dbsize = ocl::Device::getDefault().maxComputeUnits();
size_t wgs = ocl::Device::getDefault().maxWorkGroupSize();
int wgs2_aligned = 1;
while (wgs2_aligned < (int)wgs)
wgs2_aligned <<= 1;
wgs2_aligned >>= 1;
ocl::Kernel k("maxEigenVal", ocl::imgproc::gftt_oclsrc,
format("-D OP_MAX_EIGEN_VAL -D WGS=%d -D groupnum=%d -D WGS2_ALIGNED=%d%s",
(int)wgs, dbsize, wgs2_aligned, haveMask ? " -D HAVE_MASK" : ""));
if (k.empty())
return false;
UMat mask = _mask.getUMat();
maxEigenValue.create(1, dbsize, CV_32FC1);
ocl::KernelArg eigarg = ocl::KernelArg::ReadOnlyNoSize(eig),
dbarg = ocl::KernelArg::PtrWriteOnly(maxEigenValue),
maskarg = ocl::KernelArg::ReadOnlyNoSize(mask),
cornersarg = ocl::KernelArg::PtrWriteOnly(corners_buffer);
if (haveMask)
k.args(eigarg, eig.cols, (int)eig.total(), dbarg, maskarg);
k.args(eigarg, eig.cols, (int)eig.total(), dbarg);
size_t globalsize = dbsize * wgs;
if (!k.run(1, &globalsize, &wgs, false))
return false;
ocl::Kernel k2("maxEigenValTask", ocl::imgproc::gftt_oclsrc,
format("-D OP_MAX_EIGEN_VAL -D WGS=%d -D WGS2_ALIGNED=%d -D groupnum=%d",
wgs, wgs2_aligned, dbsize));
if (k2.empty())
return false;
k2.args(dbarg, (float)qualityLevel, cornersarg);
if (!k2.runTask(false))
return false;
// collect list of pointers to features - put them into temporary image
ocl::Kernel k("findCorners", ocl::imgproc::gftt_oclsrc,
format("-D OP_FIND_CORNERS%s", haveMask ? " -D HAVE_MASK" : ""));
if (k.empty())
return false;
ocl::KernelArg eigarg = ocl::KernelArg::ReadOnlyNoSize(eig),
cornersarg = ocl::KernelArg::PtrWriteOnly(corners_buffer),
thresholdarg = ocl::KernelArg::PtrReadOnly(maxEigenValue);
if (!haveMask)
k.args(eigarg, cornersarg, eig.rows - 2, eig.cols - 2, thresholdarg,
UMat mask = _mask.getUMat();
k.args(eigarg, ocl::KernelArg::ReadOnlyNoSize(mask),
cornersarg, eig.rows - 2, eig.cols - 2,
thresholdarg, (int)possibleCornersCount);
size_t globalsize[2] = { (size_t)eig.cols - 2, (size_t)eig.rows - 2 };
if (!k.run(2, globalsize, NULL, false))
return false;
tmpCorners = corners_buffer.getMat(ACCESS_RW);
total = std::min<size_t>(tmpCorners.at<Vec2i>(0, 0)[0], possibleCornersCount);
if (total == 0)
return true;
Corner* corner_ptr = tmpCorners.ptr<Corner>() + 1;
std::sort(corner_ptr, corner_ptr + total);
std::vector<Point2f> corners;
if (minDistance >= 1)
// Partition the image into larger grids
int w = imgsize.width, h = imgsize.height;
const int cell_size = cvRound(minDistance);
const int grid_width = (w + cell_size - 1) / cell_size;
const int grid_height = (h + cell_size - 1) / cell_size;
std::vector<std::vector<Point2f> > grid(grid_width*grid_height);
minDistance *= minDistance;
for( i = 0; i < total; i++ )
const Corner & c = corner_ptr[i];
bool good = true;
int x_cell = c.x / cell_size;
int y_cell = c.y / cell_size;
int x1 = x_cell - 1;
int y1 = y_cell - 1;
int x2 = x_cell + 1;
int y2 = y_cell + 1;
// boundary check
x1 = std::max(0, x1);
y1 = std::max(0, y1);
x2 = std::min(grid_width - 1, x2);
y2 = std::min(grid_height - 1, y2);
for( int yy = y1; yy <= y2; yy++ )
for( int xx = x1; xx <= x2; xx++ )
std::vector<Point2f> &m = grid[yy * grid_width + xx];
if( m.size() )
for(j = 0; j < m.size(); j++)
float dx = c.x - m[j].x;
float dy = c.y - m[j].y;
if( dx*dx + dy*dy < minDistance )
good = false;
goto break_out;
if (good)
grid[y_cell*grid_width + x_cell].push_back(Point2f((float)c.x, (float)c.y));
corners.push_back(Point2f((float)c.x, (float)c.y));
if( maxCorners > 0 && (int)ncorners == maxCorners )
for( i = 0; i < total; i++ )
const Corner & c = corner_ptr[i];
corners.push_back(Point2f((float)c.x, (float)c.y));
if( maxCorners > 0 && (int)ncorners == maxCorners )
Mat(corners).convertTo(_corners, _corners.fixedType() ? _corners.type() : CV_32F);
return true;
void cv::goodFeaturesToTrack( InputArray _image, OutputArray _corners,
