Liangqian e4c7fca755
Merge pull request #19098 from chargerKong:EulerAngle
* add to/from Euler Angles

* restruct codes

* quat: optimize implementation

* cleanup debug code

* correct spelling errors

* create QuatEnum for enum EulerAnglesType

* use for loop for test_quaternion

* drop template from isIntAngleType & add minimal error information in test_quaternion.cpp

Co-authored-by: ShanChenqi <>
Co-authored-by: Alexander Alekhin <>
2020-12-31 10:32:12 +00:00

326 lines
14 KiB

// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include "test_precomp.hpp"
#include <opencv2/core/quaternion.hpp>
#include <opencv2/ts/cuda_test.hpp>
using namespace cv;
namespace opencv_test{ namespace {
class QuatTest: public ::testing::Test {
void SetUp() override
q1 = {1,2,3,4};
q2 = {2.5,-2,3.5,4};
q1Unit = {1 / sqrt(30), sqrt(2) /sqrt(15), sqrt(3) / sqrt(10), 2 * sqrt(2) / sqrt(15)};
q1Inv = {1.0 / 30, -1.0 / 15, -1.0 / 10, -2.0 / 15};
double scalar = 2.5;
double angle = CV_PI;
double qNorm2 = 2;
Vec<double, 3> axis{1, 1, 1};
Vec<double, 3> unAxis{0, 0, 0};
Vec<double, 3> unitAxis{1.0 / sqrt(3), 1.0 / sqrt(3), 1.0 / sqrt(3)};
Quatd q3 = Quatd::createFromAngleAxis(angle, axis);
Quatd q3UnitAxis = Quatd::createFromAngleAxis(angle, unitAxis);
Quat<double> q3Norm2 = q3 * qNorm2;
Quat<double> q1Inv;
Quat<double> q1;
Quat<double> q2;
Quat<double> q1Unit;
Quatd qNull{0, 0, 0, 0};
Quatd qIdentity{1, 0, 0, 0};
QuatAssumeType assumeUnit = QUAT_ASSUME_UNIT;
TEST_F(QuatTest, constructor){
Vec<double, 4> coeff{1, 2, 3, 4};
EXPECT_EQ(Quat<double> (coeff), q1);
EXPECT_EQ(q3, q3UnitAxis);
EXPECT_ANY_THROW(Quatd::createFromAngleAxis(angle, unAxis));
Matx33d R1{
-1.0 / 3, 2.0 / 3 , 2.0 / 3,
2.0 / 3 , -1.0 / 3, 2.0 / 3,
2.0 / 3 , 2.0 / 3 , -1.0 / 3
Matx33d R2{
-2.0 / 3, -2.0 / 3, -1.0 / 3,
-2.0 / 3, 1.0 / 3, 2.0 / 3,
-1.0 / 3, 2.0 / 3, -2.0 / 3
Matx33d R3{
0.818181818181, 0.181818181818, 0.54545455454,
0.545454545545, -0.54545454545, -0.6363636364,
0.181818181818, 0.818181818182, -0.5454545455
Matx33d R4{
0.818181818181, -0.181818181818, 0.54545455454,
0.545454545545, 0.54545454545, -0.6363636364,
-0.181818181818, 0.818181818182, 0.5454545455
Quatd qMat = Quatd::createFromRotMat(R1);
Quatd qMat2 = Quatd::createFromRotMat(R2);
Quatd qMat3 = Quatd::createFromRotMat(R3);
Quatd qMat4 = Quatd::createFromRotMat(R4);
EXPECT_EQ(qMat2, Quatd(0, -0.408248290463, 0.816496580927, 0.408248904638));
EXPECT_EQ(qMat3, Quatd(-0.426401432711,-0.852802865422, -0.213200716355, -0.2132007163));
EXPECT_EQ(qMat, q3);
EXPECT_EQ(qMat4, -Quatd(0.852802865422, 0.426401432711221, 0.2132007163556, 0.2132007163));
