[GSoC] OpenCV.js: WASM SIMD optimization 2.0
* gsoc_2020_simd Add perf test for filter2d
* add perf test for kernel scharr and kernel gaussianBlur
* add perf test for blur, medianBlur, erode, dilate
* fix the errors for the opencv PR robot
fix the trailing whitespace.
* add perf tests for kernel remap, warpAffine, warpPersepective, pyrDown
* fix a bug in modules/js/perf/perf_imgproc/perf_remap.js
* add function smoothBorder in helpfun.js and remove replicated function in perf test of warpAffine and warpPrespective
* fix the trailing white space issues
* add OpenCV.js loader
* Implement the Loader with help of WebAssembly Feature Detection, remove trailing whitespaces
* modify the explantion for loader in js_setup.markdown and fix bug in loader.js
[GSoC 2019] Improve the performance of JavaScript version of OpenCV (OpenCV.js)
* [GSoC 2019]
Improve the performance of JavaScript version of OpenCV (OpenCV.js):
1. Create the base of OpenCV.js performance test:
This perf test is based on benchmark.js(https://benchmarkjs.com). And first add `cvtColor`, `Resize`, `Threshold` into it.
2. Optimize the OpenCV.js performance by WASM threads:
This optimization is based on Web Worker API and SharedArrayBuffer, so it can be only used in browser.
3. Optimize the OpenCV.js performance by WASM SIMD:
Add WASM SIMD backend for OpenCV Universal Intrinsics. It's experimental as WASM SIMD is still in development.
* [GSoC2019]
1. use short license header
2. fix documentation node issue
3. remove the unused `hasSIMD128()` api
* [GSoC2019]
1. fix emscripten define
2. use fallback function for f16
* [GSoC2019]
Fix rebase issue
* in embindgen.py added inpaint function
* added test for inpaint function and fixed function in build_js
* fixed test for inpaint function
* rotate deleted, build_js.py fixed
* Enable Javascript bindings for photo module.
1. Enable the build flag in build_js.py.
2. Append js into WRAP list of photo’s CMakefiles.txt
3. Add photo module's API into JS API whitelist (embindgen.py)
Exposing the HDR imaging part of photo module.
Add tests
Fix opencv/doc/js_tutorials/
* [WIP] TODO: Add tests
* Remove TonemapDurand: algorithm patented in US, so moved to opencv_contrib
* Fix ningxin's comment: expose the base class.
* Add some more simple binding tests.
Also expose process function