int maxCorners, double qualityLevel, double minDistance,
InputArray _mask, int blockSize,
bool useHarrisDetector, double harrisK )
CV_Assert( qualityLevel > 0 && minDistance >= 0 && maxCorners >= 0 );
CV_Assert( _mask.empty() || (_mask.type() == CV_8UC1 && _mask.sameSize(_image)) );
CV_OCL_RUN(_image.dims() <= 2 && _image.isUMat(),
ocl_goodFeaturesToTrack(_image, _corners, maxCorners, qualityLevel, minDistance,
_mask, blockSize, useHarrisDetector, harrisK))
Mat image = _image.getMat(), eig, tmp;
if (image.empty())
if( useHarrisDetector )
cornerHarris( image, eig, blockSize, 3, harrisK );
cornerMinEigenVal( image, eig, blockSize, 3 );
double maxVal = 0;
minMaxLoc( eig, 0, &maxVal, 0, 0, _mask );
threshold( eig, eig, maxVal*qualityLevel, 0, THRESH_TOZERO );
dilate( eig, tmp, Mat());
Size imgsize = image.size();
std::vector<const float*> tmpCorners;
// collect list of pointers to features - put them into temporary image
Mat mask = _mask.getMat();
for( int y = 1; y < imgsize.height - 1; y++ )
const float* eig_data = (const float*)eig.ptr(y);
const float* tmp_data = (const float*)tmp.ptr(y);
const uchar* mask_data = mask.data ? mask.ptr(y) : 0;
for( int x = 1; x < imgsize.width - 1; x++ )
float val = eig_data[x];
if( val != 0 && val == tmp_data[x] && (!mask_data || mask_data[x]) )
tmpCorners.push_back(eig_data + x);
std::vector<Point2f> corners;
size_t i, j, total = tmpCorners.size(), ncorners = 0;
if (total == 0)
std::sort( tmpCorners.begin(), tmpCorners.end(), greaterThanPtr() );
if (minDistance >= 1)
// Partition the image into larger grids
int w = image.cols;
int h = image.rows;
const int cell_size = cvRound(minDistance);
const int grid_width = (w + cell_size - 1) / cell_size;
const int grid_height = (h + cell_size - 1) / cell_size;
std::vector<std::vector<Point2f> > grid(grid_width*grid_height);
minDistance *= minDistance;
for( i = 0; i < total; i++ )
int ofs = (int)((const uchar*)tmpCorners[i] - eig.ptr());
int y = (int)(ofs / eig.step);
int x = (int)((ofs - y*eig.step)/sizeof(float));
bool good = true;
int x_cell = x / cell_size;
int y_cell = y / cell_size;
int x1 = x_cell - 1;
int y1 = y_cell - 1;
int x2 = x_cell + 1;
int y2 = y_cell + 1;
// boundary check
x1 = std::max(0, x1);
y1 = std::max(0, y1);
x2 = std::min(grid_width-1, x2);
y2 = std::min(grid_height-1, y2);
for( int yy = y1; yy <= y2; yy++ )
for( int xx = x1; xx <= x2; xx++ )
std::vector <Point2f> &m = grid[yy*grid_width + xx];
if( m.size() )
for(j = 0; j < m.size(); j++)
float dx = x - m[j].x;
float dy = y - m[j].y;
if( dx*dx + dy*dy < minDistance )
good = false;
goto break_out;
if (good)
grid[y_cell*grid_width + x_cell].push_back(Point2f((float)x, (float)y));
corners.push_back(Point2f((float)x, (float)y));
if( maxCorners > 0 && (int)ncorners == maxCorners )
for( i = 0; i < total; i++ )
int ofs = (int)((const uchar*)tmpCorners[i] - eig.ptr());
int y = (int)(ofs / eig.step);
int x = (int)((ofs - y*eig.step)/sizeof(float));
corners.push_back(Point2f((float)x, (float)y));
if( maxCorners > 0 && (int)ncorners == maxCorners )
Mat(corners).convertTo(_corners, _corners.fixedType() ? _corners.type() : CV_32F);
CV_IMPL void
cvGoodFeaturesToTrack( const void* _image, void*, void*,
CvPoint2D32f* _corners, int *_corner_count,
double quality_level, double min_distance,
const void* _maskImage, int block_size,
int use_harris, double harris_k )
cv::Mat image = cv::cvarrToMat(_image), mask;
std::vector<cv::Point2f> corners;
if( _maskImage )
mask = cv::cvarrToMat(_maskImage);
CV_Assert( _corners && _corner_count );
cv::goodFeaturesToTrack( image, corners, *_corner_count, quality_level,
min_distance, mask, block_size, use_harris != 0, harris_k );
size_t i, ncorners = corners.size();
for( i = 0; i < ncorners; i++ )
_corners[i] = corners[i];
*_corner_count = (int)ncorners;
/* End of file. */