Vec3d rot{angle / sqrt(3),angle / sqrt(3), angle / sqrt(3)};
Quatd rotQuad{0, 1.0 / sqrt(3), 1. / sqrt(3), 1. / sqrt(3)};
Quatd qRot = Quatd::createFromRvec(rot);
EXPECT_EQ(qRot, rotQuad);
EXPECT_EQ(Quatd::createFromRvec(Vec3d(0, 0, 0)), qIdentity);
TEST_F(QuatTest, basicfuns){
Quat<double> q1Conj{1, -2, -3, -4};
EXPECT_EQ(q3Norm2.normalize(), q3);
EXPECT_EQ(q1.norm(), sqrt(30));
EXPECT_EQ(q1.normalize(), q1Unit);
EXPECT_EQ(q1.conjugate(), q1Conj);
EXPECT_EQ(q1.inv(), q1Inv);
EXPECT_EQ(inv(q1), q1Inv);
EXPECT_EQ(q3.inv(assumeUnit) * q3, qIdentity);
EXPECT_EQ(q1.inv() * q1, qIdentity);
Matx33d R{
-2.0 / 3, 2.0 / 15 , 11.0 / 15,
2.0 / 3 , -1.0 / 3 , 2.0 / 3 ,
1.0 / 3 , 14.0 / 15, 2.0 / 15
Matx33d q1RotMat = q1.toRotMat3x3();
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(q1RotMat, R, 1e-6);
Vec3d z_axis{0,0,1};
Quatd q_unit1 = Quatd::createFromAngleAxis(angle, z_axis);
Mat pointsA = (Mat_<double>(2, 3) << 1,0,0,1,0,1);
pointsA = pointsA.t();
Mat new_point = q_unit1.toRotMat3x3() * pointsA;
Mat afterRo = (Mat_<double>(3, 2) << -1,-1,0,0,0,1);
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(afterRo, new_point, 1e-6);
Vec3d rodVec{CV_PI/sqrt(3), CV_PI/sqrt(3), CV_PI/sqrt(3)};
Vec3d q3Rod = q3.toRotVec();
EXPECT_NEAR(q3Rod[0], rodVec[0], 1e-6);
EXPECT_NEAR(q3Rod[1], rodVec[1], 1e-6);
EXPECT_NEAR(q3Rod[2], rodVec[2], 1e-6);
EXPECT_EQ(log(q1Unit, assumeUnit), log(q1Unit));
EXPECT_EQ(log(qIdentity, assumeUnit), qNull);
EXPECT_EQ(log(q3), Quatd(0, angle * unitAxis[0] / 2, angle * unitAxis[1] / 2, angle * unitAxis[2] / 2));
EXPECT_EQ(log(Quatd(exp(1), 0, 0, 0)), qIdentity);
EXPECT_EQ(exp(qIdentity), Quatd(exp(1), 0, 0, 0));
EXPECT_EQ(exp(qNull), qIdentity);
EXPECT_EQ(exp(Quatd(0, angle * unitAxis[0] / 2, angle * unitAxis[1] / 2, angle * unitAxis[2] / 2)), q3);
EXPECT_EQ(power(q3, 2.0), Quatd::createFromAngleAxis(2*angle, axis));
EXPECT_EQ(power(Quatd(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5), 2.0, assumeUnit), Quatd(-0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5));
EXPECT_EQ(power(Quatd(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5), -2.0), Quatd(-0.5,-0.5,-0.5,-0.5));
EXPECT_EQ(sqrt(q1), power(q1, 0.5));
EXPECT_EQ(exp(q3 * log(q1)), power(q1, q3));
EXPECT_EQ(exp(q1 * log(q3)), power(q3, q1, assumeUnit));
EXPECT_EQ(crossProduct(q1, q3), (q1 * q3 - q3 * q1) / 2);
EXPECT_EQ(sinh(qNull), qNull);
EXPECT_EQ(sinh(q1), (exp(q1) - exp(-q1)) / 2);
EXPECT_EQ(sinh(qIdentity), Quatd(sinh(1), 0, 0, 0));
EXPECT_EQ(sinh(q1), Quatd(0.73233760604, -0.44820744998, -0.67231117497, -0.8964148999610843));
EXPECT_EQ(cosh(qNull), qIdentity);
