8 Configure Remote Storage
Xiangxuan Qu edited this page 2023-05-24 23:25:51 +09:00

Supported Vendors

Here are a list of vendors supported. For other S3 compatible vendors, you can use just s3, but usually you may need to tweak these parameters:

remote.configure -name=cloud1 -type=s3 -s3.access_key=xxx -s3.secret_key=yyy -s3.endpoint=zzzzz -s3.force_path_style=true -s3.v4_signature=false
Name Type Note Reference
AWS S3 s3
Google Cloud Storage gcs https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/getting-started
Azure Blob Storage azure https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/common/storage-account-keys-manage
BackBlaze b2 Endpoint format: s3.[region]. backblazeb2.com https://help.backblaze.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047425453-Getting-Started-with-the-S3-Compatible-API
Wasabi wasabi Endpoint format: s3.[region].wasabisys.com https://wasabi-support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015106031-What-are-the-service-URLs-for-Wasabi-s-different-storage-regions-
Storj storj
Filebase filebase
Aliyun 对象存储 OSS aliyun Endpoint format: oss-[region]-aliyuncs.com https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/31837.htm
Tencent 对象存储 COS tencent Endpoint format: cos.[region].myqcloud.com https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/436/6224
Baidu 对象存储 BOS baidu Endpoint format: s3.[region].bcebos.com https://cloud.baidu.com/doc/BOS/s/ojwvyq973

Configure Remote Storage

Remote Storage should be configured first before being used.

Run remote.configure in weed shell:

> help remote.configure
  remote.configure	# remote storage configuration

	# see the current configurations

	# set or update a configuration
        # storage class default value is "STANDARD_IA"
	remote.configure -name=cloud1 -type=s3 -s3.access_key=xxx -s3.secret_key=yyy -s3.storage_class="STANDARD"
	remote.configure -name=cloud2 -type=gcs -gcs.appCredentialsFile=~/service-account-file.json
	remote.configure -name=cloud3 -type=azure -azure.account_name=xxx -azure.account_key=yyy

	# delete one configuration
	remote.configure -delete -name=cloud1

In the above example, a remote storage is configured to name cloud1, which is the name to reference files stored on this account.

The access key and secret key can be changed on the fly.