EXPECT_EQ(cosh(q1), Quatd(0.961585117636, -0.34135217456, -0.51202826184, -0.682704349122));
EXPECT_EQ(tanh(q1), sinh(q1) * inv(cosh(q1)));
EXPECT_EQ(sin(qNull), qNull);
EXPECT_EQ(sin(q1), Quatd(91.78371578403, 21.88648685303, 32.829730279543, 43.772973706058));
EXPECT_EQ(cos(qNull), qIdentity);
EXPECT_EQ(cos(q1), Quatd(58.9336461679, -34.0861836904, -51.12927553569, -68.17236738093));
EXPECT_EQ(tan(q1), sin(q1)/cos(q1));
EXPECT_EQ(sinh(asinh(q1)), q1);
Quatd c1 = asinh(sinh(q1));
EXPECT_EQ(sinh(c1), sinh(q1));
EXPECT_EQ(cosh(acosh(q1)), q1);
c1 = acosh(cosh(q1));
EXPECT_EQ(cosh(c1), cosh(q1));
EXPECT_EQ(tanh(atanh(q1)), q1);
c1 = atanh(tanh(q1));
EXPECT_EQ(tanh(q1), tanh(c1));
EXPECT_EQ(asin(sin(q1)), q1);
EXPECT_EQ(sin(asin(q1)), q1);
EXPECT_EQ(acos(cos(q1)), q1);
EXPECT_EQ(cos(acos(q1)), q1);
EXPECT_EQ(atan(tan(q3)), q3);
EXPECT_EQ(tan(atan(q1)), q1);
TEST_F(QuatTest, operator){
Quatd minusQ{-1, -2, -3, -4};
Quatd qAdd{3.5, 0, 6.5, 8};
Quatd qMinus{-1.5, 4, -0.5, 0};
Quatd qMultq{-20, 1, -5, 27};
Quatd qMults{2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0};
Quatd qDvss{1.0 / 2.5, 2.0 / 2.5, 3.0 / 2.5, 4.0 / 2.5};
Quatd qOrigin(q1);
EXPECT_EQ(-q1, minusQ);
EXPECT_EQ(q1 + q2, qAdd);
EXPECT_EQ(q1 + scalar, Quatd(3.5, 2, 3, 4));
EXPECT_EQ(scalar + q1, Quatd(3.5, 2, 3, 4));
EXPECT_EQ(q1 + 2.0, Quatd(3, 2, 3, 4));
EXPECT_EQ(2.0 + q1, Quatd(3, 2, 3, 4));
EXPECT_EQ(q1 - q2, qMinus);
EXPECT_EQ(q1 - scalar, Quatd(-1.5, 2, 3, 4));
EXPECT_EQ(scalar - q1, Quatd(1.5, -2, -3, -4));
EXPECT_EQ(q1 - 2.0, Quatd(-1, 2, 3, 4));
EXPECT_EQ(2.0 - q1, Quatd(1, -2, -3, -4));
EXPECT_EQ(q1 * q2, qMultq);
EXPECT_EQ(q1 * scalar, qMults);
EXPECT_EQ(scalar * q1, qMults);
EXPECT_EQ(q1 / q1, qIdentity);
EXPECT_EQ(q1 / scalar, qDvss);
q1 += q2;
EXPECT_EQ(q1, qAdd);
q1 -= q2;
EXPECT_EQ(q1, qOrigin);
q1 *= q2;
EXPECT_EQ(q1, qMultq);
q1 /= q2;
EXPECT_EQ(q1, qOrigin);
q1 *= scalar;
EXPECT_EQ(q1, qMults);
q1 /= scalar;
EXPECT_EQ(q1, qOrigin);
TEST_F(QuatTest, quatAttrs){
double angleQ1 = 2 * acos(1.0 / sqrt(30));
Vec3d axis1{0.3713906763541037, 0.557086014, 0.742781352};
Vec<double, 3> q1axis1 = q1.getAxis();
EXPECT_EQ(angleQ1, q1.getAngle());
EXPECT_EQ(angleQ1, q1Unit.getAngle());
EXPECT_EQ(angleQ1, q1Unit.getAngle(assumeUnit));
EXPECT_EQ(0, qIdentity.getAngle());
EXPECT_NEAR(axis1[0], q1axis1[0], 1e-6);
EXPECT_NEAR(axis1[1], q1axis1[1], 1e-6);
EXPECT_NEAR(axis1[2], q1axis1[2], 1e-6);
EXPECT_NEAR(q3Norm2.norm(), qNorm2, 1e-6);
EXPECT_EQ(q3Norm2.getAngle(), angle);
EXPECT_NEAR(axis1[0], axis1[0], 1e-6);
EXPECT_NEAR(axis1[1], axis1[1], 1e-6);
EXPECT_NEAR(axis1[2], axis1[2], 1e-6);
TEST_F(QuatTest, interpolation){
Quatd qNoRot = Quatd::createFromAngleAxis(0, axis);
Quatd qLerpInter(1.0 / 2, sqrt(3) / 6, sqrt(3) / 6, sqrt(3) / 6);
EXPECT_EQ(Quatd::lerp(qNoRot, q3, 0), qNoRot);
EXPECT_EQ(Quatd::lerp(qNoRot, q3, 1), q3);
EXPECT_EQ(Quatd::lerp(qNoRot, q3, 0.5), qLerpInter);
Quatd q3NrNn2 = qNoRot * qNorm2;
EXPECT_EQ(Quatd::nlerp(q3NrNn2, q3Norm2, 0), qNoRot);
EXPECT_EQ(Quatd::nlerp(q3NrNn2, q3Norm2, 1), q3);
EXPECT_EQ(Quatd::nlerp(q3NrNn2, q3Norm2, 0.5), qLerpInter.normalize());
EXPECT_EQ(Quatd::nlerp(qNoRot, q3, 0, assumeUnit), qNoRot);
EXPECT_EQ(Quatd::nlerp(qNoRot, q3, 1, assumeUnit), q3);
EXPECT_EQ(Quatd::nlerp(qNoRot, q3, 0.5, assumeUnit), qLerpInter.normalize());
Quatd q3Minus(-q3);
EXPECT_EQ(Quatd::nlerp(qNoRot, q3, 0.4), -Quatd::nlerp(qNoRot, q3Minus, 0.4));
EXPECT_EQ(Quatd::slerp(qNoRot, q3, 0, assumeUnit), qNoRot);
EXPECT_EQ(Quatd::slerp(qNoRot, q3, 1, assumeUnit), q3);
EXPECT_EQ(Quatd::slerp(qNoRot, q3, 0.5, assumeUnit), -Quatd::nlerp(qNoRot, -q3, 0.5, assumeUnit));
EXPECT_EQ(Quatd::slerp(qNoRot, q1, 0.5), Quatd(0.76895194, 0.2374325, 0.35614876, 0.47486501));
EXPECT_EQ(Quatd::slerp(-qNoRot, q1, 0.5), Quatd(0.76895194, 0.2374325, 0.35614876, 0.47486501));
EXPECT_EQ(Quatd::slerp(qNoRot, -q1, 0.5), -Quatd::slerp(-qNoRot, q1, 0.5));
Quat<double> tr1 = Quatd::createFromAngleAxis(0, axis);
Quat<double> tr2 = Quatd::createFromAngleAxis(angle / 2, axis);
Quat<double> tr3 = Quatd::createFromAngleAxis(angle, axis);
Quat<double> tr4 = Quatd::createFromAngleAxis(angle, Vec3d{-1/sqrt(2),0,1/(sqrt(2))});
EXPECT_ANY_THROW(Quatd::spline(qNull, tr1, tr2, tr3, 0));
EXPECT_EQ(Quatd::spline(tr1, tr2, tr3, tr4, 0), tr2);
EXPECT_EQ(Quatd::spline(tr1, tr2, tr3, tr4, 1), tr3);
EXPECT_EQ(Quatd::spline(tr1, tr2, tr3, tr4, 0.6, assumeUnit), Quatd::spline(tr1, tr2, tr3, tr4, 0.6));
EXPECT_EQ(Quatd::spline(tr1, tr2, tr3, tr3, 0.5), Quatd::spline(tr1, -tr2, tr3, tr3, 0.5));
EXPECT_EQ(Quatd::spline(tr1, tr2, tr3, tr3, 0.5), -Quatd::spline(-tr1, -tr2, -tr3, tr3, 0.5));
EXPECT_EQ(Quatd::spline(tr1, tr2, tr3, tr3, 0.5), Quatd(0.336889853392, 0.543600719487, 0.543600719487, 0.543600719487));
static const Quatd qEuler[24] = {
Quatd(0.7233214, 0.3919013, 0.2005605, 0.5319728), //INT_XYZ
Quatd(0.8223654, 0.0222635, 0.3604221, 0.4396766), //INT_XZY
Quatd(0.822365, 0.439677, 0.0222635, 0.360422), //INT_YXZ
Quatd(0.723321, 0.531973, 0.391901, 0.20056), //INT_YZX
Quatd(0.723321, 0.20056, 0.531973, 0.391901), //INT_ZXY
Quatd(0.822365, 0.360422, 0.439677, 0.0222635), //INT_ZYX
Quatd(0.653285, 0.65328, 0.369641, -0.0990435), //INT_XYX
Quatd(0.653285, 0.65328, 0.0990435, 0.369641), //INT_XZX
Quatd(0.653285, 0.369641, 0.65328, 0.0990435), //INT_YXY
Quatd(0.653285, -0.0990435, 0.65328, 0.369641), //INT_YZY
Quatd(0.653285, 0.369641, -0.0990435, 0.65328), //INT_ZXZ
Quatd(0.653285, 0.0990435, 0.369641, 0.65328), //INT_ZYZ
Quatd(0.822365, 0.0222635, 0.439677, 0.360422), //EXT_XYZ
Quatd(0.723321, 0.391901, 0.531973, 0.20056), //EXT_XZY
Quatd(0.723321, 0.20056, 0.391901, 0.531973), //EXT_YXZ
Quatd(0.822365, 0.360422, 0.0222635, 0.439677), //EXT_YZX
Quatd(0.822365, 0.439677, 0.360422, 0.0222635), //EXT_ZXY
Quatd(0.723321, 0.531973, 0.20056, 0.391901), //EXT_ZYX
Quatd(0.653285, 0.65328, 0.369641, 0.0990435), //EXT_XYX
Quatd(0.653285, 0.65328, -0.0990435, 0.369641), //EXT_XZX
Quatd(0.653285, 0.369641, 0.65328, -0.0990435), //EXT_YXY
Quatd(0.653285, 0.0990435, 0.65328, 0.369641), //EXT_YZY
Quatd(0.653285, 0.369641, 0.0990435, 0.65328), //EXT_ZXZ
Quatd(0.653285, -0.0990435, 0.369641, 0.65328) //EXT_ZYZ
TEST_F(QuatTest, EulerAngles){
Vec3d test_angle = {0.523598, 0.78539, 1.04719};
for (QuatEnum::EulerAnglesType i = QuatEnum::EulerAnglesType::INT_XYZ; i <= QuatEnum::EulerAnglesType::EXT_ZYZ; i = (QuatEnum::EulerAnglesType)(i + 1))
SCOPED_TRACE(cv::format("EulerAnglesType=%d", i));
Quatd q = Quatd::createFromEulerAngles(test_angle, i);
EXPECT_EQ(q, qEuler[i]);
Vec3d Euler_Angles = q.toEulerAngles(i);
EXPECT_NEAR(Euler_Angles[0], test_angle[0], 1e-6);
EXPECT_NEAR(Euler_Angles[1], test_angle[1], 1e-6);
EXPECT_NEAR(Euler_Angles[2], test_angle[2], 1e-6);
Quatd qEuler0 = {0, 0, 0, 0};
Quatd qEulerLock1 = {0.5612665, 0.43042, 0.5607083, 0.4304935};
Vec3d test_angle_lock1 = {1.3089878, CV_PI * 0.5, 0};
Vec3d Euler_Angles_solute_1 = qEulerLock1.toEulerAngles(QuatEnum::INT_XYZ);
EXPECT_NEAR(Euler_Angles_solute_1[0], test_angle_lock1[0], 1e-6);
EXPECT_NEAR(Euler_Angles_solute_1[1], test_angle_lock1[1], 1e-6);
EXPECT_NEAR(Euler_Angles_solute_1[2], test_angle_lock1[2], 1e-6);
Quatd qEulerLock2 = {0.7010574, 0.0922963, 0.7010573, -0.0922961};
Vec3d test_angle_lock2 = {-0.2618, CV_PI * 0.5, 0};
Vec3d Euler_Angles_solute_2 = qEulerLock2.toEulerAngles(QuatEnum::INT_ZYX);
EXPECT_NEAR(Euler_Angles_solute_2[0], test_angle_lock2[0], 1e-6);
EXPECT_NEAR(Euler_Angles_solute_2[1], test_angle_lock2[1], 1e-6);
EXPECT_NEAR(Euler_Angles_solute_2[2], test_angle_lock2[2], 1e-6);
Vec3d test_angle6 = {CV_PI * 0.25, CV_PI * 0.5, CV_PI * 0.25};
Vec3d test_angle7 = {CV_PI * 0.5, CV_PI * 0.5, 0};
EXPECT_EQ(Quatd::createFromEulerAngles(test_angle6, QuatEnum::INT_ZXY), Quatd::createFromEulerAngles(test_angle7, QuatEnum::INT_ZXY));
} // namespace
}// opencv_test